Famous phrases by John Grinder

Famous phrases by John Grinder

John Grinder is an American psychologist and linguist, who worked for many years as a professor at the University of California. In this study center, meet Richard Blander, with whom he will work to create the personal development model called neurolinguistic programming. Being the author of the NLP, John Grinder has many remarkable phrases approaches communication, perception of reality, change, learning and success.

Phrases about the perception of reality

The way we think affects our body, and how we use our bodies affects the way we think.

It is easy to feel depressed if one looks down all the time down.

If you go to the world seeking excellence, you will find excellence; If you go to the world looking for problems, you will find problems. Or, as the Arab proverb says: what can mean a piece of bread will depend on having hunger or not.

Human beings live in a real world. However, we do not operate directly or immediately on that world, but we operate with a map or with a series of maps or models that we use to guide our behavior.

We live in a culture that believes that most of everything we do we do consciously and, yet, most of what we do, and what we do better, we do it unconsciously.

The world is an infinity of possible sensitive impressions, and we are only able to perceive a small part of it. The part we can perceive is then filtered by our unique experience, culture, language, beliefs, values, interests and assumptions.

There are no two human beings with the same experience. The world model we create to guide us, is based, in part, on our experiences. Each of us can, then create a different model from the world we share, and therefore live in a somewhat different reality.

Humanity has always sought meaning. Things happen, but until we give them meaning, we relate them to the rest of our life and evaluate the possible consequences, they are not important. We learn what things mean from our individual culture and education.

Thus, the same processes that allow us to produce useful and aesthetically pleasant models of our experience can impoverish and limit us.

A photograph is never the person. A bridge is not the trip. A musical score is not the sound. Magic does not exist, there are only magicians and what the public perceives.

Phrases about change and movement

The best way to change others is to change oneself, because we change relationships, others should also change.

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always obtained. If what you are doing does not work, do something else.

Anything to which one resists, persists.

The role of the therapist consists more in guiding using the natural processes that work permanently in the person.

In our experience when a person goes to us in search of therapy, he usually comes with some kind of suffering, feeling paralyzed, incapacitated to experience alternatives or freedom of action for his life. What we have discovered is that the world is too limited or that there are no possible alternatives, but that these people block their ability to see those alternatives and the possibilities that are opened to them, because they are not present in their world models.

40 phrases on moving forward and growing

Phrases about communication

A few well -chosen and said words at the right time they can transform a person's life.

Tone and body language determine that the word "Hello" means simple recognition, a threat, a humiliation or a pleasant greeting.

Human language systems are representations derived from a more complete model: the total sum of the experiences that a human being has had in his life.

If in front of a family, they could only get them to look at each other, they really will be touched and listened to, the pendulum will have moved in the direction of a new beginning.

Phrases about success and learning

An essential part to succeed is to have beliefs that allow you to achieve it. Powerful beliefs will not guarantee always succeed, but they will keep you full of resources and make you able to obtain success in the end.

I am proud of my achievements, but I already experienced that. I need to continue moving to learn. What I did is already done, what I'm going to do, I'm going to do it.

The more precise and positively you can define what you want, and the more you program your brain to search and notice possibilities, the safer you will be to get what you want. Opportunities exist when they are recognized as such.

To learn as much as possible from any situation or experience, you need to collect information from the greatest possible number of points of view.