Alexander Fleming famous phrases

Alexander Fleming famous phrases

Alexander Fleming He was a Scottish scientist who lived between 1881 and 1955. He specialized in microbiology and received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Alexander Fleming could save millions of lives thanks to its discovery about the functioning of the penicillin, and its antibiotic action.

For these discoveries, he received recognition from the scientific community and from the whole world, culminating with the Nobel Prize In 1945. Unfortunately, a heart attack ended with his life in 1955, a few years after his wife died.

Alexander Fleming famous phrases

For the researcher there is no comparable joy to that of a discovery, however small.

Sometimes you make a find when you are not looking for it.

The researcher suffers the disappointments, the long months past in a wrong direction, the failures. But failures are also useful, because, well analyzed, they can lead to success.

A gardener should not be impatient. Flowers need time to develop; If they try to hurry their growth, they are done more bad than good. They can be protected against the elements, they can be fed and drinking, but it is not difficult to kill them if they provide too much food or drinks too strong. They respond to sympathy; They are able to withstand extremely hard treatments. In short, human beings are very similar.

It is not the marble halls that provide intellectual greatness, but the soul and brain of the researcher.

There are simple rules for the use of penicillin: use it only for microbes that are vulnerable to it, apply the indicated dose and that treatment lasts enough to eliminate infection; Following these rules, everyone will be satisfied; Otherwise, the result will be disappointing.

Your meetings have been chaired by colonels, captains, sergeants and others, but it is the first time that your chairman is a humble second -class soldier. I was always humble in the regiment; I never discussed an order from a sergeant or corporal; Regarding the officers, I don't remember ever receiving a direct order from them.

Humility brought great advantages. It was not necessary to think, it was enough to obey. The officer was obliged to think, since most of the time he did not know at all what it was necessary to do and, nevertheless, he had to do something or download his responsibility in Sergeant Mayor. Sergeant Mayor knew either, but since he could not hold anyone, he had to give an intelligent order or not. Regarding the sergeants, they were always sure of themselves, especially when they knew anything about an issue ... "

If penicillin can cure the sick, wine can resurrect the dead.

A good whiskey drink when bedtime is not very scientific, but it helps.