Strengths and weaknesses to say in a job interview

Strengths and weaknesses to say in a job interview

A job interview is an opportunity to achieve that job. This meeting between the company and the candidate value the question as a practical tool to better learn the professional. Through the responses that the candidate offers through his oral communication and nonverbal language, the interviewer can better know the person in front of the point of view of his competences. In the active job search, you perfect your curriculum to present your best image and cause a good first impression in the interview.

In these cases, they surely ask you about your strengths and professional weaknesses. But, ¿which are The strengths and weaknesses to say in a job interview? In this psychology-online article we give you some ideas.

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  1. What strengths say in a job interview
  2. What weaknesses say in a job interview
  3. Tips for answering questions of weaknesses and professional strengths

What strengths say in a job interview

¿They have asked you about your strengths and weaknesses in work interviews? Information about this article can give you ideas that can inspire you to find your own answer. In fact, authenticity in answers is a personal brand value in the interview. ¿What are the strengths that can differentiate yourself? We show you below:

1. Specialization

If you consider that your studies They support your knowledge in a specific sector, you can highlight this qualification as a competition that differentiates you. Not only can you highlight those achievements that you have reached to date, but you can also show your disposition for continuous training.

2. Puntuality

The competition of the puntuality It is even present in the interview since arriving at the time scheduled to the meeting reinforces the image of the candidate. But, in addition, this punctuality is also a fortress that can be linked to other routines. For example, compliance with delivery deadlines.

3. Vocation

If you consider yourself a vocational person and the workplace to which you want. In addition, the vocation is closely related to a positive attitude and proactivity at work.

4. Teamwork

Many jobs require this competence of constant collaboration. If you feel that this is a strength that defines you, because you already have previous experience in jobs in which you have been happy to collaborate with others in compliance with common goals, describe this aspect with sincerity.

5. Autonomy

Other people, on the other hand, feel more comfortable working individually in their own goals that are not directly linked to the participation of other colleagues. In that case, he expresses in a assertive way that you are a Autonomous and Resolutive Person If you do not introduce yourself to a position for which teamwork is indispensable.

In this other article you will find more strengths of the human being.

What weaknesses say in a job interview

The weakness of a person can be of many types. ¿What ideas can you express in this field? Here are some examples of labor weaknesses to respond in a job interview.

1. Language ignorance

The knowledge of English is one of the most valued requirements in the curriculum, especially in some market niches. If your English level is low or medium, you can express Your desire to continue learning To remedy this ignorance.

2. Little experience

Those who have little professional experience may show that they are aware of it since, in addition, this data is observable in curriculum information. However, this fact It can be compensated With training and desire to learn.

3. Time management

Time is part of the professional and personal reality of a human being, it is not a material entity, however, some workers feel that they live with the sense of lack of hours. In that case, you can express a weakness that is linked to the need to better organize your agenda. Next, you can also highlight that your planning has improved.

4. Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a fact that can be shown in a job interview when, objectively, the person feels that it is constantly demanding their best in achieving new goals.

Now that you know what strengths and weaknesses you should say in a job interview, we will offer you some final advice. Keep reading this article to prepare an excellent job interview and be able to have a positive attitude. In the following article you will find more information about the strengths of a person: list and examples.

Tips for answering questions of weaknesses and professional strengths

Next, we leave you five tips that you can put into practice when you ask you the typical question about professional strengths and weaknesses in a job interview:

1. Linking with the job

Weaknesses and strengths acquire their own meaning in their relationship with the needs of the job to which the person opts. Therefore, find out about What are the characteristics of the position and contextualize your answers.

2. Sincerity

Naturality is a personal brand value Because it transmits authenticity and another important aspect to consider when we talk about professional strengths and weaknesses. He trusts that when the time comes you will find the appropriate answer.

An interview is not an exam but a professional conversation in which the truth is a valuable ingredient. Otherwise, if you exaggerate your strengths or lie in relation to your weaknesses, this information can be checked in a simple way when you join the job.

3. Make your strengths differentiate

For example, perhaps your English level is not high, however, you have a curriculum that describes a training trajectory that positions you as a specialist in a specific sector. All curriculum have some type of lack if observed from extreme perfectionism.

The truly decisive is what you can contribute to the organization.

4. Attitude

When you talk about your weaknesses or your strengths in a job interview, you are talking about yourself. Do not take the positive points to the plane of the ego or vanity. Nor do you fall into the error of describing weaknesses from the sensation of inferiority. Transmits a positive attitude at all times.

5. Do not forget the context

Do not confuse sincerity with being an open book since you are facing an interviewer, not before your best friend. Share information about you, but don't be around you, or say anything that may harm yourself according to common sense itself.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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