Strengths and weaknesses of a company with examples

Strengths and weaknesses of a company with examples

The resilience of an organization increases from the identification of its strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to this internal diagnosis, an entity can design an action plan to optimize its results through this attention to the available resources. In this psychology-online article we describe The strengths and weaknesses of a company with examples that can serve as inspiration for each entity to analyze its corporate potential from their present situation.

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  1. What are the strengths of a company
  2. Examples of strengths of a company
  3. What are the weaknesses of a company
  4. Examples of weaknesses of a company

What are the strengths of a company

The strengths of a company are those issues that are positive for the company. These strengths constitute a solid value for a company, therefore, They are a pillar of the corporate brand on which to continue building. The strengths of a company are a great opportunity, therefore, they should not only be maintained but also reinforced in the action plan to increase the positive results.

However, the really important thing about strengths is their previous identification through an analysis. That is, it is very important Identify the strengths of a company To know what is positively differentiated to an entity of the companies from the existing competition in that market niche. To identify the strengths, an analysis must be carried out with, for example, the DAFO matrix, a useful tool to analyze a company. In the DAFO matrix, positive and negative aspects are classified, separating internal and external issues. In this way, the result is a table that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Examples of strengths of a company

The example is a clarifying resource to deepen this issue. Next, we list examples of valuable strengths for the company:

  1. Location of a business. For example, a clothing store located in the corner of a commercial area that has next parking and bus lines.
  2. Human Resources. ¿What would be of a company without the people who compose it? The stability of the equipment is an example of strength against the opposite circumstance of the changes produced frequently in the template as a consequence of the farewells and the new additions.
  3. Transformation digital. Companies investing in technology to take care of their online image are an example of how to be proactive at work and adaptation to changes to perform this digital transformation through effective resources. Such as the publication of a corporate blog, the design of a functional web page or online marketing.
  4. Specialization and low level of competition. For example, a person can increase their positioning in a specific sector through the specialization of a catalog of quality products and services that also has a low level of competence.
  5. Training For employees. Those companies that facilitate access to training by workers have the great strength of knowledge as a fundamental investment.
  6. A history own. A corporate story that can be shared through the presentation section of the website.

What are the weaknesses of a company

The weaknesses of the company are those factors or areas that hinder or worsen the company's performance. Weaknesses are those business issues that, when undergoing an evaluation process They do not reach the desired quality level. However, in all weakness there is a possible strength when visualized from the perspective of the opportunity.

In addition to strengths, you can Identify the weaknesses of the company To know what are the points that can improve the organization. Through the identification of these possible shortcomings, it is possible to design a strategy to minimize its impact according to the needs and weaknesses of the company. Otherwise, by responding with indifference to the weakness of the company, the situation is maintained over time.

In this case, the technique of analysis of the DAFO matrix can also be applied with the aim of knowing the weaknesses and threats and being able to convert them into strengths and new opportunities.

Examples of weaknesses of a company

Next, we show a selection of examples of weaknesses that can be part of a company:

  1. Bad relationship Among partners. In those businesses managed by two people who constantly discuss their differences in criteria in the direction of the business, the consequences of the lack of cooperation will be seen. The importance of communication in the company is evident.
  2. Frequent complaints by customers. The opinion of consumers is very important for business. When a company receives more negative valuations than positive or when it performs inappropriate management of these negative comments, it has weaknesses in customer service.
  3. Lack of resources. It may happen that a company wishes to invest more in a given objective, however, it has the limit of available financing.
  4. Lack of leadership. Leadership is important in an organization since the leader guides the team in the action plan.
  5. Stagnation. The company takes a long time in a comfort zone in the absence of a proactive attitude. Not innovate or update. Stagnation causes external factors and chance to have more weight than the company's own capacity to influence the company. A web page with a outdated image or a corporate blog that has not been updated for months are examples of points to correct so that this weakness does not even condition the brand image.

All these weaknesses of a company can constitute an improvement opportunity. All companies have weaknesses and strengths. However, successful entities are those that They are involved to maintain and develop their strengths and to improve their weaknesses. This is only possible by specifying a diagnosis of the situation of each entity analyzed in itself.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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