Foster autonomy in children 6 tips to achieve it

Foster autonomy in children 6 tips to achieve it

Surely you will have heard that the key to raising healthy children is to foster their autonomy. As parents we want the best for our children, however, fostering their independence at times can be difficult. As you may know, do it requires time, will and patience. That is why in this article we will give you some tips to be able to boost your children towards autonomy, obtaining small forts without fear of facing adversities, but, above all, that they know that they can resort in case of necessity to their attachment figures, His parents.

If you want to know how to make your children take out the best benefit of their upbringing, then keep reading!


  • The importance of promoting autonomy in children
  • 6 tips to achieve it
    • 1. Asguale responsibilities
    • 2. Let it do
    • 3. Motivate it to explore
    • 4. Create routines
    • 5. Be open to listen to your ideas and opinions
    • Play with him or her
    • 6. Put limits, they are also necessary
  • Attitudes you should avoid
    • Bibliographic resources

The importance of promoting autonomy in children

An autonomous child is a child sure of himself, who is not afraid of the world that surrounds him and trusts his abilities. But, as they will imagine, this aspect of personality does not develop alone. In fact, for our children to develop as independent and autonomous people, It is crucial that they have a safe base to resort to.

The safe base concept is retaken from John Bowlby's contributions and attachment theory. Having a safe base implies that parents give the child the possibility of leaving the family environment, with the assurance that, in case of confronting some adversity, needing help, or containment, they can return to them, to the safe base in which they will find support and shelter. Not having a safe base would bring serious consequences on development Of the little ones, generating a link of instability with their most important adult references, parental figures or those who occupy their function. This would impact directly on the personality of children who would grow surrounded by insecurities, fearful and with difficulties to face changes.

That said, we hope to understand the importance of promoting autonomy in children, and why they should do it as parents. Therefore, if you want to know how to make your children grow up in containment loads that allow them to face the world without problems, then read.

6 tips to achieve it

Surely you have convinced yourself: if you want your children to grow strong, healthy and full of trust, it is necessary to boost their autonomy and independence. For this reason, now we will give them some guidelines so that, as parents, they can promote autonomy in their children, achieving important benefits for them.

1. Asguale responsibilities

The best way to promote autonomy in children is to allow them to have responsibilities. Let Know what the commitment implies, have to fulfill some activity and have to do it correctly. The key here is to be patient and accompany them in the difficulties they can face.

2. Let it do

If your child does not come out, or feel that it can't, Do not put obstacles on your way. Stay by your side, but impuls it to do it alone, giving you the confidence that you will be next to him. Thus you will know that you believe in him, and that before any eventuality he can resort to your aid.

3. Motivate it to explore

Impuls it out, to meet new people, to try new things. Knowing is the only way in which you can leave your comfort zone behind and have the necessary confidence to do it without fear. Well, you will know that, at the end of the day, You can always return to your safe base.

Tips to get out of your comfort zone and not die at the attempt

4. Create routines

Habits and routines will structure Children's Day, and will allow you to adapt more easily to the responsibilities assigned to you. Have organized activities They will create in a routine in which you will know what to expect and what you should do, that will facilitate the task of fulfilling your commitments.

5. Be open to listen to your ideas and opinions

Children have their point of view regarding the situations they are going through and, to foster their autonomy, it is key to listen to what they have to say. Parents are the most important figures for children, their referents. To listen to them will give them confidence to make decisions and trust what they choose will mark the right path.

Play with him or her

The game, for children, is a space where they can express themselves. When playing, little ones process their feelings And they suggest what happens to them and cannot put into words. Play with your children will open the doors to their expression, allowing them to communicate with you in another way. As you will see, the autonomy of a child is based on communication and trust.

6. Put limits, they are also necessary

Just as you should teach them about responsibilities and promote their independence, it is also crucial that children know the standards. As parents, we are responsible for transmitting to children what must be respected, teaching what corresponds and what they don't, so they will know how far they can come regarding their autonomy. They must know that, just as they must be independent, They must also respect independence, opinions and the space of others.

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Attitudes you should avoid

As you will see, promoting autonomy in children is essential for them to take advantage of their upbringing. Thus they will not have difficulty facing the outside world or adapting to it.

You can imagine it after the advice we have given, but what you must definitely avoid in case of seeking autonomy in children is to close their arms when they need to go to you. To foster your autonomy, too They need to be sure that, if they need it, they will have a place to return, where they will be welcome and heard, content and valued. Only then will your child face outside without any fear.

We hope you can put these tips into practice to foster autonomy in children. We assure you, they will get small forts, with self -confidence, that they will not fear facing adversities.

Bibliographic resources

  • Bowlby, j. (nineteen ninety five). A safe base: clinical applications of attachment theory. Paidós.
  • Figueroa, m. G. (1970). The autonomy.
  • Bruñol, m. C. (1997). Childhood, autonomy and rights: a matter of principle. Childhood: Bulletin of the Inter-American Institute of Child-Oea, 234, 1-13.
  • Bou-Habib, p., & Olsaretti, S. (2015). Autonomy and Children's Well-Being. In the nature of Children's Well-Being (pp. 15-33). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • De León Sánchez, B. (2011, October). The family-school relationship and its impact on the autonomy and responsibility of children. In XXII International Congress of Education Theory.