Phobia to speak publicly useful tips to help you

Phobia to speak publicly useful tips to help you

The phobia to speak in public It is a very distressing and disabling psychological disorder, which significantly affects the social life of a person. Not only prevents himself from expressing himself to a person in the company of a crowd, but also, he can affect the way this person is related to others. In the most extreme cases, social withdrawal or, directly isolation can occur.

However, if your case, tell you that it is not a unique case. Fortunately, Science has investigated both the causes and the possible ways to deal with the phobia to speak in public. A high percentage of these people have significantly improve their lives by putting cognitive-behavioral psychologists.

The purpose of this article is to better characterize this phenomenon, talk about the most likely causes of appearance, as well as some tips to face this problem. However, Our advice is to put yourself in the hands of a psychologist specializing in anxiety and phobias, of behavioral or cognitive-behavioral cut, as they are the most effective treatments, as science points out.


  • Phobia to speak in public: main characteristics
    • Causes that could originate the phobia to speak in public
    • Useful tips that could help you with your phobia to speak in public
      • Practice abdominal breathing exercises
      • Make relaxation and self -hypnosis techniques
      • Control your negative thoughts
      • Favors the appearance of positive thoughts
      • Organize yourself
    • Conclusions
    • References

Phobia to speak in public: main characteristics

The fear of speaking in public is usually a very common experience. No need to worry. However, there are degrees in the fear that a person can experience. So, We find slight fear and nervousness, to a frightening experience and even paralyzing.

Some of the most common symptoms of people suffering from phobia to speak in public They are usually:

  • Anxiety, fear
  • Tachycardia
  • Agitated breathing and feeling of my breath
  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Mental blockages and feeling of "stay blank"
  • Catastrophic thoughts
  • Negativity
  • Trend towards social avoidance
  • Feelings of disability, helplessness, disappointment with oneself
  • Etc.

Causes that could originate the phobia to speak in public

  • Traumas or bad past experiences. For example, having suffered some public humiliation, or having made previous mistakes in other speeches
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism. For example, excessive fear of being judged or criticized. Some people feel very insecure about criticism, since they think that it is a personal attack or that they can reveal their weaknesses
  • Temperamental shyness. A very shy person will be suspicious to expose yourself in public for the fear of being observed.
  • Obsession and perfectionism. On many occasions, people have the idea that "or do something perfect or don't". First, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Secondly, something imperfect is better, than to do. Finally, the perfect is unattainable. Therefore, it is better to adjust expectations.
  • Lack of communicative skill. No one was born knowing. Fortunately, this ability can be improved.

Useful tips that could help you with your phobia to speak in public

Without prejudice to the professional aid that we recommend if you cannot handle the problem by your own means, we offer you some advice that can help you.

Practice abdominal breathing exercises

Deep abdominal breathing will not only help you better oxygenate your body, besides, Your heart rate will go down and the frequency of your pulsations, making you feel quieter or calm.

Make relaxation and self -hypnosis techniques

Relaxation exercises can be very effective against phobia to speak in public. Consult your psychologist or psychologist about relaxation exercises and how to learn how to make them. It is very simple.

On the other hand, hypnotherapy can help you quite controlling phobic and anxious symptoms, as well as fighting negative thoughts. However, these types of therapies are usually prolonged more over time, compared to behavioral therapy. It is all a matter that you evaluate your time, resources and disposition.

Control your negative thoughts

Do not earn anything anticipating unpleasant experiences that, in reality you do not know if they are going to happen or not. What are you really afraid of, to the concrete situation, or to your thoughts about this situation?

Favors the appearance of positive thoughts

Imagine yourself with success, Doing it well, try to remember pleasant experiences, situations in which you got something important or managed to overcome a difficulty. It is proven that the quality of thoughts influences your emotional well -being. You can start today to change what you feel if you change your way of thinking.

Organize yourself

This is, Plan well the topic on which you are going to talk. Make schemes, concept maps, prepare a good presentation. Investigate and generates added value regarding the information you are going to give.

Focus on your material and your presentation, rather than the public. Practice your speech. You can record and visualize to write down your strengths and weaknesses. Nor do you have to fear silences or lose the thread of the speech. Generally, we are more rigorous with ourselves, that others are towards us.


In conclusion, the phobia to speak in public is a complex problem, but today widely overcome. We recommend you to put yourself in the hands of expert psychologists if your problem is really disabling. Luckily, there are highly effective treatments of relatively short duration, such as behavior therapy. The solution is available to your hand.


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