

Also known as Fillomino it is a logic game in which we have to complete a board by placing numbers from 1 to 9 in the boxes so that they can be grouped by regions of equal size as the value of the numbers it contains. To play on touch devices, touch the box and use the small numerical keyboard that appears under the game. Complete instructions

Introduce Game ID Introduce random seed 01234 56789 direct link to this party Random Seed seems that the game does not work correctly in your browser. Try updating to the latest version. This game works correctly in Firefox 19, Chrome 26, Internet Explorer 10 and Safari 6.

Complete instructions

Complete the board placing numbers grouped by quantity. For example, number 3 will always be in groups of 3 adjoining boxes, number 4 in groups of 4, etc. When completing a group the occupied area will be delimited with a black edge. If any of the numbers introduced causes conflicts with the adjacent numbers the game will highlight them red.

The board initially shows some numbers that appear in black and that cannot be modified. Some lines that partially delimit the groups that can be created also appear. The numbers introduced during the game appear in green and can be corrected at any time.

The buttons bar From the top will allow you to perform the following actions:

  • Start a new game: A new game begins with the indicated dimensions.
  • Restart the current game: Eliminates the progress of the current game and starts it again. The numbers and lines that appear initially will continue in the same position.
  • Undo the last movement: It allows to go back in the movements made.
  • Rebuild the previous moving: If you got rid of the last movement you can rebuild it by clicking this button.
  • Show the solution: The game will be solved automatically and show you the completed board.
  • Detailed game instructions: Access to the instructions of the game you are reading.
  • Select the difficulty of the game: Allows you to select the characteristics of the game and define a personalized board.

Game developed by Simon Tatham.