FAQ identity disorder of body integrity or xenomelia

FAQ identity disorder of body integrity or xenomelia


    • What is Xenomelia?
    • Why is Biid classified as an identity disorder?
    • What is acrotomophilia?
    • Who does the identity disorder of body integrity affect more?
    • How do they feel after "suppressing" the part of their body that they did not want?
    • At what age do people who have xenomelia or biid feel this?
    • When is amputation ethically admissible for doctors?
  • ... So what happens to elective cosmetic surgery?
    • Do people who perform many aesthetic surgeries have biid?
    • What are some treatments that have shown good results for people with Xenomelia or Biid?
    • Bibliography
    • Electronics references

What is Xenomelia?

The word xenomelia comes from the Greek words: "Xeno ", which means: "foreigner", and "μελoσ" (melos), which refers to a "limb"; The word suggests strangeness towards its own limb. It is also known as the disorder of the identity of body integrity (BIID), it is a condition in which individuals have a vehement desire to amputate some of their healthy extremities, perceiving it as an "intrusive" or oblivious to them; Some patients with biid feel so discomfort that they try to do so for themselves when they deny help, because they want to be disabled in some way, putting their life and in danger. There is a whole subculture around this condition.

Why is Biid classified as an identity disorder?

Because amputation desires are linked to an altered development of the "self" or identity itself. When mutilating or disabled by elective, they seek to build what they feel is: "their true self" or seek to rebuild their identity

It is worth mentioning that body image is an accessible representation conscious to the general and structure of the body itself. It derives from several sources, including visual and proprioceptive and constitutes the basis of the beliefs of one about itself (Bayne and Levy 2005). Also, the peripheral or central errors can disturb body image (Sacks 1984; Lutrija 1993).

What is acrotomophilia?

A paraphilia that consists of having sexual preference For someone who has some part of his amputated body.

Who does the identity disorder of body integrity affect more?

Although there are no clear epidemiological data about BIID, Peter Brugger, from the University of Zurich, Germany, in their investigations he concluded that in the vast majority of cases those affected with Xenomelia or Biid, are men; and the limb not accepted in 80% of the subjects studied, corresponded to a leg, mostly the left.

How do they feel after "suppressing" the part of their body that they did not want?

The reaction of a person without Biid, given the news that they had to amputate a member, could be naturally a lot , a leg or a hand, can demotivate us too much and until reaching terrify..

In most cases of patients with xenomelia who amputate a member, they feel that the emotional discomfort they have charged for so many years, depression, anxiety and isolation in which they were His vehement desire for amputation. These subjects do not manifest guilt or regret a posteriori To their desired cut, but they usually feel happier, satisfied or as some patients have said: "I finally feel complete".

At what age do people who have xenomelia or biid feel this?

In general, they begin from early childhood, many of them begin between 4 and 5 years, they can frequently play that they do not have a leg, which are missing an arm, which are deaf or blind. While some children dream and play with being heroes, kings or warriors, others ... yearn and aspire to be disabled in some way. It also influences Social learning, that starts at home: Attending the needs of children in early stages, including affective, is essential for their development.

When is amputation ethically admissible for doctors?

Elective amputations are ethically admissible Yes and only if they are strictly necessary to cure a serious condition, but not when they are carried out only for aesthetic, erotic or financial interests.

... So what happens to elective cosmetic surgery?

In the clinical praxis of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine, it can be seen that some patients seek "perfection" by modifying their bodies; The surgeon must often try to make them understand and specify realistic expectations. Many times despite the fact that they are explained about their possible complications, certain patients take little importance to this, because they often feel that there will be and that "they will look better" how they were before surgical intervention.

Within the legal medical aspects in cosmetic surgery, the doctor must provide due care to the patient and follow Very strict care standards, which should not compromise health.

Do people who perform many aesthetic surgeries have biid?

The results of a study carried out by Michael First, and collaborators (2005), in subjects with the disorder of the identity of body integrity, showed that the wishes of these patients, began in childhood and none of the interviewees suffered dysmorphic disorder, because they recognized that They did not want to get rid of the member because they perceived in him any defect in terms of his appearance.

People with BIID, unlike those who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder and that many surgeries are carried out, as well as a series of procedures for aesthetic purposes, often never seem satisfied, often looking to modify the "defects" they perceive in their body, some even want the doctor to continue doing surgeries even if they compromise their health. Both conditions require psychological aid.

What are some treatments that have shown good results for people with Xenomelia or Biid?

It is recommended to follow a psychotherapeutic, psychiatric, psychopharmacological and neurological treatment, although the person with xenomelia or biid can have relief of certain symptoms and problems such as mood and anxiety disorders, which often present, do not take away the desire to amputate or hurt to such a degree that they are disabled. It is necessary that the family and people who cohabit with the patient have knowledge of the characteristics of this condition and continue to be informed, since neurosciences fight to find answers and especially solutions to the problems that afflict these individuals.


Hernández-Pérez, Enrique et al. (2012). Selected topics in cosmetic surgery. Mexico: PREPRESA Digital, S.TO.

Electronics references

  • Hänggi et al (2017). Structural and functional Hyperconnectivity Within The Sensorimotor System in Xenomelia. Brain and Behavior, 7 (3): E00657.
  • McGeoch PD et al (2009) Apotemnophilia: The Neurological Basis of Psychological Disorder. Nature precedings: 1-5.
  • Hilti LM et al (2013) The Desire for Healthy Limb amputation: Structural Brain Corlates and Clinical Features of Xenomelia. Brain, 136 (1): 318-329.
  • https: // journals.lww.com/neuroreport/abstract/2008/08270/apotemnophilia__a_neurological_disorder.eleven.ASPX.
  • https: // ijpsychiatrybs.com/en/articles/231.HTML