Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors 3 points to highlight

Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors 3 points to highlight

There are certain personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors, and this is important to know it then, The creation of protective factors is required so that students have good school performance.

Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors can actually be psychological, but it cannot be ignored that they can be of social origin.

Today, the emotional and behavior problems that students live are part of the repertoire of complications facing the educational system.

For parents it is also a challenge when they have children who do not meet their expectations or who have a performance that does not go in line with their efforts.


  • Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors
  • Each student has its own characteristics
  • What are the personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors?
  • Everyone shares the concern improperly
    • Bibliography

Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors

Among the personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors, it is worth highlighting the case of students who have emotional and behavioral levels.

Well, these students, for the most part, have alterations in cognitive, psychomotor and emotional development, as details the teacher Gladys Jadue, in her study that is entitled: psychological factors that predispose to low performance, failure and school dropout.

These students, specifically, can be cataloged within categories that correspond to the Attention Deficit Syndrome, Mental Delay or Specific Learning Disorders, as detail by the author.

To be able to perceive if a student presents a problem are several factors that can be observed, such as the duration, intensity and frequency with which disruptive behavior takes place.

Each student has its own characteristics

It is important to avoid encomparating all students within the same category, Well, its behavioral, cognitive and affective characteristics are different at the school level.

Unfortunately, schools often allocate a teaching for children who designate as "normal" or "average", and that do not show slowness or deviations.

But, What is actually achieved with this is that children move away from this "average" that is estimated and that they are at risk of having school failures or experiencing low performance.

The brain of a psychopath is different

What are the personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors?

Personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors usually include deficits in language, cognitive, labile care, emotional problems, few social skills, among others.

But, in school there are also specific circumstances that can be included between these risk factors, such as low performance expectations, prejudices by teaching and administrative staff, the lack of desire to change the curriculum, structure, the Organizational climate, in addition to the little capacity to modify teaching strategies by more appropriate.

In this regard, there are several points to highlight, among which are:

  1. The recognition that emotional processes are linked to learning, attention and memory;
  2. Psychosocial experiences are inseparable from emotional development;
  3. Both personal identity and personality have a nature that is purely emotional.

Currently, reality indicates that there are many schoolchildren with a very low performance and that, in addition, they have emotional and behavioral disturbances.

Reality is also frank when it exposes that These students do not have the professional help they merit, Not even within the school context.

Once this point, it is possible to affirm that the problems of behavior, performance and emotional, when ignored, generate difficulties in learning students¸ getting to affect teachers who feel without resources in the face of alterations of behavioral and emotional order of their students.

These personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors not only affect students, but They can also affect teachers who can experience anxiety and frustration When they must face a student with these difficulties.

In addition, it should be noted that, on certain occasions, the problem is hidden because recognizing it could be considered as the admission of failures in the educational system, in addition to implying that the school does not have the preparation to solve the inconvenience.

Everyone shares the concern improperly

The evidence also shows that both teachers and parents share the implicit concerns that occur due to behavioral alteration in the student.

But, The options that must be raised cannot be neither to exaggerate, nor to minimize the problem, Since these concerns are managed worse when they mix with the tension, rage and frustration of parents and teachers.

On the other hand, personality factors associated with negative academic behaviors are usually cited as an etiology of learning disorders, or as a complication of them. So that, in the end, The student can feel confused.

These guys are generally cataloged as a "child at risk of school failure", "child at risk of low performance", "socially and economically affected child", "child at a disadvantage", "hyperansial child", "child with disorder emotional "," anxious child "," shy child "," child with depressive disorder ", among another endless qualifiers.

But, the truth is that These are students with difficulties in behavior and learning, with an etiology that can be of psychic or organic origin. So, under these qualifiers - many times inaccurate - behavioral disorders, syndromes, among other clinical pictures, so that a precise approach is required.

School motivation and performance


  • Enriquez Guerrero, C. L., Safe Cardona, to. M., & Tovar Cuevas, J. R. (2013). Risk factors associated with low academic performance in Bogotá schoolchildren.
  • Jadue J., Gladys. (2002). Psychological factors that predispose to low performance, failure and school dropout. Pedagogical Studies (Valdivia), (28), 193-204. https: // www.Scielo.CL/SCIELO.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s0718-07052002000100012 & lng = in & nrm = iso & tlng = in
  • López Mero, P., Barreto Pico, to., & Del Salto Bello, M. W. TO. (2015). Low academic performance in students and family dysfunctionality. Medisan, 19 (9), 1163-1166.
  • Ortega, f. R. F., Mendoza, j. V., & Ballestas, L. F. F. (2014). Psychological factors in school adolescents with low academic performance: depression and self -esteem. Encounters, 12 (2), 35-47.