Factor D, the dark side of personality

Factor D, the dark side of personality

For the most cinephiles, the mere fact of humming "the imperial march" already evokes the appearance of a character as evil and dark as Darth Vader. Without a doubt, one of the most feared but charismatic villains of the Star Wars saga and cinema in general. A character with a black outfit from top to bottom and a hoarse and mechanical voice. Darth Vader did not seem to show any sample of mercy ... or yes? This character is a clear example of someone with high score in factor D. Factor d? Yes, this has been called to the "dark" side of personality.

However, we are not going to science fiction to find characters with high scores in the "Factor D". Roman emperors like Caligula, Nero or Caracalla showed cruel behaviors towards their citizens and relatives. As well as the Romanian prince Vlad Tepes, who they say is inspiring the character of Dracula. If we look back into the story (and not so far), we will find a large number of figures whose behaviors have stood out more in terms of their evils than benefits.


  • What is Factor D?
  • Characteristics of individuals with high "factor D"
    • Summary of the main characteristics
  • The common nucleus of "Factor D"
  • Research results
  • Final reflection
    • Bibliography

What is Factor D?

Over the years, different authors have questioned our darkest side. What pushes us to do evil? What hides behind our most sinister side? Many have been those who have investigated our more dark side and many have been the results obtained. However, to date, the most prominent and recent article on "Factor D" is that of researchers Ingor Zetller, Morten Moshagen and Benjamin Higuin (2018), entitled "The Dark Core of Personaliny" (The dark personality core).

The name comes from the English term "Dark", that is, "dark" and from there "Factor D". But what are we talking about when we refer to the "dark personality factor"? "Factor D" is related to those unscrupulous, evil and selfish behaviors in moral, ethical and social aspects. Behaviors that can be given so much political, business or in our day to day with people close to us.

Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin (2018), claim that dark features "They are, by definition, necessarily related. In fact, To consider a dark trait as such, you must have undesirable and problematic tendencies". The authors assure that these types of features are not possessed in isolation, but that the one who presents one of them usually possesses more.

Seuntjens, Zeelenberg, Van de Ven and Breugelmans (2015), affirm that high levels of "factor D" have been associated with more selfish and unfair decisions in economic and social aspects in economic and social aspects. Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin (2018), define as one of the central aspects of this factor, "the Tendency to maximize oneself - ignoring and eviling the uselessness of others - accompanied by beliefs that serve as justification for their behaviors ".

Characteristics of individuals with high "factor D"

Individuals with high levels of "factor D", at a general level, maximize their personal capacity at the expense of others. In this sense, they can use those around them for their own benefit. Both for economic gains, and to feel superior or get pleasure or enjoy. An important characteristic is that the search for your own well -being is above the interests of others. That is to say, Those with high score in "D" feel indifference to others while achieving their goals.

"It is strange the lightness with which the wicked believe that everything will work out for them". -Victor Hugo-

On the other hand, They can also refrain from doing something to avoid benefiting others. The fund is the same, harm someone, but in this case it would be through the "non -action". Although not always their actions are so negative, They are able to cooperate with others, yes, as long as, the objective benefits them too.

Those with very high "factor D" scores can even hurt others physically if necessary. They can deceive to achieve their goals and/or exploit those around them. Benefit others without benefiting themselves does not enter their plans, nor do they obtain happiness through the achievement of others.

Summary of the main characteristics

  • Use of others for their own benefit.
  • Behaviors that can affect others negatively
  • Avoid behaviors that benefit colleagues.
  • Competitors.
  • Selfish.
  • Egocentric.
  • Sadism features (obtaining pleasure seeing how others fail and/or suffer).
  • They will always have justification for their behaviors.
  • They are considered superior.
  • They consider others as lower
  • They usually support ideologies that favor domination.
  • They believe that at general everyone thinks about them.
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The common nucleus of "Factor D"

Does "Factor D" cover all the negative characteristics of an individual?  The M team. Back proposes that a dark feature can imply characteristics that go beyond "d". Back and his team (2013) postulate that, for example, "The defining characteristics of narcissism include a sense of superiority, as well as dominant and aggressive behaviors towards others, but also implies a need for social admiration". In this case, it seems that narcissism would go beyond "D" and would be a unique characteristic of this disorder.

"Evil is alone in your mind and not outside. The pure mind always sees only the good in everything, but the bad is responsible for inventing evil ". -Goethe-

However, the debate on the actor "Factor D" seems that it does not stay in a specific definition. But goes further. Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin (2018) claim that "D represents the underlying general trend from which dark features such as specific manifestations arise, which implies that D is responsible for the dark points in common among several dark features and, therefore, represents its common nucleus".

In this way, the "factor D" would represent a core from which all those dark aspects that characterize us would leave. Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin (2018), claim again that "D is manifested in a very large number of ethical, moral and socially questionable attitudes and behaviors, and therefore, they can be measured in many different ways".

Research results

Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin (2018), carried out different studies to deepen the "dark personality factor". The conclusions were several. One of the first findings was that the "Factor D" is a common nucleus and an independent fluid construct of any particular trait. That is, "d" is a very broad factor that would cover all the dark features of the person.

Another conclusion is that The "factor D" can be taken as a predictor of a large number of questionable behaviors in ethical, moral and social areas. In different studies, they obtained emerged as a unique factor underlying a diverse set of dark features such as: selfishness, maquiavellism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism, self -interest and regret. "D" represented an important aspect in selfish and non -ethical behavior. At the same time, aspects such as aggression, dominance, impulsivity, insensitivity, power and egocentrism predicted solidly.

"Individuals with high score in" D "may be willing to pay money to see others". -Zetller, Moshagen and Higuin-

Without doubt, another of these researchers' conclusions is disturbing. A high score in "D" can predict that Individuals are able to reduce those behaviors that provide them with high status or economic level in favor of negatively affecting others. That is, you are willing to lose money or status if they negatively affect others since this will provide pleasure and joy.

High scores in "Factor D" can also be predictors of:

  • Greater impulsivity.
  • Greater lack of compliance with the law and rules.
  • Lack of self -control and especially when it comes to another.
  • Less sociable, more anxious, irritable and bad mood.
  • Dishonest and misleading behaviors, through the justification of its superiority or right.
  • Support of ideologies that favor domain.
  • Thought that everyone else also seeks their own interest over the others.

Final reflection

Without a doubt, the "factor D", at least, is disturbing. However, it is a fundamental aspect to study in the human being. From psychology, this type of behavior is a challenge, so it is a challenge for this discipline. Knowing what hides behind a mind that can cause so much damage, would serve to draw educational guidelines that prevent this type of behavior.

On the other hand, it would also allow you to work better with those people with a high index in "D". Although one might ask if they really have some kind of desire to change their behavior. So, how to deal with this type of individuals? What to do to prevent its appearance? How to make them see that their behaviors are highly harmful to others and for themselves? Little by little, with time and research, psychology will shed more light on our darkest side.


  • Back, m., Küfner, a., Dufner, m., Gerlach, t., Rauthmann, j., And Denissen, J. (2013). Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry: Disantanggling the Bright and Dark Sides
    Narcissism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 1013-1037.
  • Moshagen, m., Hilbig, b. AND., & Zettler, I. (2018). The Dark Core of Personality. Psychological Review, 125 (5).
  • Seuntjens, t., Zeelenberg, m., Van de Ven, N., And Breugelmans, S. M. (2015). GREED provision. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 917-933.