F03 Dementia without specification

F03 Dementia without specification

This category is used when the general guidelines for the diagnosis of dementia are satisfied but it is not possible to identify any of the specific types (F00.0-F02.9).

Senile or presenil psychosis without specification.
Senile or presenil dementia without specification.
Primary degenerative dementia without specification.

F04 Organic amnesic syndrome not induced by alcohol or other psychotropas substances

Syndrome characterized by a marked deterioration of memory for remote facts, in which memory for immediate facts is preserved. The ability to learn new things is also diminished, which results in an anterograde amnesia and a disorientation in time. It is part of the syndrome a retrograde amnesia, but of a variable intensity, which can decrease in the course of time, if the underlying disease or the pathological process. Presence of conslegations although inconstantly. Perception and other cognitive functions, including intelligence, are well preserved and constitute a background that highlights memory disorder. The prognosis depends on the course of the basic lesion (it usually affects the hypothalamus-legal system or the hippocampus region). Complete recovery is, in principle, possible.

Diagnosis guidelines

  1. Presence of a memory disorder manifested by a deterioration of it for recent facts (inability to learning new material), an anterograde and retrograde amnesia and a reduced ability to remember past experiences in reverse order to its appearance.
  2. Background or objective presence of brain injury or disease (especially one that affects medial and temporary temporal structures in a bilateral way).
  3. Absence of affectation of the ability to immediate memory (explored, for example, by proof of digits), attention disorders and consciousness or general intellectual deterioration.
  4. The presence of conspirations, the lack of awareness of disease and emotional alterations (apathy, lack of initiative) are suggestive elements, although not indispensable, for diagnosis.

Psychosis or Korsakov syndrome (non -alcoholic).