The early ejaculation It is the main cause why many couples do not enjoy their sexual intercourse. Many men would give anything to control their ejaculation perfectly, but they don't know how to get it.

What is the premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is not defined in the same way by all authors, but we could say that it is the inability to control ejaculation in man.

Some authors claim that A man has early ejaculation if he does not resist 30 seconds (others put the limit between 30 seconds and 7 minutes) After vaginal penetration.

To the sexological consultation Sometimes patients who believe they don't have this problem are coming, Because they never ejaculate before penetration. However, the lack of ejaculation control becomes a serious problem within the couple when man does not resist at least a reasonable time, that is, enough for the woman to be satisfied.

Precocious or rapid ejaculation is a lack of body discipline; Consequently, every man can achieve through adequate training that his ejaculation is a totally voluntary act.

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Why the premature ejaculation?

In the first place we must clarify that early ejaculation is not a disease or something that some men have been born.

The cause of early ejaculation is not age, nor lack of experience, nor the much sexual excitement or sexual hypersensitivity. Premature ejaculation is not due to something physical, such as frenulum problems, phimosis, testicles, prostate, weakness of a nerve or sensitivity in the glans.

The causes of ejaculation can be very varied, and due to Lack of information or preparation when initiating sexual relations, the state of anxiety or insecurity originated by another sexual problem (such as impotence), or to the lack of interest in prolonging intercourse, to have converted ejaculation into a conditioned reflection, etc.

Therefore, the diagnosis of the disorder does not require urine, blood, semen, ultrasounds, or injections, or anything similar.

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How to control early ejaculation?

Many men think that what happens to them goes with age or as man has more sexual experience. The truth is that The man who does not control his ejaculation can continue like a lifetime, What can create great frustration. Every time it happens to him he lives with more frustration and anxiety, which undoubtedly influences the relationship with his partner. This is so much more unfortunate that this disorder has a solution almost 100 % of cases.

As for treatment, perfect control of ejaculation is not achieved by:

  • Tips, talks or group therapy
  • Nor with any injection, pill, medicine, ointment, capsules, springs, hormones, vitamins or pharmacological products
  • Nor with interventions, phimosis operations, or prostate treatment
  • Nor with sophisticated devices or instruments.

The only scientific, serious and effective treatment is through learning through very specific exercises and techniques that man must learn, and practice alone or with his partner, if he has it.

Experience confirms that if man continues with rigor our method, even if he has not yet achieved the intercourse for ejaculating before -as is the case of some people -, he will have a normal relationship, that is, a prolonged preparation and a Eyaculation perfect control penetration.

The early ejaculator as such is a person who presents a state of permanent anxiety, In the same way that things are always going to do, it never has time to do everything at the same time etc. also ejaculates at the same time. That is, he expels his anxiety in any way. Premature ejaculation is very associated with a way of being and a way of living, this is in global concepts, not all act in this way.

For men, early ejaculation is often responsible for a lack of motivation for sexual acts, a devaluation of their own image and evolution can reach a psychological impotence. For the woman, the premature ejaculation of her partner can also reach a lack of motivation to make love, an absence of orgasm and can evolve to a secondary frigidity. For the couple, the evolution is directed on the Rupture of affective, sensual and erotic communication, which often leads to a separation of the same.

To better understand early ejaculation, something about the physiology of ejaculation must be said, which occurs after the excitation phase and is composed of two periods:

  • An immediately pre-ejaculation period that corresponds to the sperm tension within the posterior genital pathways. During this short period, sexual excitement is already reversible and man can learn to recognize that limit and prevent the following and expulsive phase that is irreversible.
  • A period of ejaculation itself, which corresponds to the expulsive contractions of the genital roads, and that reaches the expulsion of sperm. This short period is irreversible and uncontrollable.

He made treatment is behavioral and contains exercises with progressively growing difficulties. These exercises allow the patient, stage by stage, following their rhythm, getting used to the increasingly strong excitations and recognizing the moment in which they must abandon their excitement. In this way you will progressively learn to dominate your excitement, and above all, to control the moment when you decide to ejaculate with your partner.

Behavioral therapies merge into the fact that the reception of negative messages repeatedly, together with a bad attitude towards everyday events, often lead to sexual problems. Behavioral therapy will have to progressively modify this negative behavior with behavioral exercises, in order to return to positive behavior.

The early ejaculation It is never fixed over time, it is necessary to start a treatment as soon as possible, which will help, without a doubt, to solve the problem.

The most used treatments in early ejaculation