Interactive Stroop Effect Experiment

Interactive Stroop Effect Experiment
He Stroop effect (or Jaensch effect) is a semantic interference produced as a result of our automaticity in reading. This happens to us, for example, when the meaning of the word interferes with the task of naming the color with which it is written. Let's imagine that they ask us what color the following words are written: Red Casa Verde Most of us we will quickly answer the name of the color in which the word is written red, since it coincides with the meaning of the word. Instead, with the word home We will take something more to respond, because it causes us an interference, although it goes down, of its true semantic meaning. But the one that produces the greatest complication of all is the last one, because we tend to say green When the color with which it is written is blue.
Our attention is selective, this means that we control it as we are interested, so we can voluntarily pay more attention to some things than others at a given time, but sometimes we suffer interference as is the case of the Stroop effect.
So you can experience this phenomenon, we have prepared a simple Activity that will allow you to verify how this phenomenon can affect you. We are going to show you a series of words and you must answer, as quickly as you can The color with which they are written Pressing the corresponding button. The test is performed in three phases, one in which there is no interference, another of minimum interference and the last one in which you will have a high interference.
At the end of the test, the time you have taken to answer each of the phases will be shown and you can normally check the time spent in each one is higher than the previous one. There are 30 questions in each phase and you have a maximum of a minute to complete each.
Press the button "Begin"To start the experiment.

Phase 1: color and word coincide.


Phase 1: color and word coincide.

Phase 2: Color without semantic interference.

20% complete

Phase 3: Color with semantic interference.

20% complete BEGIN