Euthanasia the choice to die. I will be you

Euthanasia the choice to die. I will be you

It is current, just a few days ago we met the news: Spain approved the euthanasia law and became the fifth country of the world to regulate it, Together with Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Canada. One of the specifications referred to the fact that the people who request it must "suffer a serious and incurable illness or a serious, chronic and impossible condition".

The movie I will be you It is one of those films, with good acceptance, which deals with the theme of euthanasia. I'm going to tell you about her, but I will not reveal you the end. If you have not seen it yet, maybe this is a good moment!


  • News about euthanasia
  • Movie: I before you
    • Characters
    • Film plot
    • Various debates but a solution
      • Resources

News about euthanasia

It has been a long, complex and difficult debate. While it is true that euthanasia has been in the focus for a long time and finally in Spain there has been one step.

The Congress has given green light, after being approved in the Senate, the Spanish Euthanasia Law.

To request it, the affected person It must "suffer a serious and incurable disease or a serious, chronic and impossible condition" that causes "intolerable suffering". Although it has been eliminated from the title of the law, the norm regulates both the euthanasia itself -”direct administration to the patient of a substance by the competent health professional” -and medically assisted suicide -”the prescription or supply to the patient by of the healthcare professional of a substance, so that it can be self -administered, to cause their own death ”-.

Movie: I before you

I will be you (I before you, in Spanish) is a film that premiered in 2016, and that deals with this topic in question: The firm choice to die before a life that makes unbearable. Directed by Thea Sharrock, it is based on the novel written by Jojo Moyes in 2012, which is juxtaposed between the Dramatic and romantic genre.


This film presents Will Traynor (played by Sam Claflin), a successful businessman who enjoys all the pleasures of life, from a work with high responsibilities, to large and risky adventures. One day, He suffers an outrage on a motorcycle, which causes him a disability that leaves him tetrapléjico.

On the other hand, the story shows Louisa Clark (Emilia Clarke), a young woman who, unlike the Traynor family, belongs to the working class. Unexpectedly, find a job as a caregiver of Will and in this way the story begins.

"There are things that you never pay attention until you have to accompany someone in a wheelchair" Louisa Clark.


"I don't want to enter yet, I only want to be a man that has gone to A concert with a girl dressed in red a few more minutes ”William Traynor.

Film plot

A key moment is in which Louisa discovers that Will has asked a Swiss organization for assisted death, that is, euthanasia, because he has made the decision to die with dignity.

However, He has agreed with his parents for a period of six months to carry it out, although his decision is clear. His mother, specifically, does not assume this thought and pretends that Louisa gets Will to retract his decision and show him that it is worth living.

"In the end, everyone wants to see the good side. They need me to look at the good side. They need to believe that there is the good side "William Traynor.

It is a work that get excited if we are sensitive, Before an undeniable frustrated relationship, right at the moment in which a sheet descends to the ground, and we move to another geographical space, with the knowledge that, effectively, Will has been built under the characteristics of a strong and determined temperament.

Various debates but a solution

The film does not only present a message in favor of euthanasia, but also shows several debates. This work opens a Social debate regarding assisted death (euthanasia) and with it, the dignified death of people, which entails The end of an individual suffering of the sick person and his family. Similarly, at certain times the Religious conflict (for example, through the mother of Louise), for the Church believes that "God gives life and therefore only God corresponds to the power to remove it".

Is a recommended movie, because it helps to reflect on this subject so sensitive that it exists in society, conjugated with love relationships and disability that sometimes separates and sometimes unites a possible couple.


  • Movie trailer I will be you
  • Spain approves the euthanasia law and becomes the fifth country of the world to regulate it
  • The euthanasia journey in Spain, in images
  • Right to die dignity (DMD)