Stages of the life of the human being

Stages of the life of the human being

The life of the human being crosses, in general, different stages and periods with more or less common characteristics that condition the growth and development of people. The early stages of life, from gestation to adolescence, will greatly condition posterior adult development. The care of these stages is basic and fundamental to guarantee the healthy development of our infants.

In the following Psychology-online article we will present which are the different Stages of the life of the human being by ages, from the prenatal stage to the old age.

You may also be interested: stages of adolescence and its characteristics index
  1. Prenatal stage
  2. Infante (0-12 months)
  3. Baby (18-36 months)
  4. Pre-school stage (3-6 years)
  5. School stage (7-11 years)
  6. Adolescence (12-18 years)
  7. Young adult (20-30 years)
  8. Average adult (30-50 years)
  9. Maturity (50-65 years)
  10. Third age (+65 years)

Prenatal stage

We will see the stages of life by age, however, we must contemplate the stage before birth. The prenatal stage is the period From the baby's gestation to his birth. It is a critical period for its growth and development of the moment and later since, both physical and emotional and psychological, every experience during this period will deeply determine the bases and predispositions for its development future.

In this period, the baby needs a warm and calm environment for its growth and development to be under healthy conditions. It becomes, therefore, fundamental to propitiate the care of the mother, a baby container at all levels, throughout pregnancy as a measure of promotion of health and prevention of future diseases or pathologies.

Infante (0-12 months)

The first of the stages of life by ages is childhood: from birth until the first year. This period has been called "extension" referring to a stadium in which the baby needs, to continue developing optimally, a external uterus that guarantees your protection and safety. For this reason, during this period the respect of the Diada Mother-Bebé and the promotion and promotion of the lactation as a natural means of establishing the maternal-filial bond.

This is a period in which the development of the baby's organism systems is consolidated and through which it relates to its environment through its sensitive and motor actions. The Free experimentation and The respectful accompaniment They are crucial to favor optimal and healthy development.

Baby (18-36 months)

This is the following of the stages of human development. During this period the child continues to relate to his environment through the senses and his motor skills that, progressively, is polishing and developing.

Respect for the game and free exploration of the child who, guided by his personal self -regulation system, seeks to experience those situations that allow him those learning for which he is prepared.

As a consequence of this motor development, babies begin to walk and begin language by advancing in their cognitive development, which allows them to initiate mental representations of what, until now, they have directly experienced through the senses and motor actions.

Pre-school stage (3-6 years)

The pre-school stage is the third of the stages of life by ages and goes from 3 to 6 years. According to Piaget, this period corresponds to the Pre-operational stage in which the cognitive and psychological development of the child allows him to begin to symbolically represent reality and to progressively develop this type of cognitive elaboration of reality. Here we explain Piaget's cognitive development theory.

At this stage the symbolic game becomes fundamental by allowing the child to integrate learning about the reality that surrounds him through the game, imagination, imitation and drawing. This type of game favors the development of language and cognitive and social skills. Other characteristics of this period are:

  • Your learning is still intuitive, When based on your own experience.
  • They begin to understand basic notions about numerical concepts.
  • Are Egocentric, having not yet developed its capacity for perception and understanding of the other.
  • They look and focus on aspects Global, without receiving details and peculiarities.

School stage (7-11 years)

During this stage of the life of the human being, the child begins to perceive his reality more objectively, abandoning his symbolic representation. Start using logical reasoning in your vital learning. This is the specific operations periods, According to Piaget, in which his thought becomes more flexible and concrete and less egocentric, which allows you to perform inferential operations and reasoning. The mental processes of seriation, classification and conservation are typical of this period.

The process of socialization, Timidly initiated in the previous period, it is consolidating during these years what gives children with significant learning such as interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship modes; social norms; the respect and care of others; the need to relate; the reinforcement and amparo that the social relationship contributes; empathy; abuses and negligence to people; etc. In this article we will see how to work social skills in children.

Adolescence (12-18 years)

Adolescence is one of the most studied stages of human development. It is a period of great internal seizure at all levels (physical, emotional, cognitive, psychological and social). It is a second birth through which adolescents contrast with their new experiences and using their ability to reasoning Formal all its children's experiential baggage to finally establish new mental schemes (about themselves, on others and on the world) that will assume the bases and guide for their transit through the adult world in which they are about to enter.

They occur great physical changes and the relationship with their peers The fundamental environment of personal growth and development goes during this stage, temporarily, temporarily, the need for relationship with parents so basic during childhood. In this article we talk about psychological changes in adolescence.

Young adult (20-30 years)

During this stage of the life of the human being, if adolescence has traveled satisfactorily, the young man has recovered his physical, emotional and psychological balance and take the first personal actions in the adult world to have more clear who he is and what he wants in his life. His inexperience is backed by personal motivation to develop personal life projects (studies, work, couple, etc.) that leads him to undertake life experiences that are enriching him with knowledge about himself, about personal relationships and about the way of proceeding in his environment.

This stage is the last with respect to the growth and physical development of the individual, since emotional and cognitive development continues and developing until the end of life.

Average adult (30-50 years)

This period is characterized by the development and consolidation of Personal life projects (Work, family, etc.) or, on the contrary, for the experience of personal crisis by not having achieved and undertake the personal goals. In the following article we address the median crisis. In these years the greater vital activity which brings together the vitality and dynamism necessary to develop personal life projects.

At this stage of human development, there is no longer any kind of growth or physical development but, on the contrary, the process of emotional and psychological maturation begins as a result of the life experiences that are occurred so far and at that time.

Maturity (50-65 years)

This stage of the life of the human being constitutes a period of definitive consolidation of the emotional and psychological development of people, which gives them new perspectives of vital coping from more serene and calm attitudes.

At this stage of human development, their work activity is ceasing and changing the priorities of life, these being aimed at personal care and loved ones.

Third age (+65 years)

The last of the stages of the life of the human being is the elderly. It constitutes a period of vital relaxation in which life takes slower and slower rhythms. It is a moment of acceptance and integration of the life and preparation experience for the farewell of loved ones. The more or less positive experience of this period will be conditioned by the level of Personal maturity acquired and by the level of Physical Health of the person, aspects that interact significantly.

In the following articles we talk about the fear of aging and gerontology.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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