Thermal stress, what is it?

Thermal stress, what is it?

Thermal stress is a concept that we rarely hear, however, it exists and can affect us more than it seems. Imagine that we are on a broad daylight excursion and under quite high heat conditions. Our excursion is on the mountain and it's summer. We are sweating a lot. We start to meet badly, we feel nausea and dizziness. There is even a point where we stop sweating and the skin is hot. Most likely, we are being victims of thermal stress.

Throughout the article it will be possible to know what thermal stress is and what is. We will know the factors that determine it and those that influence an overload. At the same time, we will deepen how certain individual factors affect and, finally, we will see what the consequences of this type of stress may be. Let's start!


  • Thermal stress
    • Factors that determine potential thermal stress
    •  Parameters that allow controlling and determining thermal overload
  • Individual factors that influence thermal stress
    • Age
    • Obesity
    • Hydration
    • Medications and alcoholic beverages
    • Gender
    • Acclimatization
  • Effects on heat exposure health
    • Dehydration and loss of electrolytes
    • Heat syncope
    • Heat exhaustion
    • Heatstroke
  • Final reflection
    • Bibliography

Thermal stress

As described by Eugenia Monroy and Pablo Luna (2011), of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at work, "The thermal stress corresponds to the net heat load to which workers are exposed and that results from the combined contribution of the environmental conditions of the place where they work, the physical activity they perform and the characteristics of the clothes they carry".

The authors point out that "The thermal overload is the physiological response of the human body to the thermal stress and corresponds to the cost that the human adjustment is necessary to maintain the internal temperature in the proper range". In the case of thermal stress, rather than producing a mental alteration - which also - an alteration at the physical level occurs.

Factors that determine potential thermal stress

  • RH.
  • Air temperature.
  • Radiation.
  • Airspeed.
  • Type of clothing.
  • Metabolic activity.

 Parameters that allow controlling and determining thermal overload

  • Body temperature.
  • Heart rate.
  • Sweating rate.

Despite a series of variables that can facilitate knowing both thermal stress and thermal overload, it is difficult to know if someone can be affected by this type of stress. External variables and the difference between individuals make it difficult to predict thermal stress.

Individual factors that influence thermal stress

Monroy and Luna (2011) list a series of individual factors that influence thermal stress.


Older people are more likely to suffer complications for peripheral circulation control or less ability to maintain hydration. In this way, they are more vulnerable to thermal stress.


Overweight favors thermal stress produced by the thermal insulation suffered by the body. Possible cardiovascular deficiencies and low physical condition also influence. Even so, each person can mean a different case.


During thermal stress, water loss occurs through sweat, so Drinking water will be the main way to rehydrate. To do this, it will be good to drink from time to time, since on many occasions, the feeling of thirst does not always equals the lost amount of water.

Medications and alcoholic beverages

In relation to medications, Special attention should be paid to those who are anticholinergic since they can inhibit sweat. Also sedatives can affect the feeling of thirst. Peripheral circulation is an important aspect in thermoregulation, so we must check if the drugs we take can affect.

Alcohol, even in low doses, The thermoregulation capacity decreases (include vasomotor reflexes and sweating) and increases the probability of a voltage drop. Thus, alcohol affects the body's response in relation to thermal stress and produces peripheral vasodilation and diuresis.


Gender is not something that is still very clear about how it can affect. It depends a lot on the physical condition of each person more than the gender itself. On the other hand, the authors indicate that there are studies that ensure that An internal temperature of 38 degrees can cause temporary infertility. As well as Risk of Fetus Malformation During the first trimester of pregnancy, the mother's temperature exceeds 39 degrees for a long period.


It is a process that can last between 7 and 14 days. The body adapts, little by little, to work in heat conditions. Acclimatization occurs under certain conditions, so if they change, acclimatization is in danger. As Monroy and Luna point out, "The benefits are to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of distribution and loss of heat, improve comfort in exposure to high temperatures and prevent or hinder the appearance of thermal overload".

Effects of child abuse in the brain

Effects on heat exposure health

Dehydration and loss of electrolytes

When we are continuously exposed to heat, The body begins to lose water and electrolytes through sweat. To do this, the best dehydration indicator is not thirst, but muscle cramps and gastrointestinal problems.

Heat syncope

Heat syncope can cause loss of consciousness or fainting. Generally, it is due to the lack of acclimatization.

Heat exhaustion

The main cause is dehydration and is usually observed through the loss of work capacity, motor skills become slow, fatigue, nausea, etc.


Conditions have caused thermoregulation not enough to combat heat. The body has launched most of its defenses to combat hyperthermia but it is not enough. The internal temperature rises above 40.5 degrees, The skin is heated and dries because there is no sweating. Medical assistance and hospitalization are required. The consequences can be maintained for several days.

Final reflection

Undoubtedly, summer is a time to enjoy the beach and outdoor activities, but we must extreme caution. Above all, when exercises or works are carried out under high temperatures prolonged. Protecting at the maximum temperature hours and being correctly hydrated, will be essential to fight thermal stress.


Monroy, e. And Luna, Pablo. (2011). Thermal stress and thermal overload: risk assessment (i). National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work.