Posttraumatic stress for infidelity

Posttraumatic stress for infidelity

There are those who experience posttraumatic stress due to infidelity, which prevents forging a new relationship or continuing their life normally, because they have lost part of confidence in other people.

One of the most difficult wounds to heal is infidelity. When trust is betrayed in a couple, then the relationship crosses some instability.

Who has been betrayed feels humiliation. This can generate a trauma, accompanied by a series of symptoms that are related to which many professionals identify as part of posttraumatic stress. As when a threat to physical or emotional well -being is suffered, the person could feel confusion and disorientation.


  • Post -traumatic stress symptoms for infidelity
    • When couples decide to return
  • recommendations
    • Bibliography

Post -traumatic stress symptoms for infidelity

Who lives posttraumatic stress due to infidelity can experience intrusive thoughts, unstable emotions, try to find information that generates anguish; feeling of impotence, self -esteem in a negative way, guilt, among others.

Some people have confessed in consultation: “When I learned about my partner's adventure, I couldn't help thinking again and again what had happened. I have nightmares. My hope in love is destroyed. It was the person who trusted and betrayed me. I felt devastated and full of anger. I can't find peace in any way; I feel humiliated and I wonder how it was capable "

Live an infidelity too It can bring to the present painful memories of the past that hinder the process of emotional recovery.

According to the immaculate author Jauregui Balenciaga, in her study on the person victim of infidelity, trauma and post -traumatic stress: “We see that infidelity reaches many people like a tsunami, sweeping everything ... we find part of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress And how infidelity is lived, just like a deep and authentic traum three or four years, the victim runs into his ex -partner who was unfaithful and collapses exactly like the first day.

The author also emphasizes that, in the case of other people, who are victims of infidelity equally, in order to avoid collapse they are launched into somewhat compulsive search for couples or relationships that, somehow, restore lost self -esteem and thus lift the wounded pride, the mood, based on illusions.

When couples decide to return

There are scenarios in which people involved in infidelity do not want to lose their relationship, but this is a challenge, since Trust is broken and it is more difficult to reach reconciliation.

Given this, it is worth asking how a betrayed couple can believe again in the other and how someone who chose to betray can overcome remorse and guilt. It is necessary that the two parties understand that the person who has been betrayed to suffer from symptoms of posttraumatic stress.

At this point, the traumatized person lives an experience that is not easy for him, so perhaps experienced humor changes in an abrupt way, he wants to escape or on the contrary he feels motionless, he has the need to get counterattack or arise other underlying problems.

The role of both, if they want to continue, is realize that the previous relationship is over and that they must now be drawn up as a goal to build a new, able to deal with future challenges.

The solutions are not fast, so it is not convenient to hold on to the past. If what happened is banalized, pain can become more difficult to solve. On the other hand, if you always feel angry, pain or distrust, this will not help solve the problem either.

Who betrayed, must seriously assume what he has done, and who has been betrayed must really want to rebuild the relationship to re -trust the person again.


The recovery for this type of traumas is usually complex and long, especially if the deception has been prolonged, or with an unexpected person. Some strategies that could function are the following:

  • Take some time: To be able to feel the pain, process what has happened and think calmly what you want to do. That is, decide to end the relationship or recover it. The affected person must be patient with herself.
  • Seek emotional support: You may not want to share with others what has happened, but support in loved ones can help. Nearby people can offer comfort.
  • Resort to professional support: either that it is decided to finish the relationship or continue, the support of a specialist can be very important. Couple therapy is crucial, but also individually, to restore self -esteem, especially after suffering posttraumatic stress due to infidelity.

A person with posttraumatic stress for infidelity can distrust the other links he has in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to work this aspect with a mental health professional, in order to overcome and enjoy future relationships.

How to overcome an infidelity?


  • Camacho, J. (2004). Fidelity and infidelity in couple relationships. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Dunken Editions.
  • Jauregui Balenciaga, Immaculate. (2020). The victim of infidelity. Postraumatic trauma and stress.
  • Medina, j. L. V., Colín, b. G., Martínez, m. OR. M., from Oca, and. P. TO. M., Fuentes, n. Yo. G. TO. L., & Muñoz, M. TO. T. (2013). The causes that lead to infidelity: an analysis by sex. Psychological Research Act3(3), 1271-1279.