This is what happens to your body if you do not sleep enough

This is what happens to your body if you do not sleep enough

Did you know that your body can suffer serious consequences if you don't sleep enough?

It is no accident that we sleep around the third part of our life, and if you do not dedicate enough hours to a healthy and repairing dream, your body could suffer serious physical and mental consequences.

The good dream is essential for life, but so far few have ventured to collect all the studies that exist regarding this topic.

My friends from Revolution Health collected more than 20 scientific studies regarding what can happen to your body if you do not sleep the hours you need, and worse, if you sleep others (which is also dangerous).

Their findings were surprising: not only 46% of the world population suffers due to lack of sleep, but things are very worse than you imagine.

If until now you thought that yawns and bad mood is the only thing you will face, you are wrong. In reality, the consequences range from a possible deterioration of your cognitive functions to the risk of diabetes, weakest bones and other extremely unpleasant consequences.

Judge for yourself and note the 21 studies that support this infographic: