Is being less connected to the mobile makes us happier? 7 benefits of reducing its use

Is being less connected to the mobile makes us happier? 7 benefits of reducing its use

Nomophobia is irrational terror to be far from the mobile. Therefore, each April 15 International Day is celebrated without mobile.

It is not any date, but a movement that has emerged from the hand of experts and psychological to raise awareness about the responsible, productive and healthy use of mobile devices.

At present, there are many individuals who are at the service of their electronic devices, when reality should be contrary.


  • Nomophobia, an irrational fear of not having the mobile
  • Other details about screen use
  • Benefits of reducing the use of screens
    • Bibliography

Nomophobia, an irrational fear of not having the mobile

Today the screens occupy a prominent place in anyone's life, then, they are the order of the day at the time of studying, working, establishing communication with friends, family, making purchases, asking for a taxi, or just looking at what time is.

Clearly, the needs have now changed, and mobile phones have become such a useful tool that it is almost impossible to remain separate. But how healthy is this habit?

A study carried out by UNIR, stressed that a 25 % of adolescents can be considered as users with risks of suffer nomophobia, that is, the irrational fear of not having a mobile device for a time interval close.

Similarly, there are many beliefs that encourage the use of electronic devices. For example, a study carried out by DRA. Michelle Pamela Fung Fallas, about the impact of screen time on the health of children and adolescents come to tear down many myths.

One of the facts described in this study is that the lack of information has led to many parents and caregivers allowing the use of devices, from very early ages, under the belief that educational programs will help them in development.

But, nothing more distant from it. On the contrary, the study highlights that Excessive use of screens causes alterations in various areas of health, such as changes in the Weight, sedentary lifestyle, sleep, food and psychological development and well -being, influencing other factors, both internal and external the family environment.

From this, the doctor and the co -authors of the study promote the need to raise awareness of the population about the negative implications that the excessive use of the screens brings, as well as the need to interact with the real world so that the children have a good development.

It is true that since smartphones came, in addition to being able to have an Internet connection from anywhere, the lives of many has improved in many aspects, but there are also other problems that have increased. One of these problems is that other activities that are equal or more relevant have been abandoned and that the children are on the verge of suffering consequences that alter their mental health.

Other details about screen use

There have been several studies that have dedicated themselves to analyzing this reality. The La Caixa Social Observatory, in its research on “The Welfare Pers.

According to the National Statistics Institute, 7 out of 10 minors had a mobile phone and 34 % of families did not establish limits regarding the screens use hours.

That is why it is convenient to analyze the benefits that the reduction brings, at least one hour a day, of the screens.

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Benefits of reducing the use of screens

Among the benefits of reducing the use of screens, are the following:

  1. More rest: Every time, the little ones have more problems when going to bed and sleeping. Of every ten children, two have reduced their rest hours. Using devices at bedtime decreases melatonin secretion And this affects sleep quality. In fact, it is suggested not to sleep with the devices in the room to avoid the desire to review the updates in the middle of the night.
  2. More moments of joy: Observe the “perfect” lives that many appear on social networks could take the little ones to a state of frustration, when comparing and verifying that they fail to have what others do.
  3. Healthiest children: While spending less time in front of the screens, it allows them to carry out other activities, such as outdoor game.
  4. Improve social skills: Above all, through interaction with other children, -always the sanitary norms-.
  5. Reduce bullying: A phenomenon that has not disappeared, but that can stalk very dangerously to those behind a screen.
  6. Less addiction: Addictive behaviors with the use of mobile.
  7. Better visual health: In the future, the consequences in the view can be atrocious. Well, the light emitted by the screens affect the neurons of the eyes and, these effects, they can begin to be noticed from 26 years of age.

It is important to learn to reduce the time spent in front of mobile screens; In addition, parents must also be aware of the dangers that this entails, so, from today, this trend can be reversed.

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  • Avendaño, m. D., Fifths, s. D., & de Sotomayor, I. D. TO. (2018). The ritual use of screens among young university students. A digital diet experience. Social Prism: Social Research Magazine, (21), 480-499.
  • Bringué, x., & Sánchez-Blanco, C. (2007). Children and their screens.Who will be able to mediate?.
  • Bringué, x., & Sádaba-Balezquer, C. (2010). Spanish children and adolescents to the screens: configurative features of an interactive generation.
  • Failures, m. P. F., Mora, e. J. R., & Castro, L. G. D. (2020). Impact of screen time on the health of children and adolescents. Synergy Medical Magazine5(06), 1-10.