Escitalopram, a drug to treat depression

Escitalopram, a drug to treat depression

He Escitalopram It is a substance that is used in numerous chemical compounds that are used to Treat depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

This situation occurs mainly in people who have excessive concern and who fail to release or manage day -to -day basis. If this extends over time for a long period, usually greater than six months, it is common for the doctor to recipe this product.


  • How the Escitalopram acts
  • What is Escitalopram used for
  • Risks of the Escitalopram
    • Bibliographic references

How the Escitalopram acts

The operation of this antidepressant medicine is as follows: first, it acts increasing serotonin concentration, substance that the brain generates to maintain a mental balance and that is essential to avoid depression problems.

We explain it in another way. The escitalopram is what is usually known in medicine as A serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which causes its reabsorption to be limited by postsynaptic receptors.

What is Escitalopram used for

The escitalopram is used mainly to deal with problems related to depression. This medicine has proven very effective in people with depressive disorders, since it is one of the drugs that best can treat this disease increasingly frequent in our current society.

Within depression problems, it is also used for the treatment of related disorders, such as anxiety and all kinds of evils triggered by problems that come from depression.

One of the most common uses, and at the same time an increasingly common disorder in society is generalized anxiety disorder. This occurs in people who suffer excessive concern, even reacting exaggeratedly, without really providing it with more than their own mind.

In these cases, medications such as Escitalopram have demonstrated enormous effectiveness, since They manage to inhibit this type of reactions in the patient. In this way, he manages to lead a more normal life and can face everyday situations without this problem being prevented.

Panic disorder is another of the most uncontrollable reactions by the person who suffers them. In this type of pictures it is also very common to take this compound, since The anguish crisis will be reduced quickly and notably and its physical effects, such as tachycardia and difficulty even breathing.

Therefore, it is really important. Therefore, the use of these medications can be very useful to maintain control over fears, anxieties, emotions and concerns.

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Risks of the Escitalopram

Like all medications that They affect one way or another in our behavior, The escitalopram involves a risk of dependence on the part of the patient. For this reason, it is essential to always consume it under medical prescription.

Likewise, we will have to follow up to prevent us from falling into addiction to these pills and that we develop dependence on them, so we need to take them uninterruptedly.

And it is that antidepressants, including this, are medications that must be consumed with a lot of moderation and, of course, always with medical supervision and not prolong the treatment for a long time.

The fact that its consumption does not generate high tolerance, allows them to be taken for longer. However, the dependency they generate can produce problems at the time its consumption is withdrawn. For this reason, it should be done gradually, since it can produce effects on the patient.

Also, as usually happens with all kinds of medications, the escitalopram has some side effects to which attention must be paid. Among the most frequent are headache, nausea or insomnia problems. In the sexual field, they can also produce some difficulties, such as dysfunction or ejaculation problems.

However, in more serious cases seizures can occur, although this is much less frequent. In case of detecting any of these symptoms, it is convenient to inform our doctor and not continue taking them, since we can not bear their consumption well and be hurting our body.

Bibliographic references

  • López-Ibor, J. J., Sáiz-Ruiz, j., & Bobes, J. (EDS.). (2014). Psychopharmacology Treaty: Bases and Clinical Application. Pan -American Medical Editorial.
  • Nogueras, l., & Menchón, J. M. (2015). Pharmacological treatment of mood disorders. In j. M. Menchón (ed.), Psychopathology of mood and anxiety (pp. 55-75). Pan -American Medical Editorial.