San Diego SD-Wise Wisdom Scale

San Diego SD-Wise Wisdom Scale
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Self -knowledge Executions: +8.000

Unlike general intelligence (CI), Wisdom is a superior concept that refers to the knowledge acquired through study or experience and that allows people to act with sense and success. It is the basis for welfare and healthy aging.

This test is the result of a study based on recent advances in the understanding of the psychological and neurobiological models of this trait made by a multidisciplinary team of the University of San Diego, where it was found that the scores of this test (SD-Wise ) They correlated positively with well -being and negatively with emotional anguish.

The test consists of 28 questions that analyze the 7 aspects in which wisdom is broken down:

  1. Mentoring. It refers to General knowledge of life, to the skills to function effectively in society, and to the ability to use that knowledge to offer good advice to others.
  2. Emotional control. It is about the ability to Emotional regulation and self -control in decision making.
  3. BENEFACTOR. Refers to pro-social behaviors such as empathy, compassion, altruism and the sense of justice.
  4. Self -knowledge. The desire and the ability to understand oneself and their in -depth behavior.
  5. TOLERANCE. It is the acceptance of the value systems of others Without judging them.
  6. AUDACITY. It is the Capacity for decision-making rapid and effective.
  7. SPIRITUALITY. Reflects the spiritual connection that exists with people, nature or soul.

The prefrontal cortex and the tonsil seem to be the main regions of the brain related to wisdom, since the first one occupies a prominent place in emotional regulation. Specifically, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates the decision -making calculated and based on reason, while the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is involved in emotional values ​​and prosocial attitudes and behaviors.

This test provides you with a global wisdom index and the level corresponding to each of the individual areas in which wisdom is broken down. Honestly answer all questions indicating your degree in accordance with each statement.

This test only offers guidance and lacks diagnostic value.

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