Are you emotional dependent?

Are you emotional dependent?

When constantly We feel that we are pleased the desires and needs of other people, Without having reached our desires or having met our needs we are facing a very clear symptom of dependency. For example at work we do our best and we feel that others appreciate what we do even though we provide all the attention they need before their demands. We are emotionally dependent on our bosses again. When we are in a relationship and we try to satisfy her needs 100%, regardless of ours, we are giving dependence samples again. However when we who need them, they don't care how we are or how we feel.

Emotional dependence is "A pattern of unsatisfied emotional needs from childhood, Now we seek to satisfy, through the search for very narrow interpersonal relationships ".

How to recognize dependence?

We are emotional dependents if we perceive that others are happy with us, then we are happy, if the others: family, friends, neighbors, co -workers, etc., They do not approve, so we feel that we are not worth it and we feel overwhelmed and depressed.

We are emotional dependents if we feel strong fear because what we say or do can offend someone and better avoid conflicts so as not to be rejected or marginalized.

We are emotional dependent if we say yes, when we really wanted to say no and we never like to contradict in group discussions for fear of annoying or bothering, so that we accommodate the majority approaches, so let's not think that way.

In summary we are emotional dependent when we make our well -being in the hands of other people in our environment, because we are unable to self -affirm ourselves in our own personality and thus be able to perceive the good of our own image, and what can be able to be when having a voice own.

Why are we dependent?

One of the most direct interpretations reviewed the stories of this type of people, a Primary affective lack, a lack of valuation and appreciation by parents or significant adults. Emotionally the person learns to stay permanent waiting for the affection that was denied him and for that he must behave pleasing, to receive a sample of affection. These chronic hungry are often not aware of whether deprivation status, because they assume everything in a natural way. The intense desire to appreciate, love or refuse or rejected is articulated in early childhood when parents make their child important children and objects of all their affection. Otherwise the child will grow with a deprivation that will manifest in their emotional behavior.

Relationship and physical complexes

How does an emotional dependent act?

  • An emotional dependent Wait for love and when you get it, you don't think you deserve this affection and even reject it. He is unable to offer mature and responsible affection. Look for attachment to someone who ideals and adopts as a model.  Understand love as "service", hook, submission, admiration to the other person and not as a reciprocal exchange of affection.
  • Your relationship with another person is based on need excessive approval, living with low self -esteem, tries that the other close ones achieve, because he considers himself unable to do so.
  • He insists on showing off a good appearance. Expresses in different ways your care and affection demands: making gifts or favors that do not ask, worrying and being pending of others.
  • He surrenders emotionally to the first person who takes interest, without evaluating whether or not it is convenient. Live pending people who are significant. Is able to endure, emotional abuse and humiliations. Your own tastes and interests are relegated to the background.

An emotional dependent requires a long -term therapy, where he can process his affective deficiencies and reconstruct.

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