Epilepsy types of crisis and more common causes

Epilepsy types of crisis and more common causes

The epilepsy It is an abrupt and transitory disorder of the normal physiology of the brain, usually of the cerebral cortex. It is associated with an alteration of brain electrical activity, because abnormal discharges of activity of a group of neurons are generally located in the cortex.


  • Epileptic crisis types
    • 2. Generalized epilepsy crisis
  • Possible causes of epilepsy
    • Possible causes of unidentifiable epilepsy
  • Appearance and development of the disease
  • Symptoms characteristic of the disease
    • References

Epileptic crisis types

Epileptic crises can be divided into two types, partial and generalized crisis.


In partial epileptic crises the electric shock originates from a more or less localized group of neurons cortical known as epileptic focus or epileptogenic zone.

Normally there are different clinical manifestations of this type of crisis, which are determined by the location of the epileptic focus and by the Directorate of Propagation of these downloads.

Keep in mind that in some cases partial crises can progress and become a general tonic-clonic crisis.

2. Generalized epilepsy crisis

On the other hand, In generalized crises an activation of synchronous and simultaneous form of the two cerebral hemispheres occurs, including the central frontal cortex, diencephalic structures, talamic nuclei and talamocortical connections.

When the conscience is altered, primitive, repetitive and in turn coordinated behaviors are presented automatisms. Which are presented without a specific purpose, in an unconscious and automatic way, for example: of gold type such as chewing, swallowing or pacifier.

Many times people suffering from epilepsy can anticipate a crisis due to epileptic aura that are characteristic symptoms that appear before the crisis occurs.

Possible causes of epilepsy

Epilepsy is given by the electric hypersincronization of the neuronal network of the cerebral cortex, where an abnormal discharge of nerve impulses of recurrent and paroxysmal characteristics causes a malfunction of nerve cells triggering involuntary movements and loss of consciousness.

Patients presenting epilepsy may suffer a series of uncontrolled and involuntary body movements called seizures repetitively. This is called "epileptic attack".

Clinically, Epilepsy is defined as a picture in which at least two unpaved seizures occur with a time separation of more than 24 hours.

Less than half of epilepsy cases have an identifiable cause And it is believed that epilepsy in most patients is genetically determined. In the rest of the patients in which the cause cannot be identified or determined, the list of possible causes of epileptic seizures are very varied

Possible causes of unidentifiable epilepsy

  • Head trauma
  • Brain tumor
  • Stroke
  • Intracranial infection
  • Brain degeneration
  • Bad cerebral congenital formations
  • Congenital metabolism errors
Benefits of vitamin E

Appearance and development of the disease

Epilepsy can occur throughout the life of a person, either because of a structural lesion in the brain or also by a brain scar. In most cases, this disease occurs during birth or subsequently at birth.

In fact, there are two large types of epilepsy:

  • Symptomatic, It occurs mainly due to brain injuries. So that it can cause cognitive impairment and even malformations in cortical development
  • AND idiopathic, in which its origin is not known. Therefore, the cause of these epileptic attacks is not known. But it is likely that brain tumors or malformations are given, or by certain diseases that affect the nervous system.

Symptoms characteristic of the disease

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that can affect people around all ages. In most cases, they present frequent seizures.

These seizures are called brief episodes in which the movements are involuntary, they can usually affect a part of the body and they are considered partial convulsions or can affect in their entirety. The latter, generalized seizures, are usually accompanied by loss of consciousness and loss of sphincter control.

The epilepsy crisis is considered an abnormal activity that occurs in neurons, directly affecting brain tissue, and producing that the brain is in an excitable state. This makes abnormal signals, causing repetitive and unexpected seizures, which in turn can produce sudden changes in attention and behavior.

These episodes caused by seizures generally occur For an electric shock of nerve stimuli, generating, in turn, these discharges brain problems. These downloads can manifest through very succinct episodes of absence, or also by muscle contractions typical of seizures.

Its continuity can vary from less than one seizure in the year, to several that occur in the day. Therefore, it is considered a presence of epilepsy when two or more unpunished seizures occur.

The electroencephalogram (EEG): a window to the brain


  • Peña-Herrera, b. And Marcial, P. (2018) Neurosciences: etiology of brain damage. Samborondón: University Holy - Ecuador.