Interview with DR. Manuel Sánchez and the NO formula

Interview with DR. Manuel Sánchez and the NO formula

"We cannot clean our hands regarding our health by protecting ourselves in genetic predisposition"

First of all, Doctor, thank you very much for lending us part of your time for this interview, we imagine that he is a very professionally occupied person. When and how the idea of ​​the web arose www.Proproactive

The essence of proactive medicine is to get ahead of pathologies so that the disease does not occur. This forces us to go to the root of health problems and to do a thorough and personalized monitoring of each patient with the purpose of preventing diseases. Logically, in this medicine model the implication of the patient is basic, since the habits of life and healthy eating are the best containment barrier to any ailment. Therefore, when creating the Desánchez Clinic in 2017, we were very clear that communication with the patient in a direct, clear and flat way was going to be one of our pillars. That's why we create www.Proproactive as a direct channel with people interested in taking responsibility for health care.

What objectives pursues in the health field?

We apply an advanced application medicine, so our main motivation is to bring the latest scientific advances to the consultation for the patient's benefit. In line with this, we want to pay careful health of each person, dedicating time and doing the necessary evidence. How would we treat stress if we did it with haste? In parallel, we try to persuade our patients to take care of themselves taking into account the five pillars of the well -being in which we work: eat balanced, sleep well, exercise moderate, be loved and do sex, and be happy.

We see that the health diffusion through the Internet today is very extensive, but do you think that all the health information offered is of quality? Many people consult on the Internet about health issues and do not always do it in safe places.

Internet itself is not negative. On the contrary, it provides us with information that helps us sensitize ourselves about our health. The key is that the source of information is reliable and is prepared by a medical team or with the supervision of health professionals. However, nothing can replace the relationship of trust between a doctor and his patient.

Could you tell us broadly the DNA of the Desánchez Clinic?

After 25 years exercising medicine, I decided to implement this project to put into practice my own method based on the proactive medicine of health and well -being. I like to call the desánchez clinic as 'your doctor's house' for several reasons. To begin with, we are located in a modernist building in Barcelona that breathes tranquility and comfort. We want patients to feel relaxed as soon as the doors of our center cross. Second, I want to establish a relationship of closeness and total confidence with the patient, since we will be responsible for managing all aspects related to their health and well -being. Third, among the tenants of 'Your doctor's house' are the best specialists and surgeons in Spain, and we go to them to solve the specific needs of our patients.

Some experts claim that only 25% of diseases have a genetic cause, while 75% of health problems have their origin in life habits that are at risk today. What do you think there is true in this statement?

It is a scientifically proven fact. We cannot clean our hands regarding our health by protecting ourselves in genetic predisposition, since most health problems are caused by lifestyle, nutrition, socioeconomic level, the environment and the practice of physical exercise. That is why we have to return to habits that are not so far in time. For example, the Predimed study has concluded that following a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil and enriched with nuts can dramatically reduce cardiovascular problems. It is the same effect that produces something as simple as walking through a forest with shadow.

We would like me to tell us something about the need to know how to say "no" to maintain physical and emotional health.

Living with stress stimulates the production of substances such as cortisol, stress hormone, which keep the body in tension. Unfortunately, today we are immersed in a mosses of hyperactivity that drives us to want to cover everything and have the feeling that we do everything running and without paying the attention it requires. But all this stress passes an invoice and is behind cardiovascular diseases, depression, insomnia, premature aging and even hair loss and digestive problems. Many times the solution to get out of this spiral is knowing. To sensitize our patients about this aspect we are prescribing the no.

Do you want to highlight any other service offered by the Desánchez Clinic?

Our most outstanding specialty is aesthetic medicine and anti -aging medicine or healthy longevity. We are pioneers in this area. The techniques against sagging, cellulite and varicose veins, as well as botulinum toxin and facial and body implants, are the treatments that ask us most, but our approach is clear: we try to improve internal physiology and the aspect jointly, And we are able to blur the effects of wrinkles, sagging or biodermic aging, but not modifying people with excessive treatments. Medical treatments, to be effective, must be feasible, safe, personalized and with proven results.

Doctor, how do you see the future of medicine? There is a lot of talk about life expectancy if we take care of each other better ..

Scientific studies show that we will live 120 or 150 years if we take care of our body and organism as they deserve. If, in addition, we rely not only on predictive medicine, which is what we currently do thanks to advances in genetics, but in regenerative medicine with monoclonal antibodies, we can create therapeutic targets and further advance in pharmacogenetics and bioengineering and bioengineering. More and more is advancing tissue engineering, which, through various processes, produce biomaterials of natural and synthetic origin that can be adapted to any lost tissue and for each particular human being in order to regenerate what is lost.

The Stem Cells, that they are very fashionable and more and more processes can be applied, they will be the autologous and definitive cure of many diseases that shorten our lives and its quality. It will also have a lot to say nanotechnology, which thanks to the use of materials between one and one hundred nanometers (a nanometer is the millmillonese part of the subway), will allow to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases in a more effective way, specifically directing the treatments to the tissue Sick, without damaging healthy tissues.

As we see, there is a very hopeful future thanks to the efforts of multiple disciplines within science, from medicine and biology to genetics and physics. The advances of the different areas promise us to live many years with a good quality of life, but we have to get there. Therefore, what we do is prevent you from chasing your years. We try that this age or time space accompanies you with placidity and longevity, with health, without stress, with happiness, much energy and desire to live.

What would you recommend to be active and therefore improve our quality of life?

A good way to start is following the recipe for happiness: it is composed of all those moments that each one detects that they provide tranquility and well -being. Once identified, we can generate a recipe full of dose of these moments. Happiness is, without a doubt, one of the ingredients of the true Mediterranean diet that we must recover to reach old with the highest quality of life.

After the day we all have situations in which we are happy: the hug and smile of the son, the couple's accomplice kiss, hear a song and sing it ... instead, there are others that stress us: traffic, pollution, the discomfort that spread and spread others ... we must have more satisfactory moments than stress peaks. Thus we will achieve welfare and longevity. If you start arguing at 7 in the morning, at 8 pm you are already against all humanity and part of the universe.

Thank you very much, Doctor Sánchez, it has been a pleasure to do this interview for psychoactive.