Interview with Sofía Velat, clinical neuropsychologist and gerontology expert

Interview with Sofía Velat, clinical neuropsychologist and gerontology expert

If there is a word related to psychology that is well -being and that is the word with which today's interviewee receives when visiting its website. We talked about Sofia Velat Llavona. General Health Psychologist in Gerontology and Specialist in Clinical Neuropsychology.

First of all Sofia, thank you very much for attending us, since we know you are a very busy person.

Thanks to you for the interest in the subject.

We would like you to tell us to start something about yourself, for example, why did you decide to study psychology and since when you exercise in your consultation?

Because studying psychology was fortuitous due to an error in the registration of the university. I started the race for not losing the year and fascinated me. It is a discipline that had not raised me, but that knowing her closely fell in love, so I decided to continue.

In neuropsychology consultation exercising since 2014, both with patients with dementia or acquired brain damage, and with their relatives who study with various mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression mainly. Since January of this year, the Ejerzo General Health Psychology consultation, in Oviedo.

We know that you are passionate about your work but not having worked as a psychologist ... What would you have dedicated professionally?

My first option was to study biology, I had had a great teacher at the institute who had made me worship this discipline, however the approach to psychology made me change my mind.

Do you remember your first patient as a psychologist and what an impact he had professionally?

Of course! I believe that the first patient never forgets, insecurities arise and also the fascination of seeing and treating the syndromes and symptoms that you have seen so much theoretically. In my case it was a man with an acquired aphasia after a stroke-vascular accident. For me it was fascinating.

You are an expert in Gerontology, can you explain that it is exactly gerontology and what relationship keeps your work in this professional union?

My first specialization was in gerontology, as you can see on my website, I also direct an elderly residence since 2007, so this discipline is fundamental in my professional field. In addition, the specialization in neuropsychology in terms of the study of dementias complements directly. Gerontology is the discipline that studies old age and all the phenomena that imply it, it is a discipline that projects a global image of aging and that seeks to improve the quality of life and well -being of adults to promote active and healthy aging.

We continue reading your interesting website and we see that reference is made to hypnosis, a field in which you are also formed. Can you briefly tell us what it consists of?

Hypnosis uses it within the framework of therapy as another technique, that is, hypnosis does not imply a therapy alone, but it complements other techniques used in session and with it we get faster changes and better results. I always define my patients hypnosis as a learning that we automate, such as driving or learning a certain movement in a sport. A hypnotic trance state is induced, usually by deep relaxation, and the patient receives suggestions indicated for the problem to be treated.

Well, we reach the point that interests us especially in the interview. Neuropsychology ... Sofia What does neuropsychology consist of?

Neuropsychology is a subdiscipline of neuroscience that studies brain-conduct relations. Study the effects that an anomalous injury, damage or functioning in the structures of the central nervous system causes cognitive, psychological, emotional and individual behavior processes.

The objective of neuropsychology in the clinic is to perform a neuropsychological evaluation of the deficits secondary to a neurological pathology, to elaborate an individualized treatment plan that allows the person to achieve the greatest degree of adaptation and autonomy in their environment; that is, to achieve an adequate quality of life for both the person and for the family.

What relationship do we find between psychology and neuropsychology?

We find a close relationship between the two since, as a consequence of a neurological disorder, cognitive functions such as memory, executive functions, viso -spatial skills, attention or language can be affected, but also sometimes there are behavioral and/or/or emotional that can affect the daily routines of affected people and their personal and work environment.

Therefore, neuropsychological rehabilitation should not forget to address these behavioral and emotional disorders, work with the person globally.

Do you think it is well known what neuropsychology is or is still something unknown?

From professional schools, hard is being done so that it is recognized as a specialization and that has more presence in the public sphere. There is still much to do and raise awareness of the benefits that, on the person, in the first place, and on public health, ultimately, has the figure of neuropsychology in the hospital sphere. For example, in Asturias there is only a public neuropsychology professional for the entire territory, which is clearly insufficient.

In the private sphere, luckily, discipline is more noticeable. It has been announced in the field of dementias and cognitive deterioration, but more and more people with acquired brain damage benefit from neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Why do you think people relate neurology to neuropsychology and sometimes confuse it?

Both disciplines study the pathology of the central nervous system, neurology in their medical sphere and neuropsychology in its cognitive, behavioral and affective field. It seems easy to confuse it if you are not immersed in the world of neuro, or as a professional, or as a patient.

Really interesting but what drives you to study neuropsychology?

In the career my favorite subjects were those related to the bio, there was a mandatory subject of cognitive neuropsychology taught by Fernando Cuetos that I loved. Then I attended another optional subject of clinical neuropsychology and finally, when I was already working at residence with people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment (DCL), I decided to train in the specialization of clinical neuropsychology to complete and complement my knowledge in the matter.

What kind of patients do you usually treat in neuropsychology speaking in terms of ages and characteristics?

In my case, the greatest number of patients have it in older people who come with doubts about their music processes. They begin to have memory losses and other associated symptomatology such as irritability or personality changes and want to discern whether they are facing a degenerative disorder such as dementia, DCL or depression. Differential diagnosis is essential to focus treatment.

However, another important group of patients correspond to patients who have suffered a stroke or even a cranioecephalic accident with cognitive, emotional or behavioral consequences. In this second group the ages are very varied, but mostly they are men between 25 and 50 years.

We continue to make a tour of your website and observe that you offer workshops, are they face -to -face in your consultation? Tell us a little about them ..

It depends on the group and the workshop. But it is not usual for them to make them in consultation but rather in the local premises of the various associations, NGOs or companies that hire said workshop. For example, the last workshop I taught about gender issues, was offered in a detoxification center and their assistants, among 10-12 people, were mostly men with an average age of 40 years.

The number of people in the group depends on the workshop, it is not the same to speak and deal pending in case attendees arise.

As a health professional, what are you most proud of your work?

For me it is a pleasure to see the progress of the people who come in search of help to my consultation. The moment we decide that you can walk alone, the moment when you are no longer necessary, it is always a joy for any health professional.

We know that you are a very proactive professional, what would you like to do professionally that you have not done yet?

I always have something in mind! My next goal is to train in Ericksonian hypnosis. But in the further future I do not want to rule out the possibility of training in sexology because it is another scope of psychology that has always caught my attention.

Would you recommend psychoactive?

Of course! I am very active in social networks and I usually share many of the articles you publish. They are very helpful both professionals and the general population.

Well, thank you very much for this interview Sofia, we have learned more about well -being and neuropsychology, but above all we have learned from a great professional, a hug.  See you soon.