Interview with Úrsula Perona, youth and forensic child psychologist

Interview with Úrsula Perona, youth and forensic child psychologist

An interview is always a challenge and more when it is done to a great professional in the field of psychology as Úrsula Perona. Possibly a great promise in that sector to which we greatly appreciate your time and dedication to this interview.

First Úrsula thank you for your attention and time. We would first like to thank your collaboration in our YouTube channel (psychoactive) where we have the great pleasure of learning a lot in your videos. We start if you think the interview.

I am delighted to be able to do this interview so that our readers can meet you and your work better.

First of all I wanted to ask you, why did you decide to study the career of Psychology and what prompted you to it? If you hadn't been a psychologist to have dedicated yourself and why?

If I had not been a psychologist, I suppose it would have been a doctor. My vocation towards the field of health and help the other is very strong.

In which area of ​​psychology are you specialized?

I am specialized in Youth Infanta Clinical Psychology, and Forensic Psychology.

What does child psychology have other branches of psychology to hook you?

It was very vocational, I was clear from the beginning. I like children, dealing with them, everything related to childhood arouses me a lot of interest and tenderness. In the field of child psychopathology, it seems to me a challenge: a child cannot express what happens to him as an adult, his emotional world is complex and immature, and at the same time there is great potential in each child that if it develops properly , you can report happiness and well -being when you are an adult. On the contrary, if the needs of childhood are folly fade, sequels will also mark the personality forever.

How psychologist specialized in child psychology, what can you help parents and children and children?

Of course in everything that involves evaluating and treating the problems and psychological difficulties of childhood, which means working with the child at therapeutic level. Help parents understand what happens to their son and how they can help him and accompany him to solve their difficulties or improve as much as possible. Parents of children with serious problems, such as autism, psychosis, ADHD or behavioral spectrum disorders, need a lot of support and guidance.

What is the syndrome or child disorder that you have treated the most in your career?

I think that behavioral disorders would be in the lead, since they also cover a wide age range. I would follow the attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, which I also like and about which I have studied a lot. Behind would go development disorders and other problems: anxiety, phobias, bullying victims, victims of abuse ..

What services do you offer? I think you give courses, you also make conferences, consult ..

Well, from our center in Alicante we offer a wide range of related services as well as clinical attention, as well as with the formative and informative part. We make parents' schools, specific workshops on various topics: behavior, food, sleep ... also courses for children and adolescents to help them with social skills, anxiety about exams and many other things.

What would you like to do in psychology that you have not yet been able to do?

I would like to have more time to be able to implement a psychological help project to people without resources. A foundation that could serve so many people who cannot afford access to psychological therapy and who need it.

I also have pending to write a book.

In your videos we learn a lot and have many followers, but do you have a favorite video? Because?

Well, I don't usually see my videos once I do them. Maybe I have special affection for the video I made for you about depression, because they still have many visits and many comments come to me in the sense that people feel identified and understood, which is very necessary when a person is suffering.

We would like our readers to briefly tell them, how can psychology help us?

Psychology remains the great unknown in health sciences. It raises repairs, fears, prejudices ... No one has a problem saying that he goes to the physiotherapist, or the doctor. However, go to the psychologist ... mmm ... is something else.

Psychology not only helps people who are suffering a pathology, who of course, but also people who want to know each other better, learn to relate in a more appropriate way, or simply start a path of personal development that can be very enriching. We spend so much time and resources to take care of ourselves, for example, and forget to take care of our mind and our soul, that in the end, it is really what we are.

Could you tell us an event you have prepared, conference or upcoming news to be able to be aware of your jobs?

Now I finish teaching at the university, and a time of talks and conferences arrives in schools, associations, etc. Clinical practice, consultation, is a constant, but according to times I can dedicate myself a little more to the informative work that I really like.

A project that I have in mind is to write a book, but I still have no start date ..

Well, Úrsula really thank you very much for your collaboration and especially for your great professionalism, we hope for a long time enjoying your teaching and advice as a health professional.

Thanks to you always for supporting me and believing in me. For the great confidence that you have deposited in me and for giving me the possibility of reaching so many people through your channel. You do a great informative work of psychology. The pleasure is mine.

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