Interview with Rosario Linares, Hypnosis Specialist, EMDR and EFT

Interview with Rosario Linares, Hypnosis Specialist, EMDR and EFT

If the world of psychology is extremely interesting, it is even more with people like Rosario Linares and his team of El Prado Psychologists, who are considered one of the most prestigious in their sector in Madrid. It is possibly not only for your good work, but to innovative techniques that contribute to the field of health and well -being great benefits, which we will see during the interview.

hello Rosario. Thank you very much for your attention. We know that you are a team but could you make a brief personal presentation professionally?

Hi David, thank you very much for your kind words. I am a psychologist and psychotherapist, I think that if my work is characterized by something it is for having an integrative vision of psychology.

If you had not dedicated yourself to this field, what would you have liked to dedicate yourself professionally?

The truth is that I can't think of any field in which I could have done with the same fullness as in psychology. Such Ben-Shahar, professor at Harvard University of Positive Psychology created the MPS process to make decisions as what profession do you dedicate to you. You have to make a list of things that are significant for you, after the things you like, that give you pleasure, and finally a list of things that are good for you, in which you are good. It is true that I have other interests, or other skills, also other fields that are significant to me, in which I think it would be important to contribute something to the world, but psychology is the only discipline in which the three points coincide in my case.

What is Rosario Linares pioneer in labor? Since we know that this is so. But could you specify us?

I think I can consider one of the pioneers in our country in the use of hypnosis and in the integrative vision of psychotherapy (integrating techniques such as hypnosis, EMDR, EFT, etc.). Now he is very in vogue talking about attachment, bond, emotions, traum The human being and his problems was limited, fortunately this has changed, I believe that the new psychology is first of all emotional and integrative, with a broader vision of the mind and the human being.

I was lucky to know hypnosis and study it in the race room, I was the youngest in the class, this opened my mind and discovered that "there was life beyond the cognitive-behavioral", beyond our behaviors and our thoughts, and what we are aware. In the Faculty they only taught us to work with behaviors and thoughts, but not with emotions. Hypnosis helped me to understand that we are much more than our conscious mind, and that the origin of most psychological disorders is emotional and is not only in the present (although the triggers are), but normally the pathology does not Suddenly, it is not only due to the fact that our way of thinking "is not rational", but is the result of our emotional trajectory and the small or large traumas that accumulate over time (like a glass that Gota by drop is filled until it overflows) and the relationship we are building with ours those experiences,But to change these beliefs it is not enough to want to change them for others more tight through the will, hopefully it was so easy!, You have to change the emotional memories that originated them, and that is achieved with hypnosis and emdr. It is very curious as many patients come to consultation without knowing why they feel what they feel, why they feel bad, they tell you, I have a good life, I have no right to feel bad, I have no reasons for it. Through the therapy they are able to understand the origin of their problem, that is very liberating, because you stop living in unconsciousness, to take the reins of yourself and your life.

Thanks to the fact that I met in my professional career, hypnosis and began to practice it and check its effective., Each technique contributes something and with some you get things that you do not get with others, there are also people to whom a technique is great, and others not so much, so for me to have an arsenal of tools enriches psychotherapy and of course it makes it more effective, since results are beginning to notice very soon.

When did the Prado emerged as well as his entire team and collaborators and with what objective?

We had been open since 2002, at first, I started working alone, then the team became bigger and larger as the efficacy of our way of working began to be known. We are currently formed by 25 psychologists, a psychiatrist and four others who are administrative staff.

Tell us about your human and technological team, what do they offer or what are specialized?

If I feel proud of something, my team is. I fully trust them, and everyone shares with me the same vision of psychology, as a service to others in which the psychologist has to be in constant formation to be able to offer the latest advances to the patient who is suffering and needs to solve his problem. Therefore, the psychologists of the Prado Psychologists are formed in effective and innovative techniques such as EMDR, Clinical Hypnosis, EFT, Brainspotting, Mindfulness, NLP, etc. We also have the collaboration of a neuropsychologist who performs neurofeedback (very effective as a complement to psychological treatment in resistant cases of anxiety, depression, impulse control or in ADHD). Likewise, we collaborate with a psychiatrist, because we believe that it is important that there is a fluid communication between professionals in the event that the patient needs medication, and that is always easier to count on a psychiatrist within the team.

You usually appear in many popular media, it is really remarkable how this type of dissemination helps in this regard?

Yes, they have us for the elaboration of reports or articles in which the vision of a psychologist is needed. I don't know how to tell you exactly what is the scope of this diffusion, but it is always good for you to tell you in the big media.

We see that you have also included on the Podcast website, what does it contribute as a complement to your diffusion?

We have opted to offer the content of our website on Podcast because we believe it is a way to facilitate users of our website to access that information. We believe that the user always appreciates that you think about him and give him facilities.

Rosario Why do you think your center has so much recognition?

I think that no doubt for having great professionals who do their passion for their work, that translates into excellent training and of course, in a quality service. The fact of having an integrative vision of psychotherapy and having the most innovative techniques and therapies I think is what differentiates us from other cabinets. And finally, having experts in the different areas of psychology is also something that makes it possible , family therapy, family mediation, forensic psychology and psychiatry. This facilitates things a lot. We have patients who are for example in a couple therapy with a psychologist, and his son in therapy with a children's expert. We believe that it is important that if several members of a family need individual therapy, it is not the same psychologist who attends them, because this generates many problems in the creation of the link between therapist and patient. Another different case is when it is the family relationship to work, of course, in which case it would be the family expert in charge of doing family therapy to the family as a whole.

When visiting the website, by the way very extensive and worked, we see that you offer many services, but there is any service to highlight? We refer to hypnosis, psychotherapy or diverse techniques such as EMDR, could you briefly explain what they consist of?

I would highlight hypnosis, EMDR and EFT

Clinical hypnosis is a very powerful and effective tool as long as it is used by professionals specializing in mental health and with extensive training in psychotherapy. We must take into account that there is a big difference between clinical hypnosis and show hypnosis that, of course, we do not use and that most people have a series of erroneous conceptions and myths about the technique.

In a hypnosis session we get the person to be in a state of concentration and receptivity very suitable for therapeutic work. In this state, the person receives the intervention from the therapist with a high degree of concentration, therefore, he is not asleep and his will and ability to make decisions are totally preserved. Hypnotic trance state is a very pleasant state of deep relaxation.

The e.M.D.R is a technique created by Francine Saphiro in 1987. It is considered a young technique but that, thanks to its high efficiency scientifically, is considered the treatment of choice for intervention in posttraumatic stress disorder. Currently more than a technique, it is considered a psychotherapy approach to treat different psychological and emotional disorders caused by traumatic experiences or difficult situations that occur in people's lives.

AND.M.D.R in Spanish means "desensitization and reprocessing through eye movements". It is about stimulating our brain through rapid ocular movements (similar to those that occur in the deep sleep phase) or other types of alternating stimulation of both cerebral hemispheres, so that it can elaborate and process these difficult experiences in a way adaptive and getting symptoms to disappear or reduce significantly.

The theory that supports this approach is based on the fact that, in situations especially stressful and/or traumatic or those in which the person is in vulnerability, our adaptive system of information processing is exceeded and blocked, preventing that The event can be elaborated and integrated with all the resources that the person possesses and causing a high degree of discomfort to appear.

Thanks to e.M.D.A, we can currently work this type of events in a faster and more efficient way, each time applied to a large number of problems (duel, phobias, anxiety disorders and mood, eating disorders, addictions, etc.).

It is also used to work positively, increasing school, work, sports or artistic performance.

Finally, the EFT or emotional liberation technique can be considered an emotional variant of acupuncture, in which, instead of using needles, the person himself is stimulated gently hitting certain duly established points of his body. The procedure is, self -application and easy to memorize and constitutes a great resource to relieve both physical and emotional discomfort since it can be done anywhere and under practically any circumstance.

Speaking of hypnosis What is hypnosis and what benefits can we offer us? We ask you why it is an interesting topic that usually attracts attention ..

Hypnosis allows us. In a state of hypnosis, our unconscious, the one who makes the decision, for example of eating that chocolate that your rational and conscious mind does not want to eat, or smoking that cigarette that you know is hurting. It is also very useful to change traumatic emotional memories, through hypnotic regression. In hypnosis, you can face that child who made you bullying at school and feel that now has no power over you, or bring resources to your injured interior child. We can also project ourselves in the future, in situations that are afraid, such as when we are afraid of traveling by plane or an exam), and saving an emotional memory of relaxation to that fact to deconderate the response of fear and face the situation with more trust.

Talking clinically ... Why are you mainly known for psychotherapy and hypnosis?

Especially because there are not many psychology centers specialized in it. It is true that there are therapist centers that offer hypnosis, but they are rarely psychologists, and patients prefer to put a psychology professional, do not forget that hypnosis is only a tool, but that the therapist's formation has to go far beyond simple technique. This together with which it is a really effective therapy, which provides speed to treatment, and reduces the number of sessions necessary to approximately half of what would mean a psychological treatment to use makes us know us for it, although each time they also demand us plus EMDR therapy, we usually combine both, because the effectiveness is greater in doing so, we can say that they complement each other.

What false myths could we banish about hypnosis? 

There are several myths about therapeutic hypnosis that are not true, such as you lose your will and you are in the hands of the hypnotist, that you are asleep or that you will not remember anything. Hypnosis is a voluntary state in which you do not lose control at any time. These myths have done much damage to clinical hypnosis, because the vision that the population has is what television offers, which is pure show.

We see that you offer services both physically and online what differences exist and that advantages or disadvantages exist in both?

The face -to -face therapy offers the advantage of greater closeness, as well as greater comfort when working with some techniques, but online therapy offers the possibility of any person who is anywhere in the world of performing quality therapy with quality with special characteristics (such as the use of certain techniques) that are not found in the city where it resides. It also saves time since you save the displacement, so it is very suitable for people with lack of time, as well as mothers with babies who find it difficult to "escape" in the first months. In our center we serve many mothers who find difficulties in the first months or in pregnancy, since we are one of the few psychology centers that have specialists in perinatal psychology.

We see that you also offer courses, workshops ... any scheduled that you recommend?

The emotional intelligence course I think is a very interesting course for anyone who wants to develop personally.

As a professional both personally and as a team, do you remember any special case about a patient that will impact you?

UF, I cannot tell you any in particular by professional secrecy but I can tell you that I especially impact serious cases, those who have been suffering for many years, going through various therapies and finally getting ahead, I impact the capacity of resilience of these people, who have suffered traumas, sometimes very serious and how they manage to normalize their life, balance their emotions, accept and accept the past, leaving it behind and even having a remarkable vital success. The human being's ability to overcome is really admirable.

Well, thank you very much Rosario, it has been a real pleasure to be able to interview a great professional like you as well as knowing that you have a great team that you have to congratulate for your work.

Thank you very much for the opportunity.