Interview with Patricia Valseca about perinatal psychology

Interview with Patricia Valseca about perinatal psychology

In Psychoactive We bet as always for the best professionals in the field of psychology, well -being and education. While this offers us many fields of action and intervention, today we talk about what is known as Perinatal psychology With an experienced psychologist on this subject, we talked about Patricia Valseca. Currently developing their work in the Prado Psychologists.

First of all, Patricia thank you very much for your time and attention for this interview, which will surely be of interest, especially for mothers and fathers.

Your experience is a great sample of your love for the work you develop, to start, how were your beginnings and because you decided to dedicate yourself to psychology?

I started in a hospital environment and private office, where my main work has been to accompany and guide in processes of emotional suffering.

From an early age I worried me about the people I suffered, that it was different, I was wondering what happened within them so that they could not overcome that suffering.

Little by little I was increasingly interested in brain functioning, emotions, attach.

What would you have dedicated professionally if it had not been to psychology?

I have always felt that I wanted to help people overcome the difficult processes of their lives, so something related to medicine.

Indeed, your training is very wide throughout your career, would you highlight any of them in particular?

The training in EMDR (desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements), allowed me to know the trauma in depth and have effective tools to face it.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you find Spain in information regarding psychological issues? Are we really well informed or there is still some kind of ignorance about your work?

Patricia Valseca

It is difficult to value it with a score, but if you ask it, I will put a 6 to therapy when something really serious happens to us.

I previously asked that question because it is possible that some people know us in depth the figure of a perinatal psychologist, can you explain what it really consists of and what is the work it develops?

It is the scope of psychology that is dedicated to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, as well as the link with the baby.

It is precisely in all these phases where I accompany future parents, more specifically the issues that address are fertility problems, depression, fear fear, traumatic births, baby loss, breastfeeding problems, adaptation to Maternity/paternity .. .

We know that you work among other important tasks the field of child psychology, what does this have no other and why?

When the therapists address the problems of our patients, we listen to their traumatic, deposition stories, the triggers that generate suffering, especially we talk about how their life is marked by their children's stories.

As I say many times in session "for the roots of the tree", and it is at that root where you can access more directly at work with children.

Children are like open books where you can accompany them in the construction of their history.

What is the first thing you tell to mothers and fathers about your work?

I explain that my intervention is oriented to help them understand the relational dynamics that their children are living, from there to modify those established negative circles to recover more flattering dynamics.

It is that parents can offer their children support in a climate of security and trust.

Do you think more information about perinatal psychology is needed in media?

The role of the perinatal psychologist or psychologist is very recent, and is born from
of an awareness in different sectors involved in birth and parenting (obstetricians, midwives, psychologists ...) about the importance of emotional and psychological changes that occur during the maternity process and the lack of accompaniment and support in a such sensitive and vital period. But there is still a long way, the ideal is that it was a service that would be offered as reinforcement in all the medical monitoring of pregnancy

Perinatal psychology collects many emotional aspects, but at what level and what occasions can be required?

Being a mother is one of the most incredible experiences that someone can experience, but also brings many challenges, fears, insecurities and stress.

For this whole process, an interdisciplinary work is essential, to have the collaboration of doctors, midwives, psychologists, pelvic floor professionals to be able to carry out a follow -up and act before a problem appears.

Our figure is required in problems of fertility and assisted reproduction techniques, pregnancy anxiety, perinatal losses, complicated births or premature children, postpartum depression or difficulties in the mother-bar relationship ..

How long is your presence/accompaniment to mothers/fathers necessary? That is, from what stage to what stage your work is done?

Time will depend a lot on the type of intervention or problem to be treated, an accompaniment is not the same, than a perinatal death ..

The perinatal psychologist accompanies the woman during any of these phases: the conception (or not problems to conceive), pregnancy, preparation, childbirth, postpartum, puerperium or parenting

Why did you decide to work and develop your work as a perinatal psychologist?

When I specialized in childhood and especially in traum. However, following being a mother for the first time something very deep changed within me, made me realize that you could feel misunderstood, of the demands of the environment, of the change that supposes in the same.

We know that you are a mother, do you directly or indirectly influence your work? In other words, is I more subjective to learn more in depth maternity?

Obviously experience and knowledge provide added value to any vital experience. That does not give me all the answers, but always adds.

The fact of being a mother made me better understand what it meant emotionally for many of my patients the fact of not being able to be a mother or having a gestational loss.

What opinion about it do you have so much of motherhood/ fatherhood?

Our current society is far from the "tribe" present in past decades, where the availability and support in parenting were much greater. Many fathers and mothers can feel great frustration throughout their children's educational process because they consider that they are not up to the circumstances of the circumstances.

That is why it seems of the utmost importance to be able to find support and accompaniment, form networks that allow you to freely exercise maternity, paternity without external judgments.

Patricia How do you see motherhood in our country currently? Do we really enjoy her and everything that brings both mothers and fathers?

I think it is important to promote birth in Spain, as well as increase family conciliation and that this helps reduce times in the decision to create a family. As if we enjoy or not it is something very personal, because we must value the personal circumstances of each individual and the context in which they live together, however, quality time and family conciliation are key elements to experiment in a full way That new stage.

Where can we find you face -to -face? Or other ways?

In the Prado Psychologists:

In a nutshell what is special psychology special?

It is one of the few therapies in which I have felt that I accompany the patient in a process that generates life or death, like the two faces of the same currency, which does not stop turning and you do not know which one will touch you.

Finally Patricia and greatly thanking your attention, would you recommend psychoactive?

Of course I would recommend it, it is a page where to find very varied information about psychology and mental health issues. In addition, it has several resources such as Test, Courses etc.

Thank you very much Patricia. It has been a very interesting interview and that if he doubts both mothers and fathers.

Interview by David Álvarez

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