Interview with Nuria Moray about emotional dependence

Interview with Nuria Moray about emotional dependence

Today in psychoactive we have the pleasure of being able to interview a prestigious psychologist from Madrid, which we undoubtedly recommend.  We talk about Nuria Moray, With its own cabinet insert in a medical center located in Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

Hi Nuria, thank you very much first for giving us this interview that will surely be of great interest to our readers.

Nuria Since when do you dedicate yourself to the field of mental health?

This September 2021 made 10 years that I have been in contact with mental health, to each more rewarding. I am in constant formation, the human psyche changes and evolves at a dizzying pace. I love to pursue all the advances and train in them. If you don't update yourself, you are obsolete. I am very fan of always fashionable in psychology, it is important to dress my mind to the last trend.

Not having dedicated yourself to psychology, what do you think you would have dedicated?

As a child I was clear that I wanted to dedicate myself to helping animals. In the end I decided on people, that we are still animals, although we insist on not honoring our nature. And here I am, trying to reconnect with ourselves. Although the truth is that, today, I help both in equal parts.

Do you remember your first patient?

Yes, I will always, it was an intense encounter and broke all my schemes. Above all, I went from being terrified to never feel fear towards mental illness again. It was at the Dr Psychiatric Hospital. Rodríguez Lafora, in 2012. My first day, when heading to the plant in which I was destined, a man in "pajamas" (who is what they call the patient's uniform) sneaked with me at the last moment in the elevator. It was a very peculiar guy and I remember that I did not breathe throughout the journey, which made me eternal. Of course, nothing happened, but later this man became one of my favorite people. I know very bad that people are usually afraid of mental disorder, it is because of enormous ignorance.

What services do you offer and which is the most demanded currently?

From individual psychotherapy, both in adults and in the infant-juvenile field. Going through couple therapy and one of the plots that I like, the workshops (self -esteem, anxiety, negative thoughts, phobias, well -being ...) that can be performed individually or in groups and that are especially fun, like an escape -Oom mental, worthy of experimenting.

Do you have online consultation?

Of course. Right now I have therapies in Granada, in UK and in Germany. The effectiveness is exactly the same, it is a past to be able to perform your session anywhere. Sometimes it is very curious, for example, last week one of the clients was on the house sofa, in pajamas and drinking coffee and another under endless trees, the wooded landscape was incredibly beautiful, a therapeutic plus.

How do you think the psychology of the future will be?

I see that progress by giant steps, I can't be happier for this. Many publicly influential people are joining confessions that help reestigmatization a lot. I see a development very similar to the one that has been with the sport. Psychology as mental training will be inserted in our lives daily, we will take care of our mental health just like we have learned to do so with physics. Because let's be realistic, the interior is also seen!

We well want to deepen a term that surely and especially our readers will have read/ heard. We talk about the term "emotional dependence". What exactly Nuria is emotional dependence?

It is the insatiable need to be with a person and the inability to break the links with her even if it is not positive for us. Personal needs and the way of being of the dependent, are annulled and subject to the person on whom they depend, thus allowing total emotional manipulation. It can happen with a relative, with a friend and in its most frequent form, with the couple.

Do many patients come to your consultation with this problem?

A great part of the total, a broad percentage that is increasingly worrying. It is overwhelming to see how "self -love" has been replaced by emotional dependence.

Emotional dependence understands ages? In what cases do you give more?

According to the data that assault my consultation, it stands out as the most damaged population stratum. Above all, it is emerging in young girls that paradoxically what we could think have good intelligence, a lot of charism and also usually fulfill the beauty fee. This does not exempt that other ages and both sexes are victims of emotional dependence, in fact, it does not understand any of these factors, it is a problem that does not discriminate, it is certain that many of our readers are being given by alludes at this time.

What is the first thing that is recommended to a person who suffers emotional dependence?

I have it very clear: to go to the psychologist, I would tell you immediately. It's like any other ailment, as soon as you start treating it, shorter duration and better prognosis. Even at this time, given the very high amount of cases, it seems highly necessary to propose dependence prevention as a basic tool in our repertoire of relations.

Have you written any book about emotional dependence?

Not yet, but it is one of the sections that will be my first book. Right now I am working on him and a very beautiful way is charged, especially he is full of the desire that I have that anyone is able to take the reins of their emotions and thoughts and know what to do to have a much more rewarding life, less complex, simpler. I am very supportive of the phrase "the details make up the whole", sometimes we focus on too complex things, too great and that makes us lose the perspective a little. I want to recover and transmit my particular vision of our internal world, explain it and give instructions to create the best version of ourselves (obviously in it, there is no place for emotional dependence).

What book or film/series would you recommend to understand this topic a little better?

Uff, I can think of so much more recently, in terms of books, a classic for my "zero love" for the great resolutive capacity that it provides you when reading it, is especially focused on breaking the dependence that is Create a very specific profile, a psychopathic person (quite hardcore goes ...). And films or series, there are many too, the last miniseries I saw, "maid" of Netflix, a drama about a teenage girl with an end ... well I do not reveal it, it is worth seeing for the affinity of the process in real life.

Well, thank you very much Nuria, it has been a real pleasure to have your professionalism and experience to learn a little more about psychology and especially about emotional dependence.