Interview with Ángela Gual de Torrella

Interview with Ángela Gual de Torrella

In psychoactive we always have the luck of being able to interview the best professionals in the field of mental health especially in psychology.  Today we are lucky to be able to interview one of the most outstanding professionals in brief strategic therapy, we refer to Ángela Gual.

Angela, first of all, thank you very much for your attention and time for this interview, we start.

How and when did your vocation for psychology begin?

Well, I wouldn't know how exactly ... people have always interested me, help, somehow. In fact, when I finished the institute I decided that the best way to access people was making a nurse, so I studied the race and dedicated myself to hospital care for more than 13 years. In parallel and shortly after exercising as a health, I understood that people need much more than physical attention, than support in the moments of body pathology, and that is why I started and quickly my training as a psychologist, after which, I I immediately put to work in acting on the disturbing emotions that torment us.

Not having been a psychologist. What do you think would have been your profession?

Hahaha, you've caught me, I think I've already answered this question. Once I have tried the satisfaction of being able to help channel emotions and walk along with my patients to guide them to be happier, I could not do anything else, surely not. It is a profession that is carried in the blood and would not want to exercise otherwise.

Where can we find you both in person and online?

In my health center, the Psychology Cabinet, Lapsus, on Germans García Peñaranda Street, 9 bass. In Palma.

You can also find me and learn more about me on the web:

With what human and technological team your consultation does?

We are a team of 3 health psychologists, who work with the gift of the word, more than with any other advanced technology. The three have different philosophical perspectives and have a great diversity of technical resources when favoring change and inhibiting resistances.

What kind of services do you offer and what forms?

My work consists in helping people resolve conflicts that alter their bio-psycho-social well-being. I am a specialist in managing psychopathologies such as anxiety, depression, obsessions, compulsions, eating disorders, children's and adolescent behavior disorders, impulse control, addictions or self -esteem, among others.

I nourish several psychological currents such as strategic brief therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, clinical hypnosis or EMDR (emotional reprocessing through ocular movement).

We know that you are a strategic brief therapy specialist, can you tell us what It consists exactly and what can you help us?

Clear. TBE is a type of therapy that as its name indicates, try to focus on the current problem, how the system that maintains it works and what is being done to maintain or even to worsen this problem. Through this analysis based on the present we can find the key pieces that need to be changed so that the problem disappears in a short time, without looking for causes or guilty.

The action is what dominates this philosophy, since we rely on the creation of active scenarios that produce what we call corrective emotional experiences, which modify the person's perception about the problem and generate a chain reaction that produces changes that flow inevitably in the solution of the conflict.

Why did you specialize right in this therapy?

Because as soon as I heard its functioning I was totally litter of it. It is a therapy that apparently seems pure magic, since it generates radical changes in record time and yet it is based 100% on science. I am currently considering the most effective and efficient, scientific and empirical therapy, based on the study of cases that generate functional, managers and clear protocols.

What patient profile usually go to your consultation?

Well the truth is that I have all kinds of clientele. From people who do not have any psychopathology and seek advice and guide to advance and grow, to people with very serious mental pathologies, of many years, who desperately need real help.

Statistically people with anxiety, obsessions, paranoid perception of reality and depression are the ones that visit us the most, but then we have a wide range of people with varied difficulties that come to us.

In reference to the current situation we are living on COVID-19, what could you consist of this, both today and in the future?

Well, obviously they will change many things in our society and that it is very possible that the way we have had to relate to vire to evolve to another modality to which we will have to gradually adapt.

The confinement situation has generated a lot in homes and at many levels. Concerns with children, with the couple, with our elders, in economic, labor, social and relational terms. But not only stress is what the covid leaves us.

Also much obsessive and catastrophic, pessimistic thinking for the future and the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen to us. The lack of control of the situation and knowing that this virus arrives to stay opens many doors to the imagination, to doubt, to fear, to look to the future with insecurity etc ... and all these thoughts in turn can generate various mental pathologies and Physical. Isolation, tr. Obsessive-compulsive, hobbies, paranoia, depression ..

We will have to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally to overcome our fears and build a new society that can look to the future and risk living and not only to survive in fear and doubt.

We see that you offer other services, such as clinical hypnosis, EMDR and even the phobias treatment Can you tell us something about it?

They are different forms of treatment that I have available depending on the problems that different people bring me. Each is unique and genuine, so we cannot always use the same mold, right? It is about fitting with them, looking for the technique that will most adapt to their way of understanding and reacting to life and for this, I have different resources to adapt to the different faces of reality.

As we have talked about COVID-19, do you think specific phobias derived from it?

Of course. Avoidance is the main solution that phobic people start up, and it is precisely the one that leads them to build the abyss in which they then hit. And that is just what they have forced us to do with confinement. To avoid. Avoid going out, avoid physical contact, avoid others' breath, avoid, avoid. In this way it is impossible not to feel fear when leaving home and many can fall into the temptation to think that only their house is "safe zone" and postpone the exit. This concatenation of phobic evidence and thoughts can trigger specific and generalized phobias, agoraphobia, obsessions, depressive states and Toc's, among others.

What tools do you accounts for the treatment of phobias?

With my words and my change maneuvers. A magician does not reveal his tricks 😉

You usually appear in the media What advice would you give to people when reading news especially on the network?

That focus on a single source of information, that is reliable and that they are limited to watching the news once a day. Overinformation is generating an alarm that does not correspond to reality. In addition, you are increasingly fakes and it is sometimes difficult to know what the real reality is.

We also observe an informative blog on your very interesting website. What topics You have not yet written?

I imagine that many. I try to write about current issues that may interest the general population. I write about the problems that I think that common people can have, so that they can have some clue on how to solve them and thus move on their way to satisfaction and well -being.

Well thank you very much Angela has been a pleasure to interview you.