Interview with menttum, the best mental health platform

Interview with menttum, the best mental health platform

Welcome to a new psychoactive interview. On this occasion we have the pleasure of interviewing Javier López, director of, an innovative platform that will not leave you indifferent.

Good morning and thank you very much for your attention Javier. We know you are very busy with your great project. We start if you think ... when is the menttum platform born and with what objectives?

The truth is that menttum as a brand was born in early 2020. But its story begins much earlier. The rhythm of life we ​​are under. For years the situation has been delicate, for example, in developed countries the rate is growing by leaps and bounds

Following the Pandemia by COVID-19, the data is even more unfortunate and we look for ways of being able to help in an efficient, simple and simple way. There are many statistics and studies published by WHO, where he confirms that mental health is one of our pillars to be healthy and have a better life. There are currently many initiatives in progress to help and we wanted to contribute our grain of sand thinking mainly about the patient, fully adapting to him and his needs, by the best professionals.

With what technological human team do you?

We are lucky to have the technical and professional support of the Opensalud team. Not only do we have your support and experience in the technological part, but we also have your medical team. It is a pleasure to work with professionals with such experience in the health sector.

What services do you offer?

Our main service is psychological, personalized and completely adapted to the patient. When the patient is recorded on our platform, he performs a test that will help us analyze his situation and find the psychologist who best suits his case. All sessions are performed by video, adapting to the day and time that the patient requests, in addition to consulting we enable a chat for the patient to contact his psychologist whenever he needs it.

We believe that well -being is essential to have good mental health, so within our platform we have live classes and engravings of Pilates, Yoga, Mindfulness, Hiit, as well as daily advice, nutrition programs and Healthy events that will contribute without a doubt In its physical, emotional and nutritional development.

Does anyone stand out?

I could not highlight any especially. The truth is that we believe that mental health and well -being should be united to provide greater stability and faithfully bet on it.

What kind of public are your services destined?

We help adults, adolescents and children, each phase of life has special characteristics and their associated problems. Moreover, fortunately, the concept and role of the psychologist is changing, we go to therapy to improve, find stability and feel calmer. You don't have to be sick to visit the psychologist! We seek the well -being of people, they are in the situation that is found.

Which of your services is the one with the greatest demand?

We currently have many patients with couple or depression problems, we have seen with the passing of the years that these pathologies are after all audiences, but especially among young people

We see that you offer a great diversity of services, will your range of services be expanded in the future despite being already very varied?

Actually, we do not offer a great diversity of services. We only have a single service that encompasses mental or emotional health with physical health and nutritional health. If we do not die all those services as a single one, we would not be fulfilling our mission.

Do you offer any type of training and if so? In what modalities? Live?

We offer continuous training to our entire medical picture. Everything changes and evolves very fast and it is completely necessary to increase and improve our knowledge. There is no future without training!

What social networks can we find to follow you?

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook as well as on LinkedIn. In a few days, we will launch our newsletter totally free.

From our website we have already enabled a section to subscribe, we encourage you to participate in it, it will be really interesting, it will provide new concepts, real cases and a vision other than what we are accustomed.

We see that professionals are registered on your platform to offer their services, can you tell us something about it?

We are very happy with the great acceptance we are having. Every day highly qualified professionals are recorded, all of them with more than 10 years of experience and extensive knowledge of the digital world. It is essential to provide a quality service, the patient needs the best of us.

We see a great combination between health and technology, is our way of seeing health in this regard changing?

Without a doubt, thanks to this change it is being possible to offer better health care and within the reach of everyone. The patient is more aware that he has greater and better services at his disposal

Do you think that pandemic has favored online health?

Of course, it is evident that COVID-19 has been an online health accelerator. Many and better tools have appeared and enhanced that have helped us to have a better quality of life.

For online health it has been a great step, especially to cross the patient's distrust barrier and update the sector in a certain way. Online health is no longer future, it is present and we must make the most of patients.

Do you have physical headquarters somewhere in Spain?

Yes, we believe that much of the health sector must have physical spaces where to be with your specialists whenever the patient needs it.

We are currently in the center of Madrid and in our plans enter to have more venues within the entire Spanish geography.

We understand menttum as a health platform focused on well -being and prevention, could you say so?

Indeed, promoting well -being is essential for people's health and within it, no doubt prevention is a key point. Getting ahead of problems and promoting healthy behaviors is one of the main pillars for the good health of people.

It seems that your platform has had a great reception, is there any secret?

I think that the transparency and experience of our professionals is a key point, we are clear about our goal and we show it on our platform.

Well, Javier has been a pleasure, we will undoubtedly be attentive to your great project that we hope will remain a success as it is now. A hug

Pleasure has been mine, thank you very much.