Interview with Marc Jarque, psychologist and director of Psychotet

Interview with Marc Jarque, psychologist and director of Psychotet

Today in psychoactive we have the great pleasure of being able to interview a team of psychologists who will undoubtedly give much to talk about. With an unquestionable experience and prestige in the field of mental health. We talk to Marc Jarque. Psychologist and director of the Psychotet Psychology Center.

First of all Marc, thank you very much for attending us, we start if you think the interview ..

When is psychotet and with what objectives?

Very good and thank you very much for giving me this space to talk about this project. Psychotet was born in March 2020 in order to create a multidisciplinary team that can cope with a wide range of demands with energy, dedication and passion.

With what human team your team has? (Team presentation)

In Psychotet we have a wide team of multidisciplinary psychologists in order to help each person in a personalized and professional way:

Marc Jarque => Health psychologist specialized in emotional intelligence and group management.

Alzina sea => Psychologist in charge and specialized in digital marketing.

Paula Sánchez => Health psychologist specialized in sexual and couple therapy.

Laia Cifuentes => Psychologist specialized in prevention and treatment of family violence.

Raúl Sánchez => Specialized health psychologist in drug dependence.

Ana Martínez => Psychologist specialized in Montessori Methodology.

Gemma Ruiz => Health psychologist specialized in group therapy.

Rut López => Health and neuropsychologist psychologist.

Miguel Martín => Psychologist specialized in psychological intervention in mental health and neurodesarollo disorders.

Marina Fernández => Psychologist specialized in systemic therapy

Anna San José => Specialized psychologist in drug dependence and intervention in clinical and health psychology.

Fabrizio Assumma => Health psychologist specialized in brief therapy, sexology and couple therapy.

Why is the idea of ​​making a team and not each one individually?

"You divide and win" you have never seemed an effective alternative. I have always thought that working as a team for the same goal is much more rewarding. In turn, solo psychology can become a very lonely job and I have always preferred to be well accompanied.

Where can we find you both physically and online?

Physically you can find us 15 minutes from Barcelona, ​​on the street of Creu 31, 1st in Sant Cugat del Vallès and home throughout the western Vallès area.

As for the online level you can find us in, in Google, in Doctoralia and social networks.

Are you present on social networks?

Yes, as regards social networks we are in:

LinkedIn as: Psychotet - Psychology Center
Facebook as: Psychotet
YouTube as: Psychotet - Center for Psychology

Do you offer any type of training? And if it's yes in what modalities?

Today in Psychotet we offer communication training of bad news in the hospital field and in screens addiction and new technologies collaborating with the Iped Psychology Center.

How does the Psychotet team carry the current pandemic? And what would you tell the people who read us at the present time?

The truth is that in psychotet an increase in the volume of work has been made from the pandemic that we pass. We are going a little overfolded and that leads us to be expanding the team from time to time. In my opinion, this is not because the pandemic has worsened the mental health of the population ... I consider that pandemia has made people more sensitized and in connection with their mental health and it is a greater importance.

To the people who read us, who are going through a bad moment would encourage them to take the step that they do not dare to give or who have been postponing and do not fear to go to therapy, since, as psychologists say PIR: "Without mental health, there is no health".

On a personal level Marc if you had not dedicated yourself to psychology? What would you have dedicated to?

I would have liked to dedicate myself to theater or law.

Do you remember your first patient Marc?

I remember it perfectly ... I have an immense affection both to him and his family, with which, 4 years later I still maintain sporadic contact to know how they are and how things are going.

We see that you are a young, dynamic and illusion template to move forward with your work but what is the most difficult or complex of devoting themselves to a job like yours?

I think I speak not only in the name of our psychotet template but of all psychologists, that the most complex of our work is to doubt our own capacity and competence as psychologists according to what point in the process. What would be typical: “I'm doing well?".

We deepen a little more to speak especially of the well -known emotional intelligence. What importance is in your services and that can contribute to people?

My colleagues always say that in the notes that I put in the first data collection that I make prior to the derivation the same comment appears: "Working emotional intelligence". I suppose I am not a goal because it is one of my specialties, but it is one of the points where all our patients coincide.

Emotional intelligence will give us the ability to use the best possible emotion in any circumstance in addition to the ability to read ourselves and see if we are satisfied with the point where we meet. In turn, it also allows us to explain in detail to our environment how we feel and what we need to be better.

Do you think that emotional intelligence is a passenger term in psychology or the opposite?

From my point of view it is a construct that has come to stay. Sample of it is that the educational system and companies are making great efforts to introduce it in its field.

What books would you recommend about emotional intelligence?

  • The emotional
  • Psychopedagogy of emotions
  • Dictionary of emotions and affective phenomena
  • Healthy selfish
  • Universe of emotions

Is there a film where we find examples about emotional intelligence? Out of curiosity, rather.

The best known is Inside out, but there is a Jim Carrey movie called "Si yes" that I like a lot and has to do with the ability to get out of the comfort zone and another of Jack Nicholson called "better ... impossible" where The phenomenon of empathy is seen quite.

What do you have in mind for the future of the psychotet team?

I have quite clear the steps that I want to continue inside Psychotet and my next goal is to open another Psychology Center in Terrassa once the Sant Cugat del Vallès is in full performance.

We imagine and more being a young team that is in constant training to be updated in the field of mental health, something right now in what you are forming?

In fact, all team members are currently receiving training. Some have talked about the fact that when we finish the current training we would like to do some brief therapy and the Master of the Erich Fromm Institute.

Marc returning back to you. What is you most like about your work and what least?

What I like most about my work is when the patient finally achieves the change he was looking for and you feel that satisfaction for having put your little grain of sand in having helped someone to achieve their goal.

What I like least is when the most challenging adolescent patients adopt behaviors that impact beyond my psychologist and manage to generate intense aversive emotions in Marc Jarque. It is difficult to combine those emotions with the will to do a good job and I consider that it is one of the biggest challenges that I face.

Well thank you very much Marc. To you and your classmates. A hug and we certainly recommend.

Thank you very much for interest and support. A hug!