Interview with María Marcos, an expert psychologist in personal development

Interview with María Marcos, an expert psychologist in personal development

Today we have the pleasure of interviewing María Marcos, prestigious psychologist in Madrid and an expert on issues such as self -esteem and relationships, personal development and especially projected in women.

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Hi Maria thank you very much for offering your time for this interview. Since when do you dedicate yourself to psychology and what was the reason that prompted you to dedicate yourself to this profession?

I have always known that I wanted to dedicate myself to psychology to help other people, and I have been exercising my profession for approximately four years and forming since the end of the race in 2013.

Where can we find you in Madrid and what other modalities?

Work in person in Madrid in the Hortaleza area, and also work online through Zoom or Skype.

We always like to ask this curious question. Imagine that you would not have dedicated yourself to the field of mental health. What would you have dedicated to?

I have always been clear that I wanted to dedicate myself to psychology and I do not consider more options by having to choose what to study.

Do you offer any type of workshop, course, etc ... have you currently offered?

I have held workshops with parents and children when I worked in the child and family field, now I will start taking workshops focused on women online.

What advantages does the online mode provide disadvantages?

The online modality provides the comfort of being able to perform the therapy from the place that you choose and avoid displacement to consultation, the therapy is equally effective as in the face -to -face modality and has the same benefits.

Now we are going to enter a little in depth about your specialties such as self -esteem, personal development and relationships, which of them do you usually have more consultations?

I currently have many consultations that are closely related to personal development, self -knowledge and linked to all this self -esteem.

Self -esteem as we all know is very important. Has the way to focus this issue changed since there are social networks and the exhibitions and uses that are made of them?

Now there is much more personal exposure due to social networks, in therapy we also work on how to make responsible use of these to prevent this from affecting our self -esteem and the way of relating to others.

Relationships What kind of problems do you treat more in this aspect?

I work in sessions individually the relationship with oneself and others, learn to relate to others and establish safe ties.

What would you tell us about personal development? What exactly and what are your benefits?

Personal development is everything that has to do with personal growth and self -knowledge, and working on it can help us feel better with ourselves and take the reins of our life.

What books would you recommend about self -esteem?

Fall in love with you from Walter Riso and the six pillars of self -esteem.

What movie would you recommend about personal development?

In search of happiness or change.

Well, once we have seen these issues, although it is evident that you deal with more than another class, why focus on women these issues?

All my training and experience has always been more linked to women, and I have continued to focus on it in the same way since it is the way I like to work the most all these issues.

Then we understand that you have more female patients for that aspect or not?

Yes, the vast majority of my current patients are women.

Without a doubt your contributions are very interesting and taking up the issue of projection of these issues in women, what do you think of gender violence that we live in in our country? What advice could you contribute in this regard?

I think it is necessary that there is a good education from an early age about relationships and how they should be healthy, as well as being able to perform therapy processes when relationships or patterns that are not healthy are repeated to learn to relate to another manner.

Well, thank you very much Maria, it has been a very enjoyable and above all interview that will not be of interest in our portal for our visitors.