Interview with María Esteve, Forensic Psychologist

Interview with María Esteve, Forensic Psychologist

Today in psychoactive we have a really very interesting interview that you cannot miss. We talk to the renowned forensic psychologist María Esteve López.

Hello Maria, thank you very much for attending us for this interview that will undoubtedly leave our readers indifferent to our readers. We say this because we will touch a very important topic such as forensic psychology.

We start ..

What are the functions of a forensic psychologist when performing an expert?

The practice of the psychological expert includes three major stages: the realization of the interview and exploration of the case, the issuance of the written report to the courts, a document where the psychologist expresses his expert opinion on the demanded matter, and finally, the expert You must present, before the Court, the conclusions of your report and answer the clarifications that are needed by the lawyers of both parties, the Prosecutor and Judge.

Not being a forensic psychologist to think you would have dedicated yourself?

If I had not decided to study psychology, I would have liked to study law and be a lawyer. I am passionate about laws and everything related to justice, I also enjoy working in continuous contact with people. That is why I think I decided, within psychology, the forensic branch.

What exactly is forensic psychology?

Forensic psychology is the branch or specialty of psychology that applies its knowledge and techniques in the different contexts of the legal and judicial field. It focuses on the study of people and elements involved in some type of legal procedure. The forensic psychologist performs experts of guard and custody, legal incapacitation, gender violence, mobbing, evaluation of the risk of violence, credibility of the testimony ..

With what organizations or entities do you usually collaborate?

I belong to the Official List of Forensic Psychologists of the Valencian Community, so I currently collaborate with all the judicial parties of the province of Valencia that demand my services. In addition, I also make reports privately.

What is the case that has impacted you most throughout your career as a forensic psychologist?

Really, all cases impact, to a greater or lesser extent. We work with very delicate themes.As a professional and as a person, the case that struck me and even cost me was that of two parents with a very small daughter. These had been separated for a year and had to make a report on the best guard and custody for the child. It turns out that both wanted custody, but the parent had great addiction problems, so, in my professional point of view, it was not able to perfectly exercise their parental skills. Therefore, finally, he ended up losing custody.

Working with parents who lose custody due to mental problems is hard, since although they wish to keep it, looking at the superior benefit of the child, it is not possible.

You have participated in our blog with this post: https: //

Could you summarize because you have chosen this topic in particular?

I chose the issue of imputability since I think that in today. Therefore, I decided to give my vision as a psychologist and write the article in order to understand what situations and because it happens that certain people who commit crimes can be considered inimputable.

Why do you think people confuse forensic terms when talking about your work? What normally do a corporate psychologist more in your work?

I think that forensic psychology is a field not well known in society and therefore it is confused. Many times the term "forensic" is associated with corpses and I think that is due to forensic medicine. The term "forensic" really comes from forum: the place where the courts listen and define causes or the meeting of specialists to discuss a certain issue before an auditorium. So a forensic psychologist contributes to the court typical of psychology, which they do not possess.

Criminology What is your opinion about this field?

I think that to talk about criminology it is important to define it. Criminology is an empirical and interdisciplinary social science that has as objects of study the crime, antisocial behaviors, the phenomenon of crime, criminals, victims and means of social control.

Therefore, I think that criminology is a science that works very well "elbow" with forensic psychology and that both sciences can contribute a lot to each other. Criminology focusing more on crime and forensic psychology in the offender.

Well, without a doubt forensic psychology we see that it is very interesting, what would you say to a person who wants to dedicate to it?

I encourage psychology students to decant on the forensic branch, since psychology with the court's part, the legal part,. In addition, I think it is a good time for forensic psychology since it is booming and more and more judges and prosecutors request an expert.

On the other hand, I will not fool anyone, it is a difficult path, due to what I have previously commented, the ignorance of this branch among the population.

What books would you recommend about forensic psychology?

One of my favorite books of the subject is "Criminal Profiles" by Vicente Garrido. From this same author and in order to deepen more, I would also recommend "Breton's secret". If you had to recommend a very useful manual for the development of the profession it would be "practical cases in Forensic Psychology" by Blanca Vázquez and María José Catalán.

We are going now Maria if you think to focus on a specific topic such as the issue of expert reports on minor custody, what exactly is it?

The psychosocial reports that I make, normal, are demanded by both the judge and the prosecutor of the case. The end of these reports is to transfer the requested information (higher benefit of the child, in this case) to lawyers, judges and prosecutors. We obtain the necessary information to prepare the report by means. In my case, I try to avoid interviewing minors, but on certain occasions it is fundamental.

Already seen this topic, what can be found in these issues in other countries? How do you see our country the forensic psychology currently?

If you had to describe in two words the current situation of forensic psychology in our country would be: "growing" and "complex".

Forensic psychology, both in its public and private aspect, has been, without a doubt, one of the professional fields of psychology that has had the greatest development in recent years.

Well, thank you very much, it has been a very, very interesting interview that our visitors will certainly appreciate. A hug.