Interview with DRA. Rosa Vera about forensic psychology

Interview with DRA. Rosa Vera about forensic psychology

No doubt psychology gives us many knowledge. In fact it is present in many areas. On this occasion we are lucky to have the DRA. Rosa Vera from her cabinet psychologists to talk about forensic psychology. Not before thanking the attention given by this great professional with a long career and long experience. Therefore first of all Dra. You will thank you very much for your attention. It's a pleasure to interview him.

Good morning Dra. You will see first of all we would like to present its website and what services they offer, even if we are going to influence forensic psychology.

Our website is focused on showing in a professional and didactic way the psychology services we offer.

Apart from being the fundamental tool for promotion and communication of the S. XXI, we seek that the possible patient or client has an approach to the different types of therapy, methodologies and services we offer. As I have commented before, from a didactic point of view, without excessive technicalities or professional jargon, so that not only can I know how we work, but also can make a pre -selection of those services or therapies that are most convenient for it. It is true that the final methodology to be used will depend on a case house (each person has a unique circumstance) and must be previously evaluated by the professional, but it is very helpful that people have an objective source of information and would be of the different facets of the polyhedro of psychology.

We also provide our current content website such as News and Blog, as well as publications made by psychologists in different media and also some entertainment contents with psychological challenges.

When did he begin to be interested in the world of psychology and more specifically for forensic psychology?

From this almost ten years ago, when I realized that in the judicial context, especially in the cases of divorces, there was an important absence of knowledge about the important impact at the level of psycho -emotional development that can produce an inadequate custody of the children , especially minors.

Doctor Can you make us a brief definition of forensic psychology?

The objective of forensic psychology is to provide the necessary knowledge in the context of the judicial process, which allows a psychological assessment and evaluation of the persons involved in said process, in order to make the corresponding report which will provide a correct advice and support in the procedure.

What can Forensic Psychology help us?

Forensic psychology will contribute to the judicial process some psychological instruments and techniques that will allow the objective assessment of the people who are involved in the judicial situation, enabling the elaboration of a technical report that helps judges in their decision work.

How do you see this area in our country? Are we formed enough in this discipline? Do you think it is necessary to spread more forensic psychology?

In our opinion, the most important problem would currently be the lack of sufficient teams in the Spanish courts, including their non -existence, so a team must serve several. There is a great accumulation of files, which implies what in a judicial process, the issuance of the assessment can be delayed up to a year or more. Therefore, people must go to the private sphere, assuming the cost of preparing this evaluation.

A priori some people may wonder why the forensic term is used or what relationship does it keep with this? Can you clarify it?

It is a question that many patients ask me, also family and friends. The term "forensic" is very broad, is related to everything related to the "forum", but the large majority of people relativizes it to aspects related to medicine and death, as well as police or prosecution activities. Obviously this is not the case in relation to forensic psychology, a corpse cannot be done therapy.

Forensic psychology becomes a line of activity that seeks to help and support the justice administration process collecting data and facts of the individual or the people of their relational environment and analyzing all this information with a specific methodology and, if I am allowed say it, rational and objective, attending to the expert nature of this activity. The expert report prepared by the forensic psychologist can be technical and probative in a justice room, to a greater or lesser extent according to the court, helping the final decision making.

Therefore, the forensic psychologist not only needs to be formed in this specialized branch, in addition to sufficient experience in this matter, but also requires an understanding of the substantive and procedural logic of law in the relevant jurisdiction to be able to perform evaluations and psychological analysis -Legales and interacting properly with judges, prosecutors, defenders and other professionals in the judicial process.

With whom or what organizations a professional psychology professional like you and vice versa usually collaborates?

We collaborate with lawyers, either from the family or criminal process, and provide our services at the request of the judges themselves when they estimate it necessary and we are designated by them.

What does Forensic Psychology have that has no other specialty?  

Forensic psychology is an expert psychological advice in a legal process, in order to obtain objective conclusions about a particular demand. It is not, in any case, a therapeutic process, since it should be limited only and exclusively to the evaluation of a situation at a specific time.

With what technical and human team does the Psychologists' Cabinet tell?

In our team, we have qualified professionals, having carried out the corresponding accrediting training and with the years of experience enough to be able to issue a technical and professional report.

We also observe bilingual services in vertices psychologists? Very interesting without a doubt, can you tell us something else about it?

Professionals who are part of our team provide their services, in addition to Spanish, in English and French. These services are usually very frequently demanded by people in situation of expatriation in our country. It is essential that the therapeutic process is carried out in the language of origin, since emotional expression, of not completely dominating, the second language is usually complicated and losing expressive nuances.

What part of the web recommends especially?  since we see an interesting very informative blog, not forgetting multimedia content.

In particular, I would recommend all sections related to the ailments, disorders and methodologies, for all those who seek to investigate something else in what may be happening to them or what they are feeling and do not understand it. Our blog seeks to disseminate contents of interest that can be useful to many people, related to the world of psychology, emotions, relationships, food and a long etcetera or, simply satisfy curiosity.

For all those who, whether psychology professionals or not, want to expand knowledge of themselves or improve in certain techniques and methodologies, we offer our section of workshops, courses and seminars.

We see that they offer training, can you briefly talk to us about it?

Yes, we have structured our three -level training offer, focused on both individuals who want or seek personal improvement through sessions dedicated to a subject or aspect of concrete psychology, and professionals seeking improvement in some techniques and methodologies.

We offer workshops, courses and seminars, being these focused, as I mentioned before, at three levels of depth so that the participant can learn or form according to their level of knowledge or advance.

What is the case that has impacted you most on your professional career so far and why?

The case, and those that still cause me an important impact, is sexual or physical abuse of minors. Abuses cause deep damage to children who suffer from it and are usually very difficult to express for fear and shame. However, when the person goes ahead, he is great satisfaction for the professional, and is one of the main reasons why it is worth continuing in this work.

Do you remember your first patient as a psychologist?

Yes, that is never forgotten, keep in mind that when a professional begins in a task as delicate as the treatment of another person's ailment and work is done from the sincere will to improve the patient or resolve their conflicts and, there is An internal vocation and motivation of the psychologist, the lack of an anterior dilated experience creates anxiety in the psychologist himself and this leaves an imprint for life, whether that improvement was achieved as if it was not achieved. This feedback is always positive in a vocational and committed psychologist, success has been achieved with the patient or not, since it allows the continuous improvement of the professional.

In my specific case and as a culmination to your question, my first patient managed to improve and achieve the objectives I was looking for, I feel not to be able to give you even the smallest details of their goals or as they achieved them, psychologists must strictly stick to the deontological code And we cannot reveal any details of the patients or customers who come to us.

Of not having worked in this sector. What would have been dedicated to?

The fact is that, before my current dedication, I was developing business work, as administrative director in a multinational company, and I left that way to dedicate myself to my great vocation, help people feel well -being at a psychological level. And, by extension, at the physical level since much of our physical ailments can have a psychological origin or be affected by it, although this issue would give for another interview !

Apart from Forensic Psychology, what other services are offered in highlights of prominent psychologists?

Our team is formed by a group of eclectic psychologists and psychotherapists, specialized in various areas, techniques and methodologies, to be able to meet the needs that our clients raise us as possible. We have specialists both in the treatment of couple problems and ADHD (hyperactivity and/or attention deficit) in children, adolescents and adults, as well as addiction treatment, anxiety and depression problems. Many of our patients are only looking for a personal improvement or improvement in their relationships with the environment, they do not bring a concrete and limited ailment.

Also, we also provide mediation services, whether this couple, family, civil or commercial; coaching and mentoring services, both executive and personal psychonutrition, to treat food intake problems such as anorexia, bulimia and obesity.

We know that due to its popularity it has appeared in numerous media. Do you think the media are a good tool to help spread their work? In reference to false news which they do a lot of damage to the veracity of information.

Psychology or, rather, therapeutic work is still misunderstood by a large part of the population. While it is true that people have clearly advanced in the knowledge of what a therapeutic process means, there is still a certain "fear" of what this type of work involves. But we must not forget that our brain is an organ, and we must take care of it as we would do if we had a discomfort in our stomach or liver. Therefore, the media invite psychology professionals is essential for our work to be better known.

How do you get psychologists to place between the most prestigious mental health centers of the moment?

We try, at all times, to provide the most appropriate professional services to each of our patients, within the framework of a permanent professional recycling and expansion of our training, of each and every one of the vertices of vertices.

Would you recommend psychoactive dr. Vera?

Undoubtedly, we are in the S. XXI, the century of information technologies and also the century of emotions, we are making an evolutionary leap like the one given by Homo Sapiens 300 makes 300.000 years, we may not be fully aware, but we are going to evolve towards the "homo inforicus" and towards the "Homo Motus", if we do not know how to properly balance this evilutive leap, possibly and, unfortunately, we will end up in the "Homo Burrus". Psychoactive It is a "portal" and, I say it quoted, that psychology opens to the wide citizenship, whether more or less experts in the field, disseminating useful and interesting content, whether for the acquisition of knowledge or forever and healthy curiosity.

Well, thank you very much, it has undoubtedly been a very interesting and productive interview by the hand of a great professional such as Dra. Vera de Vertices Psychologists.