Interview with Aurora Celis, from Balance Cáceres

Interview with Aurora Celis, from Balance Cáceres

Welcome to a new psychoactive interview.  On this occasion we have the pleasure of doing it to Aurora Celis García. General Health Psychologist Specialized in Cognitive-Acconducual Therapy and Professor Titled Integral Yoga. Undoubtedly a combination that will not leave our visitors indifferent. https: //

First of all thank you, Aurora, it is a pleasure to be able to interview your time in advance for this interview. We start.

Where can we find with consultation and what services do you offer?

Thank you very much for your interest.

Well, the balancing center is in Cáceres, in a fairly central area, in the Plaza de Norway, four minutes from the Cross of the Fallen

Since when do you dedicate yourself to psychology as well as yoga?

I started this journey in 2018. He had previously been dedicated to education and special educational needs

Why did you decide to train in these areas?

Psychology is something that has always been in my life by vocation and in my work due. In that sense, I find the endless scope of research and intervention that has.

As for yoga, since the first time I practiced it I knew it was something big and that I had arrived to stay in me, and I began to train and deepen this exciting discipline because I realized that I wanted to share it with other people so they could enjoy its benefits.

Not having dedicated yourself to these professions, what would you have dedicated to?

Well, I don't know, but surely something away from mechanical and monotonous and in contact with nature.

Do you have collaborators in your consultation?

At the moment I work alone, although I have a network of professionals close to which to derive cases that need another type of help. I like to serve people from a global point of view, trying to meet all the needs that need to be covered.

Do you plan to expand your services in consultation?

At the moment, I can't cover much more ... for that I would have to expand space and human team.

Well, without a doubt if there is something that attracts attention in your work is the combination you make, we talk about psychology and yoga. We will deepen it a bit if you think ..

What is yoga and what benefits can contribute?

I like to define it as a lifestyle. It is a vital philosophy that covers attention to the physical, mental and spiritual body. In its origins, the purpose of yoga focused more on the spiritual, to connect with the superior, with divinity, although for this the body and mind were also prepared. Today many people think that yoga is gymnastics and this biased vision makes them lose the most important.

The benefits range from knowledge and personal development, to improvement at the physical level, since the strength, elasticity and balance of the body are worked, through mental clarity, improvement of concentration, values ​​... there is a great list that is translates into an improvement in health, in the broadest sense of the word.

What relationship does it keep with psychology?

Well, the main relationship is that both focus on the human being.

From there, psychology relies on a scientific context, trying to verify through the experiment all its expressions, while yoga is somewhat more intuitive, which has transcended over thousands of years which involves its main accreditation.

But curiously, the psychological therapies called third generation, have their inspiration in Buddhist principles, and the famous mindfulness, is nothing other than the meditation of centuries ago adapted to our times. They are undoubtedly currents that promote a return to the essential, spirituality and self -knowledge.

Are there different types of yoga?

Yes, there are many varieties that have emerged over the years, which vary mainly in the physical practice part, since the philosophical and spiritual base is the same for all.

In a nutshell, would you recommend practicing yoga to our visitors?

Of course. Yoga can benefit all people, whatever their age, physical or mental state. Always, you will always be able to find something positive in your practice.

Well, let's see your relationship with psychology ..

Do you combine both things in your sessions or do you offer it separately?

They are two services that develop independently, although many patients feel curiosity and the need to practice yoga (and vice versa).

Yes, there are times I take the yoga to the consultation with a patient who needs to lower their level of physical and mental activation to focus on the session. A brief practice of Asana helps them relax and can enter a more productive work in therapy, and incidentally learn this type of techniques to carry them out in their daily lives.

But not only stay there, because you are also nutritional coach, can you tell us something about it too? We of course, a very versatile professional ..

Well, in short, I am interested in everything that refers to the human being, its development and improvement, and food is a very important part of it.

Establishing a healthy relationship with food, beyond the search for the ideal weight or the purely aesthetic would be the objective of psychology from this nutritional perspective.

As we all know, although we are improving (it seems) we have and we are going through an unprecedented pandemic. Has demand in yoga classes increased?

I think that before the circumstances you mention, there was a greater boom of yoga practice, induced by dissemination in social networks and famous characters who have spread their fondness for him. The pandemic situation will have further accentuated this boom. Yoga teaches us to connect with our interior, to understand that, in reality, very little is enough for us to live and be, which is just what we need in difficult times like the ones we have happened.

The same question referring to psychology What do you usually treat more patients?

Here it has been observed direct influence of the situation on the psychological stability of many people. It is something complicated for our brain to accept a totally unknown scenario, impossible or very difficult to control, which highlights our vulnerability to life. It is a process similar to other natural catastrophes, attacks, etc.

The majority of people who have needed psychological attention thanks to this, have developed anxiety problems, depressive mood, and as I tell you, that feeling of helplessness by not being able to control the situation.

These problems of anxious-depressive states are the ones that most request treatment, although I also receive people with other alterations; couple problems, vital dissatisfaction, unresolved duels, food problems, etc.

What advice would you give our visitors about yoga before practicing it?

That they approach him with a lot of respect and with an open mind to soak up this experience

Well thank you aurora, it has been a real pleasure to learn much more about psychology and yoga. See you soon

Thanks to you, see you soon.