What is Sapiosexual

What is Sapiosexual

A few years ago, in a well -known American appointment app, among others, a new concept appeared that users could self -dedicated and specify their sexual preferences: it was the concept of Saposexual, a term that today is the order of the day and with which many feel identified. But what does it mean to be wisdom?

New concepts to define trends

Demisexual, pansexual and many new and more used concepts have begun to give name and voice to all those sexual preferences that they have always existed but that have never been described in such a precise way.

This has positive consequences, since it contributes to make us feel understood and identified With certain trends, in addition to making us easier to search for new companies similar to us. The impact that this form of identification can have, especially in young people They need to self -define and feel part of a society that until recently only contemplated limited options, is necessary to fight against the feeling of exclusion and help feel that we are as perfectly normal as others.

Being sapiosexual, what does it mean?

Focusing on the concept of sapiosexual (from Latin sapiens: wisdom), this term refers to those people who find in the Intelligence the most attractive characteristic of a couple. That is, for a grocery person, intelligence is the feature that wakes up the most sexual attraction, beyond physical attractiveness, status or way of being and do not hesitate to look for couples with a high level in this quality.

An interesting conversation full of new ideas, a different way of perceiving the world that makes us feel intellectually retained, are more exciting for a wisdom than an attractive body or a cheerful personality. Intelligence is undoubtedly an essential evolutionary feature And any other characteristic is in the background when achieving the attraction of the sapiosexuals.

Although women seemed to be the genre that most identified with this category by looking Equal both genres feel identified With this preference for intelligence in their partners. Regarding age, it seems that against More adults We become and more we take into account long -term relationships and commitments, we value this quality more.

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What does science say about it?

The sapiosexual term is a very popular word, but so far There has been no extensive academic research that explain to what extent a person can feel truly sexually excited by his partner's intelligence.

Recently, Intelligence scientific journal has published a study in which it manages to evaluate the properties of this concept. In this study, the data reflects that, although the vast majority of people show desires to find an intelligent couple, beyond, a small percentage of individuals declared to feel Sexually excited by this trait. This percentage would correspond to the sapiosexuals.

The researchers got Psychometrically measure the wisdom, Finding that among 1-8% of young age between 18 and 35, they could be wisdom.

In addition, they found that the association between desire and intellectual quotient was curvilinear: They were more attractive to those individuals with an intellectual quotient of 120, than those with normal intelligence. However, there seems to be limits regarding the level of intelligence that attracts the most since, for individuals with intelligence above the CI of 120, sexual interest dropped slightly. That is, study participants preferred people with more intelligence than average, but when that intelligence exceeded, desire went a bit.

There are many more studies that will need to understand why some people feel sexual preference for one feature or other. Intelligence is a very difficult concept to define in which other characteristics such as vital learning or high sensitivity underlie; Not only the concept of intellectual quotient is the one perceived by someone who is attracted to these characteristics. In addition, sexuality is a complex universe that is lived in a very personal way and many more knowledge is needed to know exactly what attracts us and why it does so.

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