Emophilia falling easily of a stranger

Emophilia falling easily of a stranger

According to the features of our personality and characteristics that define us, people face love relationships in different ways. While some are fearful to show what they feel to others, others are extremely emotionally open, without fear of expressing what happens publicly. On this occasion, we will focus more on the second case to describe emofilia, our topic of interest today.

Neither one or the other is correct to face love, in fact, nobody has a recipe for it. However, in both cases, it is a good measure to identify what kind of group we belong to when it comes to falling in love. Am I distrustful of love? Or rather an extroverted person regarding my feelings, Without fear of commitment. Maybe you are an intermediate point. What we are looking for is that you can become aware of the importance of knowing the implications of how we face love.

Today we will talk about emoophilia, the dangerous tendency to easily fall in love with a stranger. If you want to know more about her and her dangers, then keep reading!


  •  What do we call emotophilia?
  • People who fall into emotophilia: main characteristics
  • Emophilia dangers
  • Learn how to overcome it
    • Bibliographical sources

 What do we call emotophilia?

Maybe you had never heard it, but the term emofilia refers to the dangerous tendency to fall in love with someone you hardly know. Emoophilia implies falling in love quickly, easily and being "completely agree" with the other person immediately (Peter Jones, 2019).

The behavior today known as emotor, perhaps you had heard him mention under the term "emotional promiscuity". Be called in the way that is, emoophilia is an emotional condition that implies a fast falling in love, which is usually given in an easy and very frequent way.

People who suffer from emotor are very gratifying to feel that they have a "special connection" with another person.

But nevertheless, Enter these situations of such emotional openness makes them defenseless, being able to fall into dangerous relationships based on deception and manipulation.

Idealizing someone else can come to blind us, that is why knowing about emotor.

Emotional manipulation in the couple

People who fall into emotophilia: main characteristics

Those people who present this tendency to the easy and sudden crush, as we have already advanced, have certain personal characteristics that make them more prone to it.

Those who easily fall in love intensely, are usually people who feel that they cannot be alone, who will never be happy. Are Emotionally open (They are not afraid.

Those who develop emotor, are insecure people, who need the approval or validation of someone else to trust what they do. People who enjoy Make fantasies, dream of fairy tales love and ideal relationships, quite far from those that occur in the real world.

In addition, it should be noted that, those who express these behaviors, as well as easy and intensely fall in love, Also intense is his reaction to a love break, The most likely end of a relationship initiated between strangers so suddenly. Therefore, those who suffer from emotophilia, usually face long periods of sadness after a love break, And it is necessary to work on your feelings of self -esteem as in your emotional intelligence.

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Emophilia dangers

As you will imagine at this point, sudden crush are rigged with important "red flags" to which we must pay close attention. In fact, the most important dangers of falling in love intense and quickly from someone else are:

  • Who "opens your heart" quickly and without thinking about another person becomes more vulnerable to fall into situations of seriousness in love, such as toxic relationships, manipulators, deceptions and scams. In its blindness and idealization, who is under the trance of emotor.
  • Affect your self -esteem (even more). People who tend to emoophilia, as we saw, They are insecure, they do not trust themselves, they depend on the constant approval of someone else. In short, they have a low selfsteem that, if a love disappointment occurs in the face of a break, it can impoverish even more. People with emotophilia remain totally exposed to suffering serious and important emotional problems, as a consequence of their lack of self -love.
  • Emotional instability. As a consequence of the vulnerability and lack of self -esteem of people who prone to emotophilia, emotional instability becomes customary in them. They fail to be well with themselves and depend on their sexual sexual relationships to be, imagine how severe. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to work in this regard.

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Learn how to overcome it

Overcoming emofilia is not impossible, however, it will surely be a difficult job that will require a lot of will. For a start, The person with emotophilia will hardly acknowledge being in love, Much less depend on a relationship to be fine. Therefore, the emotional support that your environment can provide is crucial for someone with "emotional promiscuity" to leave behind this harmful custom.

A psychological treatment focused on strengthening self -esteem, self -concept and leaving behind emotional dependence will be of great help in these cases. If you know someone with emotor, or you think you can suffer from it, however difficult it may be to recognize the situation, you must work on your self -esteem. Thus you can better your quality of life.

Bibliographical sources

  • Jaffar, r., Jehangir, f., & Muhammad, I. (2021). Romantic Relationship and Self Esteem: The Role of Self Esteem in Prediction of Relationship Satisfaction, Romanticism, and Emophilia. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3 (3).
  • Jones, d. N., & Curtis, S. R. (2017). Emophilia, Partner. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 325-328.
  • Mora Montes, J. M. (2007). Understanding of falling. Cauriensia.