Teenage pregnancy psychological factors

Teenage pregnancy psychological factors

Teenage pregnancy is more frequent than we can think. The WHO establishes The adolescence period between 10 and 19. Thus, it goes from the age when the woman is fertile until the end of adolescence. It is, without a doubt, a phenomenon that entails psychosocial and psychological consequences.

The organization Save the Children notes that 13 million children of women under 20 years old are born. 90% would correspond to countries called "in development" and the remaining 10% to developed countries ". Enrique Menéndez's team (2012), points out that "The complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the main cause of mortality among women between the ages of 15 and 19 in these areas".

Throughout the article, we will see what these consequences are, as well as the theories that address the reason for this type of pregnancies. Adolescence is a vital period in which the subject experiences many changes. In this way, a pregnancy at this stage could be a psychological destabilization of adolescents.


  • How do teenagers think?
  • Psychosocial consequences
  • Teenage pregnancy: psychological consequences
    • Factors associated with pregnancy
    • Risk behaviors
    • Teenage pregnant syndrome
    • Psychological consequences
    • Final reflection
    • Bibliography

How do teenagers think?

One of the first points to be treated in teenage pregnancy is the reason it can happen. Some theories about the evolution of thought speak about. Affirm that In adolescence a concrete thought is passed to abstract logical thinking. What does this change mean?

As Valdivia and Molina (2003) describe, abstract logical thinking "It is characterized by being hypothetical deductive, integrating better what has been learned in the past with the present problems and their planning in the future, in addition allowing to prevent possible consequences before it happens or in situations that have never happened, since it is not limited to experience ".

"The good habits formed in youth make all the difference". -Aristotle-

The authors emphasize that there are teenagers who have not yet developed this type of thought and remain in concrete thinking. In this way, according to Valdivia and Molina, the consequence would be the inability to plan the future in a more flexible and realistic way. At the same time, they would not be able to integrate past experiences and know what the future consequences of their actions will be.

So, according to this theory, Teenagers who have not made the leap to abstract logical thinking would not be able to prevent pregnancy. Because? Due to his inability to provide for the results of his behavior. For example, they would have sex without protection neglecting the risks that would entail.

Psychosocial consequences

Teenage mothers will have to assume a series of roles for those who are not yet prepared. As the Muñóz team (2001) affirms, the roles they must acquire "They carry an adult task such as motherhood, for which it is not psychologically mature". This lack of maturity is accentuated if it is the first adolescence.

"There are no bad young people, but poorly oriented young people". -San Juan Bosco-

Hernández, Kimelan and Montino (2000) highlight that in adolescent families the adaptation process to receive the new member is usually more complex. This is due to "They include subjects in various stages of development; those who are probably not waiting for the arrival of a new member, who will somehow modify their lives". The authors emphasize the event unforeseen and the consequences it can have for individuals who are not yet prepared to receive a new member.

10 questions you should ask before looking to get pregnant

Teenage pregnancy: psychological consequences

Factors associated with pregnancy

Valdivia and Molina (2003) highlight the factors of the behaviors of minors associated with adolescent pregnancy. The authors mention certain aspects as relevant:

  • Family characteristics. There are certain characteristics that could influence teenage pregnancy according to the family context. For example: unstructured families, little family communication, stress or family violence ..
  • Perceived social support. The pregnant women claim to receive less support from their families as well as their surroundings.
  • Intellectual level. A lower logical-abstract thought was found in pregnant adolescents. As the authors claim logical-abstract reasoning "It would allow, in theory, the anticipation of the negative consequences that a pregnancy has".
  • Self-esteem. Low levels of self -concept and self -esteem.
  • Presence or absence of depressive symptomatology. This point is more complex. Depressive symptomatology can mean both a factor that predisposes to pregnancy, as well as a consequence of it.

Risk behaviors

Authors such as Coard, Nitz and Felice (2000) point different risk of risk of teenage pregnancy:

  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Drug's use.
  • Early sexual activity.
  • Prior existence of spontaneous abortion.
  • Low contraceptive use index.

Teenage pregnant syndrome

Lourdes Ibarra (2003), points out the "teenage pregnant syndrome". For the author, This syndrome is based on the failure of different vital aspects of adolescents. Thus, this failure occurs in:

  1. The functions of adolescence such as Acquisition of independence, The achievement of one's identity, the determination of the sexual role and the development of a system of values ​​and vocational choice.
  2. The Continuation of your studies or in its preparation for adult life.
  3. The Construction of a stable family, Usually matrical and single -parent.
  4. Finally, the Failure to hold herself, Depending on your family or social welfare.

Psychological consequences

Martha Restrepo (1991), from the National University of Colombia, points out the following points as psychological consequences in adolescents:

  • Stress related to the management of an unplanned pregnancy and the alteration of educational and occupational plans.
  • Stress due to the transition between the multiple roles produced by motherhood. Both marriage if there were, as the different responsibilities, take place too soon according to the average.
  • Depression, perception of hopelessness, most frequent suicide attempts.
  • Frustration due to the difficulty to achieve educational aspirations and occupational that allow to provide the satisfaction of family needs.

Final reflection

Teenage pregnancy is a complex theme. Definitely, More educational resources are needed to prevent this type of outcome. This is not intended to demonize pregnancy, but to highlight the lack of forecast and the negative consequences that it can have on the life of the adolescent.

As has been seen, when pregnancy is not sought, the life of the young woman can completely unstructure, both psychological, educational, family and professional. Therefore, it is so important to offer sexual information and education to adolescents. Providing them with knowledge and making them think about the consequences of certain acts, it could be a good step towards an improvement in the prevention of this type of pregnancies.


  • Coard, s., Nitz, K and Felice, M. (2000). Repeat Pregnancy Among Urban Adolesnts: Sociodemography, Family and Health Factors. Adolescence, 35, 193-200.
  • Hernández, g., Kimelman, m. and Montino, or. (2000). Perinatal mental health in hospital assistance of childbirth and puerperium. Chilean Medical Magazine, 128, 1283-1289.
  • Ibarra, l. (2003). Adolescence and maternity. Psychological impact on women. Cuban Magazine of Psychology, 20, (1), 43-47.
  • Menéndez, e., Navas, i., Hidalgo, and. And sorry, J. (2002). Pregnancy and her complications in the teenage mother. Cuban Magazine of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 38 (3).
  • Restrepo, m. (1991). Psychological factors in adolescent mothers: intervention within a primary health care program. Psychology Magazine, 26, 57-71.
  • Valdivia m. And Molina, M. (2003). Psychological factors associated with adolescent motherhood in children under 15 years. Magazine of Psychology of the University of Chile, 12, (2), 85-10.