Zinc and its importance to learning

Zinc and its importance to learning

Zinc and learning seem to be related. It is known that this nutrient is necessary for people to be healthy, but what if they could contribute to a person to learn faster?

Almost all the cells of the body have zinc, since this trace element allows people to enjoy Bueva Salud and that the immune system can combat viruses and bacteria.

But, beyond that, some studies and institutions suggest that zinc is necessary for learning.


  • Zinc and learning
  • The importance of zinc
  • What foods can be consumed to get zinc?
    • Bibliography

Zinc and learning

Zinc plays an important role when it comes to manufacturing proteins; That is why, both in pregnancy with childhood, it is usually highly recommended, because The organism demands high amounts to grow and have good development.

In addition to all these benefits, zinc facilitates wound healing, as well as the proper functioning of the sense of smell and taste.

In short, zinc is a very important trace, due to the large number of functions that it fulfills, among which is also the maintenance of intestinal cells, the strengthening of the immune system and bone growth.

It is because of this that, organizations such as the World Health Organization, often worry about children living in nuclei whose family income is low, since, they usually present a lack of this vital nutrient.

As this organism emphasizes, Zinc lack can cause growth delay, In addition to immune alterations, anorexia, skin conditions and, of course, learning problems.

This lack could be due to the poor intake of foods that contain this important nutrient, as well as poor absorption.

For everyone's consideration, Some of the foods that are richer in this trace are those of animal origin, like fish, meat and dairy products. But, who have few income, may not access this type of food.

The importance of zinc

According to Dr. Silvia Padilla, in her study on cognitive development and the role of zinc, There is a relationship between the presence of this nutrient and the learning process, Well, she emphasizes that during the first year of life the brain grows up to 60%, when there is not enough zinc.

This brings consequences in neuronal maturation, in addition to other areas where the cognitive process is affected and damage to learning capacity.

Dr. Padilla exalts food as one of the best ways to obtain zinc, since this component is essential for some 300 enzymes to work properly.

All this finds meaning taking into account that when zinc is released, by brain cells, this generates an impact on learning, even emotional level.

Well, each neuron is receiving a signal, to the extent that chemical neurotransmitters are released and giving rise to the synapse.

In this release and at the entrance of Zinc, it can reside the key to having a good memory and an effective learning process.

Children's amnesia or childhood amnesia

What foods can be consumed to get zinc?

Some of the foods of which zinc can be obtained are the oysters, rich sources of this nutrient; Ave meats, seafood, red meat, lobsters, as well as cereals. The nuts, dairy products, and some grains such as beans also tell the nuts, and some beans.

It is necessary to note that, who suffer from zinc deficiency, could not only have learning difficulties, but also have - in the case of children - a very low growth rate.

Likewise, Sexual development could be delayed in adolescence, And in the case of men, this could cause them impotence.

Other signs that could alert a person to suffer from zinc deficiency is hair loss, skin loss, loss of appetite, difficulty that wounds quickly heaven and impossibility of concentrating.

Today there are various options to obtain this important nutrient that favors the learning process.

Although, its main obtaining is through food, since the contribution of minerals, vitamins and fibers can be obtained, in some cases the intake of dietary supplements could be recommended, always under medical supervision.

It is also relevant to know that zinc can interact with other medications that are being taken, so medical accompaniment is indispensable.

In any case, doing fun test we can also test our memory, concentration and sharpen our mind to learn faster.

Learning styles test


  • Grandy, g., Weisstaub, g., & López de Romana, D. (2010). Iron and zinc deficiency in children. Magazine of the Bolivian Society of Pediatrics49(1), 25-31.
  • Mahomed, k., Bhutta, z., & Middleton, P. (2008). FING SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION TO IMPROVE THE RESULTS OF NEONATE AND PREGNANCY. Cochrane Plus, (4).
  • Restrepo Caro, C., Colonell, m. D. C., Arrollo, J., Martínez, g., Sánchez Majana, L., & Sarmiento-Rubian, L. TO. (2016). Zinc deficiency: a global problem that affects cognitive health and development. Latin American Nutrition Archives66(3), 165-175.
  • Torres López, M. AND. R., Padilla Loredo, S., Reyes Gómez, L. V., & Quintero soto, m. L. (2015). Cognitive development and zinc role.