The universe of emotions, a beautiful inner map

The universe of emotions, a beautiful inner map

Thanks to an interesting and at the same time beautiful work carried out by the well -known scientific disseminator Eduard Punset, the professor of the University of Barcelona specialized in emotional intelligence Rafael Bisquerra, and the Palau Gea design study, the book “Universe of emotions” is born.

This project aims to offer us a graphic representation of human emotions, but not of the six basic emotions that are studied in the Psychology career and based on the Ekman classification: fear, surprise, aversion, anger, joy and sadness, no , they have gone much further and have been extracted until the whopping of 307 different emotions that according to degrees of intensity, and whose vertebral axis are 10 “galaxies”, the previous six and four more: sadness, fear, anger, Surprise, happiness, disgust, anxiety, love, joy and social emotions. They hang a whole universe of emotions.

The six main emotions that we have already commented on are those that articulate all this visual map. Three of them are located at the top: joy, love and happiness; And the other three are located at the bottom: fear, anger and sadness. Then four more levels of emotions appear, according to their degree of importance. Finally, the graphic composition is based on the situation of emotions in terms of positive and negative, and relationships between them.

This beautiful map allows us to visualize and better understand our less logical or rational behavior of human beings

Some scientists have accounted for up to 543 different emotions, but nobody until now had dared to show them graphically.

As Rafael Bisquerra says: “Universe of emotions, a graphic map of who we are and how we interact. Science and art come together in the greatest graphical representation of the emotions known so far. The 307 emotions that this map includes visualizing and understanding our behavior as human beings. A didactic and informative tool, which allows us to know what happens inside us. And most importantly, it helps us to manage our feelings".

And is that one of the main objectives of the book "is to contribute to flying over negative emotions and approaching the positive”, Says Bisquerra.

Below you have images of these beautiful and recently discovered new galaxies.