The rumination disorder, what is it

The rumination disorder, what is it

The rumination disorder in childhood is an unusual disorder that is characterized by the repeated and voluntary regurgitation of food. It is more common in babies and young children, and it is believed that it can be related to problems in the digestive system or neurological development disorders.


  • Symptoms for the diagnosis of rumination disorder
  • Home and course of rumination disorder
  • Rumiation disorder treatment
    • Bibliography

Symptoms for the diagnosis of rumination disorder

In the rumination disorder there is a regurgitation and new food chewing, And this type of conduct lasts at least a month after there has been a normal operation period. Food returns to the mouth half digest without arising nausea or arcades and can be chewed again and swallowed or thrown out of it. That is, the person who suffers from rumination returns from the stomach the food that has not digested, or that has partially digested and this It does so involuntarily and repetitively. These foods are chewed again, they slaughter them or spit them.

The term rumination, applied to both humans and animals, comes from Latin Ruminor, which means "bring the regurgitated from the throat or chew". In some groups of animals this is normal. It occurs with sheep, cows and goats, which are ruminants, but it is not so normal in the case of human beings.

In the case of humans, food has not been digested and it is for them that people suffering from rumination syndrome refer that the taste is normal and not acidic, as in the case of vomiting. In addition, rumiation usually happens every day, shortly after having consumed a meal.

Among its symptoms are the following:

  • Regurgitar effortlessly; It can happen ten minutes after eating.
  • Abdominal pain or pressure, which is relieved by regurgitation.
  • Bad breath.
  • Feeling full.
  • Nausea
  • Involuntary weight loss.

It is observed with higher frequency in children, But it can be seen in older subjects particularly with cognitive deficit.

Among the complications of this syndrome is the damage that the tube located between the mouth and the stomach may suffer, that is, the esophagus; In addition, you can give a weight loss that is not healthy, malnutrition, feeling of shame, bad breath, social isolation, among others, so it is important to be treated.

The rumination disorder is usually related to spicy disorder, as both are eating disorders.

Among its causes, a precise cause is not yet known, however, it is suspected that it can be an increase in abdominal pressure. Many times the rumination syndrome is confused with bulimia nervosa.

However, it has long been known that rumination can be given in babies and in people with disabilities in their development, so it is now known with precision that The condition is not directly related to age, since it can occur in children, adolescents and adults, Although there is more likely to happen in people suffering from depression, anxiety or other psychiatric disorders.

They also usually present irritability between regurgitation episodes. Hungry are shown and eat abundance, although there may be malnutrition due to regurgitation immediately after eating without giving time to digest food. In acute cases there may be Weight loss and even death (up to 25%). There may also be erosion of gums and teeth. Abandonment, stimulation failure and stressful situations are predisposing factors, as well as the bad paternal-philial relationship. Sometimes he attends a disorder of food ingestion in childhood.

Home and course of rumination disorder

The beginning of the rumination disorder is variable and can begin at any time during childhood, childhood or adolescence. In some cases, the symptoms can begin in early childhood, even in children between 3 and 12 months of age, except in subjects with cognitive deficit.

In children the disorder usually sends spontaneously except in some cases in which the course is continuous.

The course of rumination disorder can also vary in each person. In some cases, the disorder can last only a few weeks or months, while in other cases it can be a chronic disorder that lasts several years. It is important to look for an adequate diagnosis and treatment to prevent possible long -term complications.

Without treatment, the rumination disorder can lead to a series of Medical complications, including nutrition and growth problems, dehydration, electrolytic imbalances, dental problems and gastrointestinal problems. In addition, the disorder can have a negative impact on the emotional and social well -being of the affected person.

The technique of hemispheric glasses

Rumiation disorder treatment

The treatment of rumination disorder can involve a variety of approaches, depending on the individual needs of each person. The treatment can be a complicated process and requires the collaboration of a team of health professionals, such as a pediatrician, a gastroenterologist, a psychologist and a nutritionist. Some of the treatment options include:

  • Identification and treatment of any underlying medical problem: If an underlying medical cause of rumination disorder is identified, such as a gastrointestinal or neurological problem, it should be properly treated to help improve symptoms.
  • Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy can help the person learn to control the symptoms of rumination disorder, through techniques such as muscle relaxation and positive visualization. It can also involve learning ability to handle anxiety and stress.
  • Psychological therapy: Psychological therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help the person identify and change the patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to rumination disorder. You can also help the person develop social and emotional skills to improve their general well -being.
  • Nutritional advice: A nutritionist can work with the person to develop a healthy and balanced eating plan that meets their nutritional needs.
  • Emotional and social support: It is important that the person with rumination disorder receives emotional and social support from their family, friends and health professionals to manage disorder and prevent problems related to social and emotional development.

It is important to keep in mind that the treatment of rumination disorder must be adapted to the individual needs of each person and adjusted as necessary as it progresses in the treatment. Early and effective treatment can help improve symptoms and prevent long -term complications.


  • Cánovas, p., & Baquero, M. (2019). Rumiation disorder: Diagnosis and treatment in children and youth population. EOS Editorial.
  • González, m., & González, A. (2016). Eating disorders in childhood and adolescence: rumination and other associated disorders. Editorial Synthesis.
  • Otero, s. (2017). Eating disorders in childhood and adolescence. Pan -American Medical Editorial.
  • Ruiz, r. (2016). Eating disorders. Treatment from clinical psychology. EOS Editorial.
  • Vazquez, m. AND., & Tomé, M. B. (2017). Eating disorders: bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders. Sanz and Torres Editorial.
  • Married, a. G., Liñán, m. J. L., Orozco, e. B., GARAVENTA, a. TO., Beltrán, m. TO., Vidaur, f. TO., & Canton, or. S. (2018, February). Rumiation syndrome: diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties of a not -so -unusual process. In Annals of Pediatrics (Vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 100-105). Elsevier Doyma.
  • Chahuan, j., King, p., & Monrroy, H. (2021). Rumiation syndrome. Review article. Gastroenterology Magazine of Mexico.