Adaptive disorder. Symptoms, causes and treatment

Adaptive disorder. Symptoms, causes and treatment

He Adaptive disorder It is a psychological condition characterized by the union of a group of symptoms that appear when a person is experiencing an intense period of stress Due to contextual changes. Is a excessive and abnormal reaction by an individual to a stressful event that causes problems in different aspects of his life.


  • When an adaptive disorder may appear
  • Symptoms of adaptive disorder
    • Cognitive and emotional symptoms
    • Physical symptoms
    • Behavioral symptoms
  • Causes of adaptive disorder
  • Treatment of adaptive disorder
    • Links of interest

When an adaptive disorder may appear

These changes can be of a different nature and suppose a great mismatch for people's emotional balance. Some examples of situations that can generate this psychological disorder can be:

  • A moving to a different home or geographical location
  • A rupture or divorce
  • The death of a loved one
  • Own diseases or health problems or loved people
  • Economic problems
  • Natural catastrophes or accidents
  • Family problems
  • Problems in the educational context

It is not easy to predict whether after a stressful situation of this nature the person could develop this disorder. While some can recover and continue their lives without experiencing this condition, other people may not do it. The lack of previous coping skills, The way in which people have learned to deal with stress and anxiety, as well as social skills, will be very influential when developing this disorder.

Although this syndrome may resemble Post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), There are some differences between the two: while the PTSD usually appears one month after the traumatic event and its extension is very durable, the symptoms of adaptive disorder are developed during the occurrence of the stressful event, or immediately after having experienced it. These do not usually last more than six months, although the period can be extended if the stressful event continues in our lives.

Adaptive disorder can be presented at the same time with other disorders such as depression or generalized anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of adaptive disorder

The symptoms of adaptive disorder can change from one person to another. In adolescents and children, these are usually more focused on behavioral problems such as fights, absence in school or other behavioral problems. Adults, however, usually experience more emotional and cognitive symptoms, such as sadness or anxiety.

Some of the general symptoms that occur in this disorder are:

Cognitive and emotional symptoms

  • Feelings of sadness and/or hopelessness
  • Crying and frequent cry
  • Sleeping problems
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive concern
  • Agitation

Physical symptoms

  • Headache or stomach
  • Palpitations
  • Lack of energy and tiredness
  • Tremors
  • Changes in appetite

Behavioral symptoms

  • Isolation of other people or social activities
  • Problematic or challenging behaviors (aggressive conduction, vandalism ...)
  • Self -destructive behavior
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Causes of adaptive disorder

Although the main cause of the appearance of this disorder is The experimentation of a stressful factor, There are some factors that will promote their development to a greater or lesser extent. Not all people who experience a stressful event will react in the same way. That is why some conditions can possess an important role, these can be genetic factors, a low development of coping skills, unfavorable economic conditions, great susceptibility to stress or problems in social skills.

Treatment of adaptive disorder

To eliminate symptoms and make the patient return to their normal life, there are effective treatments that can be carried out, always hand in hand with psychological health professionals.

Many people who suffer or have suffered this disorder have managed to recover completely through psychological intervention, which is why it is very important to seek help and get in the hands of a good professional.

A very advised treatment is psychotherapy. Specifically, the cognitive-behavioral therapy It is a treatment that is usually carried out in these cases and that helps people identify the patterns of thought and behavior that keep them in a negative situation, to replace these behaviors and thoughts with more adaptive ones, as well as face those fears or concerns that maintained them.

Adding this therapy with the Learning relaxation techniques, group therapies, can also be very helpful in these cases. Family therapies can also be very useful, especially when the patient is a child or adolescent. Sometimes, pharmacological treatment can also be prescribed to alleviate those symptoms related to anxiety or depression.

Links of interest

Adjustment disorder https: // medlineplus.GOV/ENCY/ARTICLE/000932.htm

Understanding Adjustment Disorders. https: //