The black leg test, what is it and what it analyzes

The black leg test, what is it and what it analyzes

He Black Pata Test is a projective test Created by the French doctor and psychiatrist Louis Corman, who presented nineteen sheets with pig drawings.

The illustrations were made by Paul Dauce and two smaller pigs appear in them.


  • Black Pata Test sheets
  • Analyzed topics
    • Bibliography


According to the Tabernacle Yárnoz Yaben, in her article on the factor analysis of the black leg test, the 1961 test dates back.

In the sheets, initially situations were presented in which the maternal figure and its interaction with black leg and the other pigs were highlighted, but then added two more sheets, in later years, in which it also granted importance to the father, who interacted with black dual way.

The test provides Information about the psychic dynamics of the subject: Setting the main stages of childhood -oral, anal and oedipal-, aggressiveness, conflicts, dependence-independence, guilt, in addition to the perception that the subject has on the maternal and paternal figure and their relationship with them.

With this test you can identify any conflict in the personality of the analyzed subject, however, like most projective tests, There is a risk of providing subjectivity, In addition to the presence of many variables, which could subtract reliability.

However, the test is applied today broadly, both in the clinic and in the investigation and, although the black leg test is usually applied from four to fourteen years, as time has elapsed extending the age range for application, and may even be adult.

Black Pata Test sheets

The black leg test has the following sheet division:

  • Frontispice sheet: in which they appear to the characters;
  • Common sheets: which are known as "the adventures of black leg". This section is made up of sixteen sheets;
  • Final sheet: in which a fairy appears that will grant three wishes to Pata Negra. Thus, the evaluated will ask for three wishes and give an explanation of them.

In the first instance, The children's front sheet is presented so that they become familiar with the characters in the test. There you will meet all the members of the Black Pata Family.

The child will designate each member by giving him a status, that is, he will call the mother, the father, brother, among others, as well as an age.

Next, The child is shown all the sheets and is asked to choose only those who like to proceed to tell a story about them.

The sheets that the child does not select, will be left within their reach at an adjacent table so that, in any case, they can take them and integrate them into their history if you change your mind.

Generally, the stories that the child tells are recorded, transcribed and later analyzed.

As mentioned, The black leg test is used to explore the child's personality, his conflicts and defenses of psyche.

The method he uses is that of free expression, from perceptive stimuli.

It can be given the case in which the observer asks directed questions, especially to clarify some aspects of the story, but, avoiding suggestion.

These questions, mostly, They are made if any scotomization is identified, that is, the possibility that the subject denies the existence of facts that he has lived, but that cannot tolerate, so "do not see" content, memories and images.

In these cases, the sheet in question is taken and the individual is asked if you do not see something special in that specific sheet.

Likewise, Synthesis questions can be asked, in order to investigate what are the feelings that the child has regarding the characters and the test itself.

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Analyzed topics

The issues analyzed with the black leg test are the following:

  • Orality: related to the function of nutrition;
  • Pleasant sensations: when children begin to build their sexual identity and shape emotional relationships;
  • Aggressiveness or fraternal rivalry: that is, conflicts between parents and brothers, which can cause frustration;
  • The guilt: referring to the aggressiveness drives that are frustrated and, before impotence, the child feels guilty;
  • Dependence-independence: Search for independence and demonstration of authority;
  • Nutrice Father: when the father is the one who represents the role of the mother;
  • Ideal mother: observed in conflicts that arise from the lack of love of the mother;
  • Aggressive paternal figure: When the father, in history, damages or hits, either to black leg or others;
  • Paternal authority: when the father gives orders to black paw or others;
  • Maternal Authority: If it is the mother who gives orders;
  • Danger defender: when the father saves black or others from hurry situations, among others.

All these issues are analyzed in the sheets, which, depending on the answers, allows identifying the conflicts present in whom it is evaluated.

Finally, Another important issue that is analyzed is that of loneliness, When Pata Negra, or any other member, leaves home for feeling hurry or in danger.

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  • Badiola León, J. M. (1982). Affectivity through the black paw.
  • Ballús, e., Houses, m., Virgili, c., & Pérez-Scotor, C. (2015). EVALUATION OF TRIANGULAR RELATIONS: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF AN INSTRUMENT FROM THE BLACK PATA PROJECTIVE TEST. ALOMA: Magazine of Psychology, Ciències de l'E Educació i de l'Est Blanquerna, 33 (2), 87-94.
  • Corman, l., & Dauce, P. (2001). Black Pata Test. Torch.
  • Fraga, m. (2016). Analysis of responses to the "black leg test" in battered children.
  • Yaben, s. AND. (1993). Analysis of the factorial structure of the black paw test. Annals of Psychology/Annals of Psychology, 9 (2), 177-186.