The symptom of a culture of violence the death penalty

The symptom of a culture of violence the death penalty

We know that every day, perhaps just at this time, some state executes or condemns a person to death as punishment for some crime, and sometimes for acts that should not be punished, later, not with such a level of action. In some countries, this penalty can be imposed for drug -related crimes, while in others it is reserved for acts of terrorism and murders.

What makes the difference? Maybe, and only maybe, the death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, but not its solution.

Continue reading to learn more about the death penalty!


  • History of the death penalty
  • Definition of death penalty
  • Death penalty application methods
  • Currentness of the death penalty
    • In favor of the death penalty
    • Against the death penalty
    • Resources

History of the death penalty

The origin of the death penalty is found in the Acts of revenge that were carried out between the tribes and families before the offenses received by the clan. However, with evolution the tribal societies were installed in which the system itself was limiting such revenge actions.

Specifying a little more, we find the origin of the death penalty in the Hammurabi code, that dates from the seventeenth century to.C., in which the so -called and known Law of Talion and his famous phrase "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth".

However, the death penalty has existed since the most remote seniority.

Inquiring in history, One of the best known cases was Socrates, moment in which he pronounces one of his famous phrases "a life without examination is not worth living". In this case, the philosopher voluntarily drank.

Formerly, there was another type of death penalty called crucifixion, method with which this penalty applied in the Law of the XII Tables in the 5th century.C.

Since World War II the tendency to abolish the death penalty has been generalized.

In 1977 Amnesty International reported 16 countries that completely abolished capital punishment for all crimes.

Definition of death penalty

The term death penalty derives from Latin Poena Mortis, pity that applied in ancient Rome with a more religious sense.

The truth is that when we refer to death penalty, we are referring to established punishment, after the opinion of a judge or a judge, which consists of taking the life of a person who has committed a serious crime breaking the law.

The terms capital penalty or execution are contemplated as synonyms.

In this way, the death penalty is considered a type of penalty of physical or bodily because the body of the person receives directly in very diverse ways.

It is important to make the following clarification: The death penalty can only be declared by an authority after a trial that rules this maximum punishment.

Every October 10 World Death Penalty is celebrated.

What is forensic psychology?

Death penalty application methods

In the past, this type of conviction was an execution that was carried out through methods such as The bonfire, gallows or decapitation by ax, sword or the famous guillotine.

At present, the methods have evolved to electric chairs or lethal injections. However, In some Islamic countries, traditional methods are still used such as decapitation with sword or stoning.

Currentness of the death penalty

According to Amnesty International data, 657 executions distributed in 20 countries were registered in 2019, which meant a 5% decrease compared to 2018, in which at least 690 executions were recorded. This is the lowest number of executions registered by Amnesty International in at least a decade.

Most executions took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt, in this order.

Continuing with the information provided by this organization, in some countries They execute people who were under 18 at the time of committing the crime; others apply capital punishment to people with psychic and intellectual disabilities; and others apply it in the context of judgments without due guarantees, clearly violating international norms and law.

So it is that there are many cases of people who spend years convicted to death, without knowing when the time will come or if you can see your family again.

In favor of the death penalty

It is important to note that there have been many people who have been in favor of the death penalty. One of the main reasoning used is that People who have committed serious crimes such as homicides, violations, drug trafficking, among others, must be punished in order to avoid repeating and reducing violence.

Against the death penalty

On the other hand, a large number of people maintain a firm fight against the death penalty. A very representative example is found in Amnesty International, which opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception, regardless of who is the accused person, of their guilt or innocence, of nature and the circumstances of the crime and the Execution method.

Amnesty International argues that The death penalty constitutes a human rights violation And, in particular, of the Right to life and the right not to suffer torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or sorrows. These two rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 by the United Nations.


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