Wild Man syndrome, what is it

Wild Man syndrome, what is it

Wild Man's syndrome is also known as a wild pork syndrome 'and is considered a cultural syndrome that affects the mental health of some men in New Guinea.

These men They become clumsy, hyperactive and, in addition, they suffer from amnesia. In New Guinea it is also called Guria either Longlo.


  • Wild Man syndrome
  • Historical background
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatments
    • Bibliography

Wild Man syndrome

Wild Man syndrome is a socially built disorder of the Gururumba tribe.

This condition is characterized by involuntary antisocial behavior followed by amnesia and then a resumption of normal life.

In Wild Man syndrome, The member of the, usually freshly married, loots the houses of its neighbors and is lost in the forest for a couple of days. When he returns, he does it without the articles he has stolen.

Apparently, these attacks occur when man could not comply with financial obligations in his home.

Those who have lived these episodes are then considered by people from the tribe, even by those affected, since they estimate that it is a disease transmitted by ghost of members of the tribe who have recently died.

This syndrome has a limitation: it usually happens to men whose age ranges between 25 and 35 years of age. In the tribe, they consider it as a disease.

Historical background

There are those who believe that behaviors are the product of culture and not of biological factors. Therefore, the various emotions that express themselves change between cultures, as well as the way of thinking is also conditioned by the social environment.

In the western world, Wild Man or wild man syndrome is not usual, but, it is frequent in the tribe of Gururumba.

It should be noted that the name of this syndrome is due to the fact that there are certain domesticated pigs that cross a temporal state in which they become wild, but, with the appropriate measures, the pig can return to its domesticated state.

Therefore, in the tribe of Gururumba It is believed that who has that condition of wild man is similar to that of pigs And that can return to your normal life.

Who begins to suffer from the wild man syndrome can behave aggressively, violent, steal things of little importance, among others, but almost never physically aggregate to other people, but after a couple of days they return to their normal routine lives.

There are those who, before returning to their normal life, decide to venture in the forest for several days and in that period they destroy the objects that have been stolen.

In the western world, this type of behavior would be considered as a psychotic, however, this is not in New Guinea, where the behavior of wild man spreads and becomes a kind of public show.

In fact, Many spectators enjoy these types of cases of those who begin to suffer from Wild Man syndrome and leave their daily activities only to observe. They also find fun when the wild man, suddenly, turns against the group and begins to persecute them.

The common elements in these cases are that the pattern takes place in an environment where there is an audience, since it can occur on festive or ceremonial occasions; In addition, there are unoccupied grasslands and forests to which the wild man can flee.

An important detail is that the wild man should not take anything without the owner consent. In the case of important articles, these are protected.

Jerusalem syndrome, a biblical delirium


Among the symptoms is that, in wild man, the respiratory rate increases, as well as the circulatory system. In the case of skin temperature, it decreases. In addition, you can experience sweating, tremors, dizziness, fast heart rate, aphasia and double vision.

Likewise, some alterations in motor activity are given, then, the wild man, is under a state of hyperactivity, shouts, has attacks that are spontaneous, interrupts the individuals who are gathered, spread objects and seems to have no control About his body.

On some occasions, who suffers from Wild Man syndrome can fall or collide with other people or things, without realizing it. It is also difficult for him to make movements with his legs and arms.


In the belief system of the Gururumba tribe It is believed that the syndrome occurs when a member is bitten by the spirit of a relative who has recently died.

Also, it is believed that it can occur after having ingested fungi or some plants, leaves, bark or certain fruits. It is also believed that it can occur due to nicotine poisoning or by the consumption of green tobacco leaves.


In Most cases the syndrome continues its course without the need for any treatment, Until the person returns to normal.

In those cases in which man returns to the village, even in a wild state, then the subject is captured and subject to certain ceremonial acts.

However, there are certain criticisms, then, there are those who consider that the wild man syndrome, or Wild Man, only occurs when man cannot fulfill his financial obligations and does so as a form of excuse.

Tricophagy or Rapunzel Syndrome


  • Ayalew, w., Danbaro, g., Dom, m., Amben, s., Besari, f., Moran, c., & Nidup, k. (2011). Genetic and cultural meaning of indigenous pigs in papu. Animal Genetic Resources/Resources Animal Géniques/Genetic Animal Resources48, 37-46.
  • Godelier, m. (2010). Community, Society, Culture. Three keys to understanding conflict identities. Social Anthropology Notebooks, (32), 13-29.
  • Hardy, k. (2006). Logic carved and material culture of the wola. Papua New Guinea. Ethnoarcheology of prehistory: beyond analogy. Treballs d'Etnoarcheology6, 141-160.
  • Iglesias, p. (2009). Aggressiveness disorder due to insecurity (API syndrome).