Münchhausen syndrome, a factitious disorder

Münchhausen syndrome, a factitious disorder

He Münchhausen syndrome, Also known as factical disorder is a psychological disorder in which affected people produce themselves symptoms or signs that correspond to fictional health problems in order to achieve a Emotional gratification In its social context, either in the form of care or attention.


  • What is Münchhausen syndrome
  • Causes and Risk Factors
  • Münchhause syndrome symptoms
  • Münchhausen syndrome treatment
    • Links of interest

What is Münchhausen syndrome

This deliberate production of symptoms occurs in repeatedly In people who suffer from this disorder and are usually carried out to pretend diseases, whether physical, cognitive or emotional even though they do not suffer.

The symptoms produced can be physical or psychological And so that it can be discussed of Müchausen syndrome, these acts must be carried out due to causes related to internal emotions, such as a need for attention, but not for reasons that imply some practical benefit, such as those linked to some motivation economic.

People affected by this syndrome can go through complicated medical tests and even risk operations in order to obtain the compassion or sympathy of the people around them, as well as pretending symptoms or signs such as introducing blood into urine or car test.

That is why this disease can become dangerous for patients, since damage infringement to create certain symptoms can lead to real complications. For example, some patients They can ingest medications that do not correspond to them since they do not suffer the disease for those that are prescribed and that produce dangerous side effects although they really do not need to take them.

A variant of Münchhausen syndrome, is Münchhause's syndrome by powers, a psychological disorder in which the person who suffers from it causes symptoms to other people on whom there is a power, as young children, to generate attention and compassion Of the people around.

Causes and Risk Factors

The causes of Münchhausen syndrome are not clear, although there are some factors that can increase the risk of this disorder. Some of these factors can be environmental, such as having a close relationship with a relative who suffers a serious disease or having suffered a serious physical condition during childhood. Losing a loved one during childhood for a disease or abandonment or child traumas such as abuse can be important when influencing this disorder, as well as living in isolation and feeling comforted by the care achieved by the professionals of the professionals of the health. Other important causes may be other personality disorders or a great lack of identity and self -esteem.

Although these circumstances can be important for the appearance of the disorder, the causes are not clear, due, in part, to the lack of usual cooperation of patients to carry out treatments for this condition.

This psychological disease is considered rare, since it does not seem to affect more than 1% of the population. However, it is a difficult disease to catalog in statistical terms, since it is usually difficult to detect. Patients suffering from Müchausen syndrome They are usually regular at multiple health centers and usually provide false information about their cynical history.

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Münchhause syndrome symptoms

Müncanchasen syndrome is contemplated in the DSM V, diagnostic and statistical manual of psychological disorders, such as a factitic disorder. This must be officially diagnosed by a mental health professional in the face of the presentation of symptoms that indicate the possibility of their condition, but should not be affirmed through suspicions. Some of the symptoms that indicate a possible Müchausen syndrome are:

  • Dramatic and inconsistent medical history, without too much documentary evidence
  • Unclear and uncontrollable symptoms that are inconsistent with medical findings
  • Symptoms that seem more and more severe, even if the treatment is being given
  • Evidence of induced physical symptoms
  • Visits to many different doctors or health centers
  • Excessive scars
  • Frequent hospitalizations
  • Have few visits when hospitalizations occur
  • Handling tests such as urine analysis, blood or instruments such as the thermometer.
  • Wide technical information about diseases and medical disorders
  • Cheerful or positive attitude that contrasts with the serious problems it reports
  • Rejection of the possibility that the health professional speaks with relatives or relatives

Münchhausen syndrome treatment

Treating this psychological problem is very important for health, not only psychological and emotional of the patient, but also physical, since the self -induction of symptoms, which can become from self -medication to injuries, can become dangerous for the patient. However, due to the nature of the disorder, patients usually deny the existence of it and refuse to undergo any treatment.

When psychological treatment occurs, behavioral cognitive therapy is usually used. Through this therapy, they are treated and confronted by those unrealistic beliefs and statements that sustain erroneous behavioral patterns to replace them with others more appropriate for the patient's health. In addition, pharmacological treatment such as anxiolytic or antidepressants can be suggested when the health professional considers it appropriate.

Links of interest

  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders 5th ed. Arlington Va, American Psychiatric Publishing PP 324-326
  • Huffman JC, Stern Ta. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2003; 25: 358-363. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Müchausen's Syndrome
  • https: // my.Clevelandclinic.org/Health/Disease
  • https: // www.MedicalNewstody.com/ARTICLES/167813