Cushing syndrome, what is it?

Cushing syndrome, what is it?

He Cushing's syndrome It is a rare disease that occurs as a result of possessing High levels of cortisol hormone in the body. This syndrome produces symptoms such as weight gain, muscular weakness and high blood pressure and its treatment is essential for the consequences of their conditions not to be dangerous. To understand this disorder, we must before deepen the hormone that causes it: the Cortisol.


  • What is cortisol?
  • Causes of Cushing Syndrome
  • Cushing syndrome symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing Syndrome
    • Bibliographic references

What is cortisol?

He Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone produced in the Kidney glands which increases the blood glucose level, participates in the functioning of the immune system and blood pressure. In addition, among other things, it helps Control stress levels being secretly when the body prepares to carry out some action that requires greater consumption of glucose, which is why this hormone is usually considered as the stress hormone.

However, excess cortisol can cause the syndrome we are talking about today, also known as Hypercortisolism.

Causes of Cushing Syndrome

Excess cortisol can be caused by different causes. One of them can be the use of Corticosteroid medications during a long season. These medications, such as prednisone, are usually used in the treatment of diseases in which there is inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Cushing syndrome can also be caused by medications indicated after a surgical transplant, in prevention against the rejection of a transplanted organ.

Another cause that this syndrome can generate can be a cortisol blockbuster created by the body itself. This can be caused by adrenal gland diseases, as well as by the growth of a tumor in these glands, which makes its operation correct. There may also be a tumor or other problem in The pituitary gland that generates adrenocorticotropa hormone (Acth), A hormone that stimulates adrenal glands when generating cortisol.

This disease is not very common and usually affects women between 20 and 40 years.

Stress and adversity in childhood can modify the brain

Cushing syndrome symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms in Cushing Syndrome are:

  • Weight gain, especially around the abdomen, the top of the back, face and shoulders. General obesity. The arms and legs, however, are usually thin.
  • Rounded face
  • Stretch marks in areas such as thighs, arms, abdomen, breasts and face.
  • Very fine skin that tends to easily bruise
  • Difficulty when healing skin problems
  • Difficulty thinning
  • Acne
  • Tiredness, fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Headache
  • Increased urination
  • Irritability and depression trends
  • In women, amenorrhea can be given: loss or irregularities in menstruation, as well as an increase in the beautiful facial.

Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing Syndrome

To diagnose Cushing syndrome, health professionals analyze cortisol levels in the body through physical exams and laboratory tests, such as blood, saliva or urine analysis. Image studies such as computerized axial tomography or magnetic resonances that provide images of the pituitary and adrenal glands to check if there is an anomaly.

He treatment to carry out It will depend on the causes that have produced the syndrome

Thus, when the causes are related to the excessive use of corticosteroids, responsible doctors can indicate a periodic reduction of these drugs. This must be done with professional control and supervision, never on our own, since the sudden suppression of a pharmacological treatment could present health problems by drastically reducing cortisol levels.

When the causes of this disorder are due to Tumors In the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland, the most recommended treatment is surgery to remove these formations.

Thus, it will be the surgeon who will be in charge of removing the tumor. In addition, radiotherapy together with this operation may be necessary to control the tumor when surgery fails to eliminate it completely.

Another common treatment is prescription of medications They control cortisol hormone levels. A novel and effective drug that is usually used to treat this disorder is passeotida, which manages to normalize the overproduction of cortisol.

If there is no adequate treatment of this disease, long -term negative consequences, such as bones and muscles, bone fractures, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, infections or enlargement of pituitary tumors can.

That is why the best is Start with a treatment as soon as possible, in order to prevent this type of consequences. Thus, before the condition of the aforementioned symptoms, it is best to look for medical opinion and follow the steps indicated by health professionals.

Bibliographic references

  • Páez-Peda, m., & Aranda, to. (2016). Cushing Syndrome: Pathophysiology and therapeutic approach. Endocrinology and Nutrition, 63 (7), 359-368.
  • Valdés Socin, H., & Beckers, A. (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing Syndrome. Chilean Medical Magazine, 144 (10), 1341-1349.
  • Páez-Peda, m., & Aranda, to. (2019). Cushing Syndrome: Differential diagnosis and therapeutic management. Clinical Medicine, 153 (10), 401-406.
  • Espinosa-de-Los-Monteros, a. L., & Mercado, M. (2019). Cushing Syndrome: Update in its diagnosis and treatment. Medical Magazine of the General Hospital of Mexico, 82 (3), 117-123.
  • Handotas Cabarcas, to., & López Martínez, J. L. (2019). Cushing Syndrome: Bibliographic review and therapeutic approach. Colombian Journal of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, 6 (2), 70-78.
  • Cushing Syndrome: Causes and Symptoms. https: //
  • Cushing's Syndrome. https: // www.NHS.UK/Conditions/Cushings-Syndrome/
  • Cushing's Syndrome. https: // www.Betterhealth.Vic.GOV.AU/Health/Conditionsandtreatment/Cushings-Syndrome