The secret of happiness

The secret of happiness

During the history of humans the search for happiness has been the engine of their thoughts and actions in an endless search for the key or the secret of true happiness.


  • Philosophy and the search for happiness
  • Habits, needs and happiness
  • What do research on happiness say
    • Bibliographic references

Philosophy and the search for happiness

Happiness, therefore, has been assumed by philosophy as one of its greatest interests of knowledge from the first philosophers, as Aristotle who defined happiness in his book entitled "Ethics to Nicómaco" as a state depending on ourselves through The continuous practice of virtue. Specifically with these phrases:

If happiness is not exclusively sent by the gods, but We obtain it for the practice of virtue, through a long learning or constant struggle, That is why it ceases to be one of the most divine things in our world, since the price and term of virtue is obviously an excellent and divine thing and true happiness. And he adds that happiness is in a way accessible to all, because there is no person to whom it is not possible to achieve happiness, through knowledge of due habits.

To be virtuous, then, you learn with the practice of good habits, with training in those habits and with experience and time to develop them.

Habits, needs and happiness

Abraham Maslow, one of the precursors of the current positive psychology, staggered those habits starting from our most basic vital needs to the most complex, following a sequence and progression of development of virtuous habits in which the personal spheres of action must begin with Optimization in our basic needs that constitute physiological needs, by improving our basic habits of life or vital style, such as the usual practice of physical exercise and good quality of rest and repair sleep.

Once this facet is improved through the establishment and development of healthy habits, we can act at a second level where the proposal for resilient improvement is located in the field of Security needs vital Regarding making our life conveniently ordered without excessive personal or family risk factors.

Maslow's theory of human needs: how to achieve self -realization?

On a third level, we will place the promotion of resilient habits in the field of membership needs and social affiliation that we have people to be positively recognized by those around us and feel integrated into networks and social groups through the development of sociable and communicative habits.

Once the above needs have been secured, the resilient improvements will meet the Valuation, respect and recognition needs both by others and towards ourselves.

And finally, once a vital minimum of previous human needs is assured, we will be in condition of aspiring to a beneficial self realisation, giving meaning and purpose to our lives and thus facilitating that new happiness to which today challenges us.

Subsequently, in 2009 the results of research directed by Seligman (one of the most relevant propensators of the development of positive psychology) were published, which aimed in the field of membership needs and social affiliation Already previously announced by the psychologist Maslow, the importance (in the positive emotional states of happiness) of the development of positive social ties since in his study it was revealed that the most sociable people were the ones who felt happy.

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What do research on happiness say

More recently we have known the results of the research "The Harvard Study of Adult Development" [Harvard's study on the development of adults]. In this relevant longitudinal research that began in 1939 with two independent parallel investigations: one in 268 Harvard students -among which he was, one John F. Kennedy- and another in 456 adolescents inhabitants of Boston marginal neighborhood. The longitudinal study over the years has taken data from people in their vital development and as time has passed has extended to their partners and offspring. By conducting questionnaires and periodic interviews, data on their vital avatars have been obtained, as well as psychophysical analysis or brain resonances. As researchers also age, just like study subjects, Waldinger is already their fourth director.

The most relevant key of the data provided This research that lasts 85 years is that it is not money or professional success as important in our vital satisfaction. The study results are demonstrating that social relations are most influences satisfaction With our life and even to a large extent, what is last.

To obtain emotional benefits of this training and knowledge of positive psychology, it is not enough to read on the subject and understand it but so that emotional effects arise on us, it is necessary to create healthy habits, physically and emotionally, always starting with the simplest possible from the beginning and develop it with discipline, progressively. Compare them usually with other people and you will have known The secret of happiness.

As stated in the book "Resilience; How to overcome pressures and psychosocial adversity”(Coronado-Hijón, 2021), Happiness is an emotional state in which we have an important responsibility, so that we can affirm that our great vital challenge is to learn to be happy and share that happiness with others, maintaining and increasing common experiences of positive emotions.

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Bibliographic references

  • Coronado-Hijón, A, (2021). Resilience; How to overcome pressures and psychosocial adversity. Editorial Universo de Letras (Grupo Planeta)
  • Seligman, m. AND. (2009). What You Can Change ... and What You Can't*: The Complete Guide To Successful Self-Improvement. Vintage.