The tree of achievements, how to draw it?

The tree of achievements, how to draw it?

The tree of achievements is one of the self -esteem techniques that works to reflect on the achievements of each. Is a technique through which each person has the opportunity to analyze the image of himself and focus on positive aspects. Similarly, through this technique, you can identify the mood of the person who is drawing it.

With the technique of the achievements, You can reflect on the positive qualities, the abilities and achievements that have been developed throughout life. Therefore, it must be done calmly and without hurry, because there is no specific time to complete it.


  • The tree of achievements and self -esteem
  • How is the tree of achievements made?
    • Reflection on technique
      • Bibliography

The tree of achievements and self -esteem

Through the technique of the achievement tree, the self -esteem of a person can be analyzed, which corresponds to the positive or negative assessment that each one makes of himself.

As the author Hilary Pérez Villalobos emphasizes, in her study on self -esteem, theories and her relationship with personal success, self -esteem is the predisposition to know each other suitable for life and to meet your own needs, that is, feel competent to face The challenges that arise.

On the contrary, low self -esteem is defined as the difficulty of a person to feel valuable in the deepest of herself and, therefore, to be loved by others.

Those who have low self -esteem often seek, often without being aware, the approval and recognition of others. In addition, they are difficult for them to be themselves and express with freedom what they feel, think and need in their personal relationships, as well as they have difficulty saying 'no' others.

How is the tree of achievements made?

To elaborate a tree of achievements, the first thing to do is A list of all the virtues that the person possesses.

These virtues may include qualities such as patience or goodness, empathy, a good memory, being attractive, among others. To do so, it is necessary to take the necessary time. When we have made this list, another will be elaborated in which the achievements that have been achieved from childhood and of which the person feels proud will be added.

This technique of the achievement tree allows to evaluate the level of self -esteem that the person possesses, since it illustrates the mood.

Once both lists are had, so you must proceed to draw the tree of the achievements itself. For it, A large drawing is made, which occupies the complete blade, and the roots, branches and fruits are drawn. In turn, roots and fruits must have different sizes.

In the roots the positive values ​​are placed, that is, those that are signed on the first list. If the value is considered to be very important and that it has been fundamental to reach large goals, then it must be placed in a thick root, but, if its influence has been minimal, then it can be placed in one of the small roots.

In the area of ​​the fruits the achievements will be pointed out, that is, those who were written on the second list. The greatest fruits will represent those most important and less transcendent achievements, in small fruits.

Once the tree of achievements is over, you must contemplate and reflect on the embodied in it. It is possible that the same person who has elaborated is surprised by all the good qualities he possesses, as well as for all those conquests he has obtained throughout his life.

To be possible, This tree can be shown to a trusted person to add more achievements, Well, many times the person himself is not aware of some achievements that others can see, so, with the help of someone else, more roots and more fruits could be added.

Reflection on technique

This technique of the achievements is very valuable to be able to reflect each personal conquest, however small or large, and help strengthen self -esteem or evaluate how high or low it is.

It should be noted that The family has a very important role in strengthening self -esteem, since it is the first education, socialization and acceptance center of each. In the family is where the person feels loved and accepted as he is, so, the image that the person is formed from his childhood is influenced by the way he perceives that he meets the expectations of his parents. That is why a good family environment is necessary to develop adequate self -esteem.

Having a good self -esteem is fundamental, since this constitutes the center of the personality, it allows to face adversities that may arise, it encourages responsibility, increases creativity, facilitates having healthy social relationships and determines personal autonomy.

In the case of children, it is recommended to observe their potential and help them develop them, that is, give them support to feel special in some activity; Appreciate their achievements without falling in comparisons, giving them love unconditionally, assessing each of their positive qualities, supporting them in the moments that need it, giving them a space to be free and make some decisions that allow them to solve problems for themselves, Praise them and respect them.

Finally, it is important not to demand perfection to the little ones. Some of these suggestions are also valid to strengthen self -esteem in adults.

Self -criticism and perfectionism, what is your relationship


  • Branden, n. (1993). Self -esteem power. Paidos Iberica, Editions S. TO.
  • González-Arratia, n. Yo. (2001). The self-esteem. UAEM.
  • Montoya, m. TO. (2001). Self-esteem. Pax Mexico Editorial.
  • Villalobos, h. P. (2019). Self -esteem, theories and their relationship with personal success. Recovered from http: // www. alternatives. ME/ATTACHMENTS/ARTICLE/190/2.% 20Autoestima,% 20t Eor% C3% ADAS% 20y% 20Su% 20 Relationship% C3% B3n% 20con% 20el 20el 20el 20eltwenty, C3.